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Part -1

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Part -1

Let’s review some communication ideas that we have covered so far, such as word choice, nonverbal communication, and how we appear to others. Perception plays a crucial role in how others understand our meanings and actions.

Use what you have learned thus far to place yourself in the following situation:

Imagine that you are in a meeting at work, and you are discussing the need for a more effective procedure. The cleaning crew appears and starts to vacuum, which creates communication noise. When you asked the cleaning crew to start their work in another location so that the meeting would not be disrupted, what did you say? What words did you use? How did your words and actions affect the interpersonal relationships?

Consider the following:

  • What is the effect of word choice on the outcome of our communication with others?
  • Do we all interpret words the same way?
  • Are some words more meaningful than others?
  • Can words have the power to entirely shut down the communication process?
  • How does your attitude and the look on your face affect what you say?

The words that we choose have a huge impact on whether or not our message is received as it was intended. Beyond language and cultural barriers, our verbal communication can be compromised by the actual or perceived meaning of words themselves.

Remember, the goal of the communication process is to achieve mutual understanding. Word choice plays an important role in achieving this goal, as does nonverbal communication. The impact of nonverbal communication on getting our message across cannot be overstated. Also, do not forget that effective use of language includes taking into consideration cultural and gender differences in communication and the impact of ambiguous language.

This week, we will be discussing inferences and jumping to conclusions. An aspect of interpersonal communication that is not addressed in your text is the “ladder of inference,” a metaphor that illustrates how quickly we can jump to conclusions with little data and minimal thought processes, as if we were climbing up a ladder in our minds. You will have the opportunity to examine several conflict scenarios, which will help you to recognize what factors contribute to successful conflict management. You will learn that it is wise to choose a conflict management style that is appropriate for the situation and the ways different conflict management styles suit different circumstances.




Ask yourself the following questions concerning being on a sports team:

  • Is your objective to win the game, or are you looking ahead to the playoffs?
  • Do you think and operate in terms of “me” or “we”?
  • Are you a team player?

Take a minute to think about the best players in the NBA and the NFL, for example. What attitudes about success do they share? What do their actions demonstrate about teamwork?

Great athletes are certainly exciting to watch, and the contributions they make to winning teams are not quickly forgotten. But how well would those individuals perform if they did not work well with the team? If the other members of the team failed to pass the ball or ignored the star’s strategy session, would the opportunity to excel as an individual be as great? Not likely.

Perhaps some of you remember when you were in elementary school and the physical education teacher gave half the class a blue jersey and the other half a yellow jersey? For some of you, this might have been your first experience in learning about teamwork. Blue or yellow – those colors told you who your allies were and pointed you toward your goals, both literally and figuratively.

In many ways, teamwork in the classroom and in the workplace is similar to those experiences you might have shared in gym class when you were kids. We do not wear jerseys to help us remember who is on the team anymore, but we do share common goals. Remember that a shared common goal is the focus of teamwork; this helps us to look for ways to strengthen the team in an effort to meet those goals.

This week, you will be assigned to a group of team members to solve a business communication problem of creating an outline for an upcoming presentation. Your team is in charge of making a decision about which organization of topics will be most effective. Working in collaboration with others is not always simple so you will be learning about effective teams, including norms, roles, and leadership development. You can apply your listening skills to the real and virtual exchanges you will have with your teammates in an effort to achieve the communication goal of mutual understanding.

In addition, you will focus on learning to organize and outline your research material on your chosen topic as you continue to prepare for your individual speech presentation

Parth Vyas


Problem: when making a speech while before, a big crowd of people, I find it difficult to make a statement without knuckling my figures and it is at the same time, accompaniment by body swinging. Many are times when communicating a message through speech; my problem has been a bother to the audience. Such actions, finger knuckling and body swinging have diminished my courage during speech presentation (Barker, 2013).

Goal: In order to overcome such speech problem, I will try to stand on a stable ground which enables me not to swing the body sideways. Putting my legs apart within a limited interval enables me gain the best stability for comfort standing. Additionally, I will put my palms at the back where the audience is not able to see to avoid the finger knuckling. Such posture enables me concentrate with the speech presentation that the body movements. I will pretend to be handless by nature hence I will achieve the confidence to make the speech without finger knuckling. I will also make a knot with my figures in order to hind them and avoid knuckling (Barker, 2013).

Achieving goal: I will have achieved this goal when I am making a speech without making unnecessary body movements. During problem solving in a group, am always keen at listening to the problems people have during speech presentation. This makes me helpful to some people with the same problems that I had.

Problem: When speaking to my friends, my eyes sway from side to side. This is a serious problem during my communication. The passage of the message to the listeners has been a problem. Some have been complaining not getting to understand to whom the message is being passed. According to people, the eye intact is extremely essential during making of speech to the audience or passing information. It determines the persons whom the message is being directed.

Goal: To maintain my eye contact to my friends, I will always take time to synthesis the statement in my mind before speaking it. I will also pretend that the objects before me are all my friends hence a confidential eye conduct to them. I will try to put my head in straight and focus them to the exact position where the friends are standing. Maintaining the eye conduct to a certain place will be my daily practice to achieve my goal (Condrill, & Bough, 1999).

Achieving goal: I will have achieved my goal by when I am maintaining my eye contact with my friends most of the time I make a speech.

Problem: When reading the minutes in a meeting, I have a common problem of repeating the same word in two or three times.

