week 8 310 Paper

   Submit a 7 to 10 page paper detailing a major program that  has been managed, via the acquisition process, over the past decade. The  content of the paper should demonstrate your understanding of the  acquisition and program manager processes discussed over the past eight  weeks.  

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 Review all Learning Objectives. Research the learning objective in the library and on the web.    Write this 7 to 10 page paper, plus the

title page

and a

reference page.

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   That means a 7 page paper would actually consist of 9 pages and a 10  page paper would actually consist of 12 pages. The title page and the  reference page are never counted in a formal college paper.   As always, read all the lesson notes before you start this  assignment as new or current events may have been updated since the  start of class.  

Learning Objectives by week

LO-1 Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Branch, Congress,   and defense industry in Defense Acquisition, and where defense acquisition authority is derived

LO-2 Describe several historical legislative acts that have institutionalized better business practices within the DoD acquisition community.

LO-3 Characterize the roles and responsibilities of the Lead Component, Participating Component, and Joint Program Manager 

LO-4 Explain how DoD acquisition takes place, including who is responsible for DoD acquisition.

LO-5 Create a Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) capability scenario.

LO-6 Identify events that trigger/define Initial Operational Capability (IOC), Full Operational Capability (FOC), and  Milestone A, B, & C.

LO-7 Describe the four phases of the resource allocation process.

LO-8 Summarize the program and acquisition management process and key concepts. 

 Writing Instructions (Please  do read this):  
•Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to

APA (6th edition)

style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages of 7 to 10 page paper (the content section).
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

University of California Berkeley Library APA Style Citation http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/APAstyle
Purdue University APA Formatting and Style Guide http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/#resourcenav

APUS Online Library Tutorial Center

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**Refer to the  [

assignment grading rubric

]  for details on how the assignment will be evaluated. 


Supporting Materials

Assignment+Grading+Rubric-3 x (17 KB) 


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