System documentation for an enterprise network system – 2000 words


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Detailed requirements are provided below:

1. For your chosen scenario, (i) analyse client requirements, (ii) identify and propose the required servers and server roles (services), and (iii) provide required configurations for your chosen scenario.

2. Perform the configurations using either virtually or physically installed server OS to realise the scenario. Students can use Windows Server 2008 or a higher version, or Linux server if appropriate, which will depend on the scenario chosen. Your submission should include screenshots of each important step.

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3. Prepare a detailed system documentation report to cover your work done in steps 1 and 2 above, using a standard template

Prepared by: Dr Jahan Hassan

Moderated by: Dr Nandini Sidnal November, 2017

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T3 2017
Unit Code MN506
Unit Title System Management

Group report, with individual demonstration.


System documentation for an enterprise network system incorporating the
design, installation, configuration and management of required servers and
services using appropriate server systems.

Purpose of the
assessment (with
ULO Mapping)

This assignment is designed to assess students’ knowledge and skills related
to the following learning outcomes:

a. Analyse human usability in systems and documentation within the
context of constantly changing modern industry requirements

b. Plan and implement various application servers for an organisation

Weight 20%
Total Marks 50
Word limit 2000
Due Date Report: Week-11, Friday, 11:55 PM. Demo: Week-12 lab.

• All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a
title Page.

• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri
(Body) font and 2.54 cm margins on all four sides of your page with
appropriate section headings.

• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed
appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style.

• Your submission must be your own work, and will be checked for
originality using Turnitin originality checking system, and subject to
MIT’s academic misconduct policy.

Extension • Late assignments will be penalised at the rate of 10% per day, that is, an
assignment is marked out of 90% for 1 day late, 80% for 2 days late, etc., and
after 5 working-days assignments will attract zero marks. If an extension of
time to submit work is required, a Special Consideration Application must be
submitted directly through AMS. You must submit this application three (3)
working days prior to the due date of the assignment. Further information is
available at:


• Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of
the case, penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion
from the course or rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves
familiar with the full policy and procedure available at:
Procedure. For further information, please refer to the Academic Integrity
Section in your Unit Description.

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Prepared by: Dr Jahan Hassan Moderated by: Dr Nandini Sidnal November, 2017

Assignment Description

Form a group of two students and inform your laboratory tutor of the names and student IDs of your group
members. Choose one (1) requirement scenario given in the list below. Assume that your group has been hired
by the client company to develop a networked system for their required services as described in your chosen
scenario. Your task in this assignment is to analyse client requirements, design the solutions, implement,
configure, and troubleshoot implemented solutions, and finally, to prepare a system documentation report
meeting the client requirements and following a standard industry template. Detailed requirements are
provided below:

1. For your chosen scenario, (i) analyse client requirements, (ii) identify and propose the required servers

and server roles (services), and (iii) provide required configurations for your chosen scenario.

2. Perform the configurations using either virtually or physically installed server OS to realise the scenario.
Students can use Windows Server 2008 or a higher version, or Linux server if appropriate, which will
depend on the scenario chosen. Your submission should include screenshots of each important step.

3. Prepare a detailed system documentation report to cover your work done in steps 1 and 2 above, using

a standard template. You have the freedom to create a template, with company name, logo, etc., for
your client and use that for your documentation report. This report will serve as an important part of
backup and disaster recovery documentation for the organisation in your chosen scenario, and can be
used for training new IT staff in the organisation. As such, you must consider human usability factors and
include the configurations using a description of each important step, and screenshots corresponding to
those in a way that will be useful to the target users of the document. Essential sections of the
documentation are provided in the marking guide, however, you can include additional sections if
deemed useful.

You must configure the domain(s) using group members’ names (e.g., sajeen-joy-sam). If the chosen
scenario requires a web server, the group must create a simple webpage (using html header tag only) to
display the student ID numbers of the group members, which needs to be stored on and displayed from
the created IIS (web server).