Goal: I have tried a lot to overcome the problem by doing various activities such as, reading newspapers during my leisure time. This has helped me make my English language fluent and attain a flow reading system. I also try to open my eyes wider to see the words in a clear manner .Though the problem has been associated with short eye sight, I will buy spectacles to cater for the problem and for the achievement of my goal (Condrill, & Bough, 1999).

Achieve goal: I will have achieved the goal when I will read several words in a fluent manner without any choking in my throat. Punctuating a sentence while reading information to a listening audience, I will have achieved my goal.


Barker, A. (2013). Improve Your Communication Skills. London: Kogan Page.

Condrill, J., & Bough, B. (1999). 101 ways to improve your communication skills instantly. Alexandria, Va: GoalMinds.

Part – 1

Topic Selection for Individual Speech Presentation

Review this week’s lecture. Think about a communication topic that you would like to learn more about. Look at the Table of Contents in your textbook for more ideas. E-mail your instructor early in the week to obtain speech topic approval for an informative or persuasive speech. Research your topic and create a good thesis statement. Write at least three sentences for the main ideas concerning your topic. You will continue with this next week. Nothing is due yet in the Dropbox for your speech. Presentations are due in Week 6.

Note: Notify your instructor now by e-mail if you do not understand how to choose a speech topic.

Assignment: Conflict Analysis

Conflict Analysis Part 1: Observe an instance that you are not personally involved with where conflict is present (you will need to be a bit of a covert operator to accomplish this). Answer the following:

In several detailed paragraphs, describe the conflict scene.

1a. Who was involved in the conflict? What was the relationship between the participants prior to the conflict? Did it appear as if the relationship between the participants had any impact on how either person responded to the conflict?

1b. When and where did it take place? Was it formal or informal? Planned or unplanned? What impact did the location and time have on the outcome?

1c. What transpired? (be specific)

Many times when we face conflict, there is a surface-level problem and an underlying problem. The surface-level problem acts only as a symptom of the real problem. Consider both.

1d. What was the surface problem?

1e. What was the underlying problem or the real problem? If this is unclear, what might you speculate the real problem to be?

There are many conflict management strategies that can be employed when dealing with conflict. Consider which were present in this conflict.

1f. Which conflict management strategies were employed by each of the participants? Did the conflict management strategies change during the course of the conversation? How do you know? 

1g. What was the outcome? Was there a winner? A loser? Did there appear to be an impact on the relationship? If so, what was that impact?

1h. Looking back, describe at least two variables that could be changed in this scene to alter the outcome.

Conflict Analysis Part 2: Much of the learning in this course requires you to draw conclusions about your experiences and observations based on the concepts we have read about and discussed. Taking this into consideration:

2a., 2b. List two specific things you learned about conflict as a result of this exercise. Reference material from the text, threaded discussions, lecture, terminal course objectives, and so forth. Answers that demonstrate application of the course material and effective critical thinking will earn the greatest amount of points.

Your submission should be approximately one page in length: one paragraph per item for 1a.–1h., and 2a. and 2b.

Part – 2

Individual Speech Presentation: Draft

From last week: Email your instructor early in the week to obtain speech topic approval if you have not already done so. Continue researching your topic and create a good thesis statement. Write at least three sentences for the main ideas concerning your topic.

This week, update your thesis statement and your main idea sentences, create at least two subtopics for each of the three main points, and add to your research notes. Use these items to write a first draft for your outline. Do the outline tutorial exercises provided in the lecture. Spend time learning about outlining and solving your topic organization, sequence, and outline problems. Your outline is not due this week. You will complete working on this outline next week. Nothing is due in the Dropbox yet for your speech.

PowerPoint presentations with recorded narration are due in Week 6. Begin practicing the use of your microphone with your computer and the PowerPoint narration feature. See the iConnect tab and the Presentation tab under Course Home for the tutorials on how to use these features.

Note: Notify your instructor now if you do not understand how to create an outline. If you are having great difficulty creating a draft of your outline, e-mail specific questions to your instructor. You may wish to ask for a personal phone call.

Written Assignment: Team Collaborative Outline Exercise

The following is a list of ideas that were brainstormed in a meeting with your company employees. The company needs to include all these ideas in an all-company presentation, but the list is very disorganized right now. What would be the best way to sort these ideas into some sequence of main points with subpoints?

With your assigned team, unscramble the following statements to create a logical outline for an upcoming business presentation. Use standard outline format as described in your textbook.

1. Ensure that the language is used correctly.

2. Speaker credibility influences how listeners feel about the speaker.

3. Character is the quality of being honest, trustworthy, and showing goodwill.

4. Deliver the speech with confidence.

5. Credibility is an extremely important factor in determining speaker effectiveness.

6. Connect the audience to the topic.

7. Practice your delivery.

8. Verbally cite personal subject knowledge.

9. Present error free written materials.

10. Credibility has three primary characteristics: the three Cs.

11. Ensure that typographical errors are eliminated.

12. Charisma is the quality of being assertive, confident, and enthusiastic.

13. Speaker credibility influences the listener’s ability to learn or to believe.

14. Demonstrate expertise.

15. Verbally cite expert sources.

16. Connect yourself to the topic.

17. Plan your delivery.

18. Ensure that facts are correct.

19. Competence is the quality of being an expert and intelligent.

20. Connect with the audience on a personal level.

21. Establish common ground.

22. Credibility is established in four ways.

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