Week 10 Discussion 1


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Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Broderick and Blewitt (2015). I need this completed by 01/30/18 at 5pm.  My assigned family is the Joeng Family attached.

Discussion 1: Developmental Challenges in Middle Adulthood

All we know about the future is that it will be different.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Adulthood has a way of spurring a false sense of stability and predictability. For example, adults who have settled into a successful career and family routine often start each morning with a clear vision of what the day will bring. However, what happens when the unexpected happens? How do unforeseen circumstances such as a natural disaster, medical complication, car accident, layoff, an unfaithful partner, or addiction alter one’s life path and overall happiness? These are events that may lead someone to see a counselor. As such, counselors must equip themselves with a wide range of strategies and approaches that will support their adult clients as they create counseling goals and interventions.

For this Discussion, review this week’s media, “Middle Adulthood.”Focus on your assigned client in your case study family. Before crafting your post, also consider the points raised in the media, “Perspectives: Middle Adulthood.”

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Post by Day 3 a conceptualization of the client that you were assigned. Then, describe two developmental challenges associated with that client. Finally, describe two potential counseling goals and two interventions you could use for the client using a wellness perspective. Justify your response with references to this week’s Learning Resources and the current literature. Be specific.


· Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

o Chapter 13, “Middle Adulthood: Cognitive, Personality, and Social Development” (review pp. 478-525)

o Chapter 14, “Living Well: Stress, Coping, and Life Satisfaction in Adulthood” (pp. 526-555)

Diehl, M., & Hay, E. L. (2010). Risk and resilience factors in coping with daily stress in adulthood: The role of age, self-concept incoherence, and personal control. Developmental Psychology, 46(5),1132–1146.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Henning, P. B. (2011). Disequilibrium, development, and resilience through adult life. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 28(5),443–454.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Ong, A. D., Bergeman, C. S., & Boker, S. M. (2009). Resilience comes of age: Defining features in later adulthood. Journal of Personality, 77(6),1777–1804.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Pufall-Jones, E., & Mistry, J. (2010). Navigating across cultures: Narrative constructions of lived experience. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research, 4(3), 151–167.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Specht, J., Egloff, B., & Schmukle, S. C. (2011). Stability and change of personality across the life course: The impact of age and major life events on mean-level and rank-order stability of the Big Five. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(4), 862–882.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Sutin, A. R., Costa, P. T., Jr., Wethington, E., & Eaton, W. (2010). Turning points and lessons learned: Stressful life events and personality trait development across middle adulthood. Psychology and Aging, 25(3), 524–533.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Buchanan, T. (n.d.). Five factor personality test. Retrieved March 10, 2013 from



· Laureate Education (Producer). (2013e).

Middle adulthood

[Video file]. Retrieved from CDN Files Database. (COUN 6215/COUN 8215/HUMN 8215)

In this week’s media, you will examine the family member aged 30–65.

Note: Please click on the following link for the transcript:

Transcript (PDF)

· Laureate Education (Producer). (2013h). Perspectives: Middle adulthood [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

This week’s presenter discusses the impacts of family, career, and sexual orientation in middle adulthood.

Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 

“Middle Adulthood”
Program Transcript


Post by Day 4 a conceptualization of the client that you were assigned. Then,
describe two developmental challenges associated with that client. Finally,
describe two potential counseling goals and two interventions you could use for
the client using a wellness perspective. Justify your response with references to
this week’s Learning Resources and the current literature. Be specific.

Respond by Day 7 to at least two of your colleagues using one or more of the
following approaches:

•Select a colleague who was assigned a different client than you and suggest
another challenge that might be associated with the client’s development and
why. Then, share one goal or intervention your colleague might use to address
this challenge.

•Select a colleague who was assigned the same client as you and expand on
their posting by predicting the effectiveness of their identified goals and
interventions. Taking the entire family case into perspective, explain how this
counseling approach would progress and identify additional goals that might be

[Martinez Family]

General Background:

The Martinez family consists of Miguel, Jeannette, Gabby, Tommy, and Christina
(the adopted daughter of Jeannette’s cousin).

The family’s ethnicity is Hispanic, and both Miguel and Jeannette come from very
large extended families—many of whom live in the area.

They are Seventh-Day Adventists who are very involved in their church; they
both hold leadership positions in the church and attend services multiple times
each week.