This documentation report (one report per group) is to be submitted on moodle in Week-11.

4. Use your configured system to demonstrate individually the implemented scenario during your week-1


laboratory class. Individual understanding will be tested during your demonstration.

Scenarios (Choose one only for your group to work on):

Scenario 1: Local Area Network (LAN) to support Windows Server and Client Environment

People Software is a software development company requiring the setting up of a LAN for their office
located in Sydney. They have four departments: Developers, Marketing, Operations, and Finance. All objects
(e.g., users, computers, etc.) belonging to these departments need to be created within their respective OU
for their own department. People Software requires the following LAN services:

1) Centralised user authentication
2) Print server for users
3) All computers should acquire the IP addresses automatically from a server
4) Hosting of their own website using their own server
5) The company wants to store all the files on a separate file server and only users with appropriate

access will be able to access them (not every user should have access to the files). You can assume
which users/groups will have access to these files, and state your assumption clearly.

MN506 System Management Page 3 of 5

Prepared by: Dr Jahan Hassan Moderated by: Dr Nandini Sidnal November, 2017

Scenario 2: Local Area Network (LAN) to support Windows Server with multiple domains

TrueColour is a paint wholesale company needing to setup a LAN for their main office which is located in
Perth. They have three different departments named Operations, Sales and Marketing. All objects (e.g., users,
computers, etc.) belonging to those departments should have their own OU. The clients require the following
technologies to be implemented within their LAN:

1. Two different domains. One is allocated for the administrator and the other is allocated for everyone
else (users).

2. Centralised user authentication for different domains
3. All computers should acquire their IP addresses automatically from a server
4. The Company should host a website from their own server
5. Your configuration should reflect the above criteria and display different privileges assigned to the

different domains’ users belonging to these domains.

Scenario 3: Local Area Network (LAN) to support Windows Sever and Linux Client Environment

With the growing base of users of Linux, People Software, a software company which was planning to
create a Windows server based LAN decided to also support Linux clients to authenticate using the Active
Directory. The company has three different departments named Operations, Finance and Marketing. All
objects (e.g., users, computers, etc.) belonging to these departments should have their own different OU. The
clients require the following technologies to be implemented within their LAN:

1. The company requires a centralised user authentication support for Linux clients
2. All computers should acquire IP addresses from a server
3. The company should host a website through their own server
4. There should be hardware virtualisation platform

Scenario 4: Setting up technology/features for Linux Server and Windows Client Environment

A Canberra-based new company is looking at setting up a LAN for their office. They have three different
departments named General, Finance, and Marketing. All objects (e.g., users, computers, etc.) belonging to
these departments should have their own different OU. The users require the following technologies to be
implemented within their LAN:

1. The client wants to use the Linux operating system as a server side operating system with the
LDAP/SAMBA service to communicate between windows client machines and a Linux server

2. Centralised user authentication for Windows clients
3. The company wants to store all the files on a separate file server and only users with appropriate

access will be able to access them (not every user should have access to the files). You can assume
which users/groups will have access to these files; state your assumptions clearly, as well as configure

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Prepared by: Dr Jahan Hassan Moderated by: Dr Nandini Sidnal November, 2017

Marking criteria:

Table 1: Marking criteria for Assignment 2
Section to be included in

the report
Description of the section Marks

Introduction Introduces the purpose of the documentation report, and
a clear road map of the report (which section presents
which topic).


Requirement analysis
and identification of
server roles and

Analysis of requirements, clear and identification and
listing of correct server roles/features/technologies
needed for realising the scenario.


Configuration process

All steps are described for the implementation of all
required technology/feature/server role(s). Description
refers to corresponding diagrams /screenshots using
figure numbers.

Description is clear and easy to follow.


screenshots or

Screenshots of commands and GUI configurations for
each identified technology/feature are provided using
labelled diagrams with caption.


Summary Summary of all configuration performed. 5
Demonstrations Demonstrate the understanding of the system

implemented on a virtual or real system, and/or the


Conclusions Conclusion of what has been achieved in this assignment 3
Reference style All resources referenced properly using IEEE format 2
Total 50

Marking Rubric is provided on page 5.

