Plant Research Term Project, Part 3: Superstitions, Folklore and Myths


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Now it is time to research the folklore, myths and stories that have built up around your chosen herb. This is fun and often very colorful, but has a serious side to it as well. To critically think, you must be able to separate entertaining and possibly traditional cultural practices from serious fact-based effectiveness.

Format for Plant Project, Part 3: This section will include the following and each of these should have headings bolded and underlined:

  • Title Page including your name, date, chosen herb, and word count
  • Short introduction
  • Stories, Myths, Superstitions about your chosen plant
  • Identify clearly the cultural origin of the story
  • Reference citations
  • Include  pictures as illustrations. Make sure they are integrated nicely in the text, not separate or all at the end. Also make sure they are an appropriate size.
  • 1500 words, include the word count please. -5 pts for no word count and ZERO for a false word count.
  • I

  • 40 points

Make sure to check your Turn it in score and see that it is less than 10%.

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The Celendula

Yuxiang Liu


Chosen Herb: Colander

Word Count: 1500



Faulty arguments have mistakes which in turn can produce a wrong decision or opinion. It is common that in arguments of claims one usually finds that an opinion is logically invalid which renders it unsound. Fallacies usually are many and classified in accordance with their structure or content. The habitual use of these statements is to persuade where by one is aiming at eliciting a common agreement among different parties and being less concerned with the correctness of the statement. In the last assignment, I used various articles to write on calendula plant. I will use my reference articles from the last assignment in this work to find examples of faulty arguments and state exactly why I think the reasoning is poor. In the end, I will write a short advertisement for the calendula herb using at least two faulty arguments.

Argument 1

Research by Price, Annie from urges people to use the calendula herb. It states, “Calendula is a plant that has been used for centuries for ornamental purposes, as well as culinary, cosmetic and medicinal reasons. Even if you’re not quite sure what it is, you probably are familiar with marigolds. This plant is in the same species as marigolds and often called by the alternative name pot marigold (Price, 2017).”

The statement is a faulty argument. It can be clearly seen that the writer has portrayed use of bandwagon. The writer through her argument wants to convince people that they should always use the Calendula herb. First, according to his argument, the plant has been used for centuries, and therefore the reader should not be an exception. The writer even assumes that every person should have concise knowledge about the plant where she says that “Even if you’re not quite sure what it is, you probably are familiar with marigolds.” It is a clear portrayal that the writer is assuming that no one should not be aware of the herb and its use because it has been used for many years. The idea is that the beneficial use of the Calendula herb is true because it has been so for centuries.

The intentions of the writer are clear, and it can be seen that the article aims at appealing to the masses. Because the plant has been in use for many centuries and proved beneficial for ornamental purposes, as well as culinary, cosmetic and medicinal reasons, everyone reading the article will think about this plant. The problem with this fallacy is that even if the writer wants to convince people on why they should embark on the use of this plant, actually not everyone in the claimed past centuries has used this plant or even known its existence. It is not justifiable that just because many people think about or used the plant for many years that then it renders it right or good to do.

Argument 2

Price in the introduction part of the article humorously introduces the Calendula herb instead of a valid logic to win an argument. According to the writer, “It’s easily harvested and extracted and looks beautiful whether the flowers are in a pot or steeping in a large glass jar. It can be made into a cream, oil, gel, compress, tincture or tea; used in a bath or facial steam; eaten in salads and stews; whipped into toothpastes or mixed into mouthwashes, and is gentle enough for babies and the elderly! What am I talking about? It’s the magical and powerful calendula!(Price, 2017).”

The writer uses an emotional appeal to manipulate the emotions of the reader other than use a logical argument to validate her sentiments. The writer only wants to get an emotional response from the reader. It is the reason why the author starts by explaining how it is easy to harvest and then lists the numerous use of the plants. The author later says that it is gentle enough for babies and the elderly, the most vulnerable groups in matters of health in the society. The author at the end humorously states what she was talking about, stating it as the “magical and powerful calendula.” The author using this fallacy shuts down the reader’s reasoning because we all know that this is what emotions do. In such a manner it is easy for the writer to sway the readers by getting them emotionally involved.

