Argument essay topic: 2 yr college admissions requirements


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Essay Requirements & Guidelines: Formal Essay Outline and a thesis statement, title & subtitle are required. The essay should have 5 scholarly sources, an annotated bibliography and a works cited page. A minimum of 3 double spaced pages in a 12 point font with 1-inch margins and a heading is required for this essay. An improperly formatted essay will not be accepted and will not receive credit. A 3 paged double spaced MLA formatted essay will have about 1,000 words not including the works cited page & annotated bibliography. 


Essay Prompt: Recently a student proposed that community colleges reevaluate admission standards to reduce dropout rates. “Standards have to be higher and admissions policies have to get stricter to resolve the dropout issue. In order to achieve better results a student admitted to community college must maintain a 3.0 G.P.A or have their financial aid revoked or be placed on academic probation for 2 semesters. If a student wants to skip or has frequent emergency situations why should tax payers pay for their absences?” The current required class attendance rate is 60% that’s unacceptable. So students must attend no less than 90% of their classes or have financial aid reduced or dropped from classes period. Students taking 12 credit hours can work no more than 30 hours per week during a 16-week course. 

Proponents-agree with some or all of the claims made and stand firmly in agreement with the idea that college admissions for 2 year students should be stricter in order to reduce the dropout rate. In order to help the disadvantaged students, you have to be understanding and tough, here’s what I think they should be doing… Provide 5 scholarly sources to support your point of view. 

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Opposed- against the idea of making the admissions policy stricter o reduce dropout rates, community colleges serve a diverse student body and despite low success rates they should make no changes to admissions policy instead here’s what community colleges should do to improve their student’s success…Provide 5 scholarly sources to support your counter argument. 

Argument Essay Topic:
2yr. College Admissions Requirements

Essay Requirements & Guidelines: Formal Essay Outline and a thesis statement, title &

subtitle are required. The essay should have 5 scholarly sources, an annotated bibliography

and a works cited page. A minimum of 3 double spaced pages in a 12 point font with 1-inch

margins and a heading is required for this essay. An improperly formatted essay will not be

accepted and will not receive credit. A 3 paged double spaced MLA formatted essay will

have about 1,000 words not including the works cited page & annotated bibliography.

Essay Prompt: Recently a student proposed that community colleges reevaluate admission

standards to reduce dropout rates. “Standards have to be higher and admissions policies

have to get stricter to resolve the dropout issue. In order to achieve better results a

student admitted to community college must maintain a 3.0 G.P.A or have their financial aid

revoked or be placed on academic probation for 2 semesters. If a student wants to skip or

has frequent emergency situations why should tax payers pay for their absences?” The

current required class attendance rate is 60% that’s unacceptable. So students must attend

no less than 90% of their classes or have financial aid reduced or dropped from classes

period. Students taking 12 credit hours can work no more than 30 hours per week during

a 16-week course.

Proponents-agree with some or all of the claims made and stand firmly in agreement with

the idea that college admissions for 2 year students should be stricter in order to reduce

the dropout rate. In order to help the disadvantaged students, you have to be

understanding and tough, here’s what I think they should be doing… Provide 5 scholarly

sources to support your point of view.

Opposed- against the idea of making the admissions policy stricter o reduce dropout rates,

community colleges serve a diverse student body and despite low success rates they should

make no changes to admissions policy instead here’s what community colleges should do to

improve their student’s success…Provide 5 scholarly sources to support your counter


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