Accepting Additional Engagements


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One of your audit clients approaches you about doing some additional work for the company. Some of the things that the client needs your firm’s help with include:

  1. Financial projections that includes the acquisition of a failing company.
  2. Preparation of forecasted financial statements for a bank loan.

You are excited to be able to present this new opportunity to the partners of the firm, but there are several factors the firm must consider.

Assume your firm decides to provide these services for the client. Discuss communications that must be made to the client regarding their understanding of the nature of the new engagement. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to present to the partners discussing these concerns that the firm may have regarding the acceptance of this new engagement.

Your presentation should meet the following criteria:

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  • Be 6-8 slides in length, not including the title and references slides.
  • Demonstrate your comprehension of the course material.
  • Use professional business language.
  • Include slides that are neat and not too wordy.
  •  you must provide detailed notes in the “Notes” area to support the information presented on your slides.)
  • Citations and references should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
  • Include 3 sources

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