Presenting Issues:

It’s 10 years later for the Martinez family. A devastating tornado has torn through
the region, wiping out dozens of homes and businesses. There were also many
lives lost, and the local community remains in shock.

Miguel (now 57) comes to see you shortly after this tragedy, because “Jeannette
said (he) had to.” Miguel tells you that he is fine but that Jeannette thinks he

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needs to “talk about (his) feelings.” He tells you that their home was severely
damaged by the tornado and was a total loss.

Although Miguel’s immediate family is safe, his best friend – who lived just a
couple blocks away – was killed when the friend’s house collapsed. Miguel also
lost his supervisor and long-time friend at the post office in the tragedy. He
acknowledges that “of course [he] was sad at first,” but now he’s OK. He does
not think that his difficulty sleeping lately or his decision to relinquish his position
in the church has anything to do with the natural disaster.

Miguel also shares that he has been thinking a lot lately about taking an early
retirement from his job and “doing something more meaningful,” but he doesn’t
know what that would be. He also tells you that he has realized how little value all
of their “stuff” had after it was lost in the tornado, and he is in no rush to replace

Jeannette has told him that he must be depressed or in shock still, since he’s
talking in a way he never has before, but Miguel insists that he “can finally see
things clearly.”

[Reeves Family]

General Background:

The Reeves family consists of Lucas, John, Justin, and Emme. Lucas’ wife,
Anne, left him and the children shortly after Emme was born.

The family is Caucasian and of mixed European ethnic descent.

Their faith is Protestant, although Lucas notes that they do not attend church

Lucas also shares that the he has no family in the area to help him with the
children, and he often feels overwhelmed.

Presenting Issues:

Lucas (now 41) has come to see you shortly after John’s session with you.

Lucas shares that he’s “having a tough time” right now and “just wants a
sounding board.” He shares that he’s been feeling very lonely lately and has
become painfully aware that he is still single, even after all these years. He’s
been questioning his success as a parent, although he notes that he has always
tried to put his children first.

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Lucas shares that this has cost him professionally, and he wonders where his
career would be if he had made different choices. All of his closest friends are
very successful financially, and Lucas is embarrassed that he never goes on golf
outings and can not afford luxury vacations. All of his time and money goes into
supporting his children, particularly Emme, who has special needs as a result of
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

Lucas tells you he feels “lost” a lot of the time and that he is “just going through
the motions.”

[Jeong Family]

General Background:

The Jeong family consists of Kimball (“Kim,” a physician), Meg (a nurse), Steven,
Kelsey, and Joey.

The family is of Korean descent and describes themselves as “very

They are Christian Buddhists and embrace their faith strongly.

Both Kim’s and Meg’s extended families live within about an hour of the Jeongs,
providing the family with both support and unsolicited advice.

Presenting Issues:

It’s 20 years later for Kelsey and Jin. Kelsey (46) has come to see you following
her recent separation from Jin.

Since you last worked with Kelsey and Jin, they decided to pursue adoption and
adopted twin girls using an international adoption agency. Kelsey shares that Jin
was never really on board with this decision, but he “gave in” to what Kelsey
wanted. They raised their girls together and had what Kelsey thought was “a
perfect family.”

She quit her job to be a full-time mother while the girls were young and had just
started doing some community volunteer work. She shares that Jin “dropped a
bomb on [her]” when he told her he was leaving her.

The girls had just left for college, and Kelsey had not yet adjusted to her “empty
nest.” In fact, she notes, she had been looking forward to “rekindling” her
relationship with Jin and focusing on the two of them again. She knows this is not
a possibility any longer, since she has also learned that Jin has been having a
relationship with his 26-year-old assistant (Jin is now a high school principal).

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Kelsey is distraught—faced with creating a “new identity” separate from Jin and
without having any security or career, she does not know what to do.

She asks for your help and advice on putting some direction in her life.

[Crane Family]

General Background:

The Crane family consists of Carol, Hunter, and Olivia.

Carol is a single mother living in the inner city under very poor conditions.
Although she has a job, she barely makes ends meet and receives federal
assistance. She cannot afford good food, nor can she afford to live in a safer
area. She currently lives in a subsidized housing development.

The family is Caucasian, of European descent, and agnostic.

Presenting Issues:

Carol (now 45) has made an appointment to see you because she “has a little
problem” and needs your help.

