write Argumentative (Position) Essay why college is worth time and cost so you have to be with,

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i  have attached everything you will need i wrot some points and i showed to pro so you have to complete and see the instruction of the pro. 

reason #1 about profissional jobs 

reason #2 about skills you will get from 

reason #3 about development personallity 

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limit essay to 500 words , it is a wrirting class so it should to be perfect and please use the 2 article inside the attachements .

thank you, 

Argumentative (Position) Essay


Drawing on the assigned readings —

Is College Worth the Cost? Many Recent Graduates Don’t Think So” by Jeffrey J. Selingo (


), and

“Colleges Prepare People for Life” by Freeman Hrabowski (


), — write an essay that presents your informed stance or opinion—your position—on the significance and purpose of a college degree in today’s society.

As some college students incur huge debts and many graduates struggle to find good jobs, do you believe college is worth the investment of time and money? Why or why not?

Qualify your position by collecting information from sources, considering opinions of others, and relying on your personal experiences and observations.


1. In your introduction:

· Introduce the topic.

· Provide background information as necessary.

· State the essay’s thesis—a claim (assertive statement of your position) stated in response to assignment question.

· Note: You can state the reasons in support of your claim in the introduction (either before the claim or after it), or state each reason as a topic sentence at the beginning of each body paragraph.

2. The body of your argument will:

(a) provide logical support for each reason by using

· summarized, quoted or paraphrased materials from sources

· examples from personal experience

· analysis/commentary

(b) summarize the position of those who would oppose this argument and respond to the opposition point of view by either refuting it or conceding to it.

3. In your conclusion, place the argument in a larger context, perhaps by summarizing your main points and showing why this issue is an important one or by calling to action.


1. The essay needs to be written in the MLA format. The final draft should be a minimum of 1,000 words in length.

2. You are required to use both assigned articles. In addition, you will be given one more article during In-Class Essay on the same topic. Overall, you are not allowed to use more than three sources for the essay.

3. As part of a multi-draft project, each draft of the essay will be a result of revision of the previous draft (or Worksheet). The final draft of the essay will not be accepted if previous drafts have not been submitted.

4. It is a requirement to submit the final draft of the essay to Turnitin and obtain a Turnitin Report. The Turnitin report will be included in your portfolio (or downloaded into your online Portfolio as an HTML file). The percentage score on the report cannot be higher than 10%.

5. When attaching the essay into your portfolio, include the final draft with a Turnitin Report, the 2nd draft with tutoring comments, and the 1st draft with instructor’s comments.

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