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Prepared by: Dr Jahan Hassan Moderated by: Dr Nandini Sidnal November, 2017

Marking Rubric








Clear and relevant
purpose of the
documentation report,
with a clear road map of
the report.

Clear and relevant
purpose of the
report, with unclear
road map of the

Purpose of the
documentation report
has some relevance
but lacks clarity, and
unclear road map of
the report.

Purpose of the
documentation report is
not relevant, or road
map is not provided.

Purpose of the
documentation report is
absent/irrelevant, and
road map is not

analysis and
identification of
server roles and

Identification and
analysis of all
requirements, listing of
correct server
gies for each of the

Identification and
analysis of most of the
requirements, listing
of correct server
ogies for all identified

Identification and
analysis of most of the
requirements, listing
of correct server
ogies for the identified

Identification and
analysis of up to two (2)
requirements, listing of
correct server
gies for the identified

Identification and
analysis of one (1)
requirement, or
incorrect server roles.



All steps are described
for the implementation
of all required
er role(s).

Description refers to the
corresponding diagrams
/screenshots using
figure numbers.

Description is clear and
easy to follow.

All steps are described
for most of the
rver role(s).

Description refers to
the corresponding
diagrams /screenshots
using figure numbers.

Description is clear
and easy to follow.

Steps are described
for most of the
rver role(s), but some
steps are absent.

Some of the
description lacks the
reference to the
diagrams /screenshots
using figure numbers.

Description is clear
and easy to follow.

Steps are described for
up to two (2) of the
er role(s), some steps
are absent.

The description does not
include the reference to
the corresponding
diagrams /screenshots
using figure numbers.

Description is unclear
and not possible to

Steps are described for
only one (1) of the
er role(s), some steps
are absent.

The description does
not include the
reference to the
corresponding diagrams
/screenshots using
figure numbers.

Description is unclear
and not possible to

screenshots or

Screenshots of
commands and GUI
configurations for all
technology/feature are
provided, using labelled
diagrams with caption.

Screenshots of
commands and GUI
configurations for
most of the required
are provided, using
labelled diagrams with

Screenshots of
commands and GUI
configurations for
most of the required
are provided, missing
diagram labels or

Screenshots of
commands and GUI
configurations for up to
two (2) of the required
technology/feature are
provided, missing
diagram labels or

Screenshots of
commands and GUI
configurations for only
one (1) of the required
technology/feature are
provided, missing
diagram labels and


Clear and concise
summary of
implementations of all
required configurations
for the chosen scenario.

Clear and concise
summary of the
implementations of
most of the required
configurations for the
chosen scenario.

Summary of the
implementations of
most of the required
configurations for the
chosen scenario is
provided, but clarity
needs improvement.

Summary of the
implementations covers
up to two (2) of the
required configurations
for the chosen scenario.

Summary is not relevant
to the implemented
configurations, or
summary covers only
one (1) of the required
configurations for the
chosen scenario.


Demonstrate the full
understanding of the
system implemented
using a virtual or real

Demonstrate the full
understanding of the
system implemented
using the report.

Demonstrate partial
understanding of the
system implemented
using a virtual or real

Demonstrate partial
understanding of the
system implemented
using the report.

demonstration of


Clear conclusion
covering of all that has
been achieved in this

Clear conclusion
covering most of what
has been achieved in
this assignment.

Clear conclusion, but
missing some of the
important points.

Conclusion unclear. Irrelevant conclusion.

Reference Style

All entries in the
reference list are
relevant, and cited
correctly, using the IEEE

All entries in the
reference list are
relevant, but some
missing citations,
using the IEEE format.

Reference list is
relevant, but not
strictly IEEE
formatted, or missing
some citations

Entries in the reference
list has some irrelevant
items, or some missing
citations, using the IEEE

Reference list has
mostly irrelevant
entries, or not IEEE

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