Argument 3

Dr. Mercola in his article on ‘Calendula Oil Benefits and Uses’ from tries to explain the benefits and uses of Calendula oil. In his explanation, he says, “Apart from also being used to honor Mary during Catholic events, marigold was also considered by ancient Egyptians to have rejuvenating properties. Hindus used the flowers to adorn statues of gods in their temples, as well as to color their food, fabrics, and cosmetics (, 2017).”

The author has used religion, Christianity and Hinduism to demonstrate and convince the readers why they should embrace the use of calendula herb. It is an appeal to authority because the author is using an argument to persuade the reader by citing what a certain authority did and used the plant for beneficial purposes. The writer is trying to exploit the readers’ weaknesses because he knows that the Catholics will tend to accept the use of the plant simply because it is used to honor Mary during Catholic events. So will the Hindus followers when they know that the Hindus used the colander flowers to adorn statues of gods in their temples, as well as to color their food, fabrics, and cosmetics.

Rather than using logical arguments and facts, the writer utilizes the aspect of religion to seduce and convince the reader. It is common and almost obvious that when a Catholic or a Hindu reads the article, they will be convinced that the plant has a lot of benefits. Many will be convinced that there is no way that the plants can be used especially for religious practices if they are not of utmost importance and benefits. The particular authority used here is big, and therefore the writer can easily convince the reader that the colander plant is of beneficial use, evidently portrayed by past use by religious authorities.

Argument 4

The research from on “7 Impressive Calendula Benefits & Uses” tries to explain what is the Calendula plant, its uses and the benefits possessed by the plants. According to the writers, “In terms of the parts of these small, yellow-flowered plants that are consumed, the petals are edible and have traditionally been used in soups and stews and salads, while a powerful chemical extract can be removed from the stems and leaves of calendula plants (, 2017).”

The statement is faulty as bandwagon can be clearly be visualized. According to the article, the colander petals are edible and have traditionally been used in soups and stews and salads. Instead of using logical arguments, the author argues that since the plant has been traditionally used, then even the reader should be using this herb just because people have used it in the past. The problem with this statement is that not every person has used this plant in the past and therefore it is not justifiable that the plant has its benefits. The problem with this fallacy is that even if the writer wants to convince people on why they should embark on the use of this plant, actually not everyone in the claimed past centuries has used this plant or even known its existence. It is not justifiable that just because many people think about or used the plant for many years that then it renders it right or good to do.

The four arguments above are faulty all which aim at creating a positive impression on the reader just to seduce them to use the colander herb. The first and the last arguments are bandwagons which means that they are aiming at convincing people that the plant has many benefits and that it is why it has been used for many years. However, the truth is that even if the plant has been in use for centuries, every person has used this plant in the past and therefore it is not justifiable that the plant has its benefits. The second argument is an emotional appeal as the writer is using an emotional appeal to manipulate the emotions of the reader other than use a logical argument to validate her sentiments. The writer’s statement is aiming at getting an emotional response from the reader. The third argument is an appeal to authority. The author is referring to Catholicism and Hinduism use in the past and present to convince the reader that they should also use the plant

Please plant the Colander, a plant that has much value today and in traditional cultures. The Plant’s benefits can be proved by its use for centuries for ornamental purposes, as well as culinary, cosmetic and medicinal reasons (bandwagon). The plant is even a key component for developing a cure for cancer as my professor has said (appeal to authority).

Work Cited

Price, Annie. “The Antiviral Herb That May Ward Off Cancer.” Dr. Axe, 4 Dec. 2017,

“7 Impressive Calendula Benefits & Uses.” Organic Facts, 3 Nov. 2017,

“Herbal Oil: Calendula Oil Benefits and Uses.” January 19, 2017,,


Calendula is my chosen plant, and this research will focus on the basic information, functions, and uses of calendula.

