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Dr. Morris’ Alternate Extra Credit Assignment 10 points

Dr. Kimo Morris, Handout v9-2, xtracredt 1

Wetlands Alternate Extra Credit Essay

This alternate extra credit assignment can be turned in anytime up to the final exam.

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Wetlands are known to be a vital part of any coastal region. For this assignment, you
will conduct an internet search on a critical wetland of your choice. Below, I have
provided a list of potential wetlands for you to choose from, although you are
welcome to write about one that is not on this list. You must have a minimum of 700
words, and you must discuss (a) the history of the wetland, (b) the historic or current
impact humans are having there, (c) the current efforts being made to protect or
restore the wetland, and (d) any legal, governmental, or private obstacles faced by
those wishing to restore the wetland. You must also include a bibliography with a
minimum of 3 sources (one must be a government website “.gov” or “.mil”) – ex.
consider the California Coastal Commission, California Department of Fish and
Wildlife, or California State Lands Commission, or Federal Agencies such as NOAA,
USFWS, EPA, or USACE. The assignment MUST be emailed to me no later than the
day of the final exam.

Potential California Wetlands for Writing Assignment:

Tijuana River Estuary
Mission Bay
Buena Vista Lagoon
Batiquitos Lagoon
Carlsbad Lagoon
Upper Newport Bay
Bolsa Chica Wetland
Anaheim Bay
Golden Shores Marine Biological Preserve
Ballona Wetlands
Malibu Lagoon

Mugu Lagoon
Carpinteria Salt Marsh
Goleta Slough
Devereux Slough
Moro Bay
Elkhorn Slough
Coyote Creek, SF Bay
Suisun Marsh, San Pablo Bay
Tomales Bay
Bodega Bay

A few noteworthy wetlands outside California that you are welcome to consider:

Indian River Lagoon, FL
Chesapeake Bay Estuary, MS
Coos Bay, OR
Barataria Bay, LA

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