When she comes in for her session, you learn that Carol recently got her second
DUI and has been court-ordered to participate in counseling. She explains that
both times she was “barely buzzed” and the police “just wanted to make an
example of her.”

Carol also admits that sometimes she likes to have a “drink or two” but denies
that she has a drinking problem. After more discussion, you learn that Carol has
not been sleeping well, rarely leaves the house unless she is going to a bar, and
hasn’t had a romantic relationship in her life that has lasted more than a month.

Carol rationalizes her personal life with “Who needs men anyway?” and changes
the subject. She also shares that she hates her job and misses her children
(Olivia is away at college and Hunter has moved out of the area due to a job).

In the course of conversation, Carol launches into a tangent about dreams she
had in her youth and how she had really wanted to be a writer.

She asks you, “Is this all there is?”, and wonders if she will spend the next 45
years in the same existence.

[Anderson Family]

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General Background:

The Anderson family consists of grandparents Ernie and Audrey, Jamal
(diagnosed with Asperger’s disorder), Marcus, and Artesia.

Ernie and Audrey gained custody of their three grandchildren after their daughter
and her husband were killed in a car accident. Their daughter and her husband—
the parents of the children—had been living with them prior to the accident, as
they had fallen on hard times after both parents lost their jobs and subsequently
had to give up their home.

The family is African American, Southern Baptist, and very involved in their

Presenting Issues:

Ernie is now 65 years old and has come to see you at his wife’s insistence.

He tells you immediately that, while he respects you as a professional and
appreciates the help you have given his family over the years, he “really [doesn’t]
believe in counseling.” He acknowledges that he’s “going through some things,”
but he will “get through it like anything else.”

After some small talk, Ernie noticeably relaxes a bit, and you inquire about what
has been going on in his life. Ernie shares that he was recently “downsized” out
of his job and forced into retirement. He didn’t see this coming and feels betrayed
by the company; his supervisor assured him several months ago that his job
would be secure following the company’s recent merger.

Ernie has worked at the same company for nearly 30 years and had counted on
being there until he chose to retire. He’s not prepared for this change, and
wonders how he will manage to support his family now with his significantly
reduced income and loss of benefits.

Ernie believes he has let his family down and is ashamed of the fact that Audrey
has taken a part-time job.

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“Perspectives: Middle Adulthood”
Program Transcript

COLLEEN LOGAN: Working adults, in this economy, particular, really struggle on
a day-to-day basis to figure out how am I going to make ends meet and what do I
need to do to advance my career? What do I need to do to meet the needs of my
family? Many adults are deciding to go back to school. And it’s a pretty scary and
extraordinary process.

Maybe they haven’t been in school for 20 years, and for the first time, they’re
looking around. And maybe like you, as a student, where you had gone to school
and maybe finished in your 20s, maybe you’re the first one to go to school and
finish, and you started working, and then decided, I want to advance. I want to
make a difference. I want to go to Walden University, where there’s a
commitment to social change, and advocacy, and social justice.

These are all normal transition stages for someone who is an adult working,
balancing family, and going back to school. I want to tell you how courageous
you are for going back to school, for pursuing a master’s degree, for pursuing
what I think is the greatest profession, and that’s counseling. And I can say that
because I’m a counselor. I teach counseling. And I’m the former president of the
American Counseling Association. I think it’s the greatest profession.

I think my secret sauce is listening to the story. When I sit down with someone or
with a couple, I sit, and listen, and am present to hear what brought you here
today. Even every single interaction in counseling– and I would say, actually,
every couple is cross-cultural– but every single interaction I have in the
counseling room is cross-cultural. Even though I may look like you, or even come
from the same area of the country, maybe you’re Irish like I’m Irish, maybe we
have lots in common. But we still have a cross-cultural connection to make.

So the first secret sauce, or the first step, is to really listen, hear the story. How
did you grow up? What are your goals? What were your visions? Are you in a
relationship? Are you in the middle of a relationship ending? Are your kids
young? Are they middle-age? Are they just leaving home?

There’s so many different levels of people. And then add in sexual orientation.
Add in ethnic background. Add in race. Add in religion and spirituality. When you
add in all these components in the context of the person, I want you to know that
I hear you, and I affirm you, and I validate your experience, and I can help.

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