Description Objectives

Let us take a look at the Course Description and Course Objectives:

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Course Description 


This course provides a systematic approach to structure, implementation, and analysis of marketing research for decision making. This course will focus on analysis of information about the customer as well as information about the customer’s wants and needs for the purposes of developing marketing promotional campaigns, developing new products and refining current product offerings, and improving customer service efforts.

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Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) 


  • Compose a marketing problem into a feasible research question.
  • Construct effective research surveys and questionnaires.
  • Analyze and interpret external information.       
  • Analyze and interpret analyze internal information.        
  • Appropriately use effective communication techniques.               

Share with the group how you think this class has developed skills that will serve you in your profession. (My profession is Health and Wellness). What skills are most important for your industry and career path? What aspects of the course would you like to study further?

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