Unit 4 DB

300 to 400 words

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For several decades, the rapid increase of health spending in the United States has been the subject of many discussions and great scrutiny. For additional background on this subject, read the following articles: 

•Article 1  http://kuow.org/post/indias-philanthropist-doc-delivers-cardiac-surgery-henry-ford-style

•Article 2  https://www.kff.org/health-costs/

•Article 3  http://burnettefinancial.com/?page_id=6

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Based on the information that you gained from these articles and in this course, how does the growth of health care cost impact the government and employers? Complete the following: 

•Articulately summarize the growth and impact of health care costs.  

•Analyze the essential indicators of economic benefits per unit on the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and on employment.  

•Based on your research, give recommendations for improvement or change.  Ensure that you integrate economic terms, frameworks, and models throughout the review.

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