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I want you to read the pages I POSTED (upload ) and answer these 4 question with a paragraph for each question , critical thinking . try to make it page and a half . double space . font 12 

– The most important information/key concepts we need to understand from these chapters are:

– How can I use the information in the chapters to help me with my daily mindfulness practice?

–  In what ways will the material learned in these chapters help me manage my stress more effectively?

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–  What are your thoughts and feedback regarding the information and activities for each chapter?


Support Group Meeting Assignments
(2 @ 10% of course grade each)

For this class, you are required to complete 2 separate assignments involving the
review of 2 online support group meetings for a total of 4 meetings. In order to
accurately critique each of the 4 online support group meetings, you will need to
attend the meetings. Each assignment will be worth 10% of your grade in the
course. The first is due by the conclusion of Module 3 and the second by the
conclusion of Module 7.

For each assignment, you are to review 2 online support group meetings and
submit the answers to the following questions for each meeting:

1. What is the name of the support group?
2. Who is the sponsor of the support group? (i.e. Mayo Clinic, the Recovery

Group, Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Psych Central,

3. What is the purpose? Or, what and how does it claim to help?
4. What is the cost or registration required to attend?
5. How do the meetings work?
6. How long are the meetings?
7. How easy or difficult is it to use the online site?
8. What resources does it provide?
9. What types of interaction takes place, peer-to-peer and participant-to-

10. How many people typically log on to participate in the meeting?
11. What did you like about the support group?
12. What did you dislike about it?
13. Would you personally use this support group or refer people to it?
14. Could you see yourself working for the organization that runs this support

15. What would you suggest to improve this support group?

Submit the assignment to the Dropbox and no later than Sunday
11:59 PM EST/EDT of the module in which it is due.

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