COM 295 Week 3 Constructing Effective Business Messages Part I


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Week 3 Constructing Effective Business Messages Part I

Select a product or service for this assignment in which you believe your organization should invest capital resources to develop for sale in a global environment.

Review Ch. 4 of Business Communication Essentials.

Create a Microsoft® Word analysis of no more than 1,400 words that includes the following:

  • Describe the product or      service, including its main characteristics.
  • Why do you believe this product      is worthwhile?
  • A profile of your audience/s.      Why are these audience/s important? How different would you approach each      audience?
  • Explain how you would establish      credibility.

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    Explain why you selected the channel.

    Select the appropriate channel for delivering your message based on context, audience, and purpose.

    Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

    Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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