Brief introduction

The calendula plants are short and dense, with bright flowers and long flowering periods, We could see the calendula from April until September, and the fruiting period for Calendula begins in June. It will end in October. It is annual herb and flowers are yellow or orange which about 5 centimeters in diameter and about 20~75 cm high. Calendula can stand the cold, but it can’t stand the heat, and like really hot environment. Also, calendula could not survive in the during the winter and cultivation of seedling. Therefore calendula needs sufficient sunshine because the sunshine is good for plants, seedling growth. Seedling is stocky and neat. When there exists too much water around the calendula or the light is insufficient, the base leaves of the calendula are prone to yellowing. As a result, the roots of calendula will become rot and die.

Besides, the calendula is a rich multivitamins plant. The flowers of calendula contain carotenoids, malic acid, seeds contain glyceride, wax, alkaloids and bitter taste in the roots, The leaves of and petals the calendula can be eaten by the human beings so that we could cook them as a side dish for dinner. Calendula used as a medicinal and cosmetic ingredient.

basic information

Calendula is known as marigolds, and in China Changchun, the name of the Calendula means the flower that can bloom for a whole year. The most commonly known flower of the Calendula is the pot marigold. It belongs to Plantae, Dicotyledoneae, Carduoideae. When people first know this flower, this flower was grown in western Europe, Macaronesia, southwestern Asia, and the Mediterranean. It has a long history of cultivation in Europe. It is widely used in the garden and potted plants.

Growth habitats

It grows in mild and cold climate, is afraid of heat, but can stand the cold. It is required to have light or light shade, loose, good drainage, soil rich and moderate soil, with certain drought resistance. The southern part of Europe and the Mediterranean coast are the place of origin of calendula. The soil pH should be kept at 6 ~ 7 so that the plants have a lot of branches and it’s more large and dense. 7 ~ 20 ℃ is the most suitable temperature for Marigold growth, the seedling in the winter can withstand the low temperature of 9 ℃ below zero which can raise the ability to resist cold. And 0 ℃ is the best temperature for adult plants. If the temperature is very cold, the calendula could not survive, because the leaves of the calendula might be frozen. During the winter, if the temperature is above ten ℃, calendula will grow not good as usual, on the contrary, temperature rises in the summer, stem leaf grows too much, the flower could be unhealthy, and the petals of the flower decrease observably.

Common uses

Calendula, a magical flower, like many ancient plants, is of great use. It is mainly reflected in the pharmacological effect, medicinal use, edible value, and be used as a raw material for cosmetics and prevent multiple skin problems.

A.Traditional and ancient uses

Marigold species have been used traditionally for the medicine or the food because we could eat the petals of the Marigold. It can be used in salads or dried. Also, it can be used to color cheese. Moreover, it could replacement for the saffron. In Germany, the flowers are the common ingredient for the Germany soups and stews, which explains the why we call it “pot marigold.” The golden petals are one of material when we want to add color to butter.

B.Pharmacological effects

During the Middle Ages, calendula was used for healing and against plague. In Europe, European have their custom of internal medicine that use calendula to treat the duodenal ulcer and the stomach, gastritis and so on.

In herbalism, calendula is a powerful herb, which has the function of relieving pain and promoting wound healing. For external use, calendula could be one crucial plant when to treat the skin disease. It will bring sound bactericidal effects, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. The antibacterial ingredients of the calendula are soluble in the alcohols and insoluble in the water, and results are better when the calendula met the alkaline. It can also be used to anti-inflammatory, anti-mildew and prevent fester and can reduce sunburn, burn, etc. If someone takes drugs containing marigold ingredients that can treat various inflammation, gastrointestinal ulcers, dysmenorrhea and abnormal menstruation.

Calendula suspensions or tinctures are topical for treating acne, reducing inflammation, controlling bleeding and soothing the tissue. There is evidence that calendula creams or ointments are useful in the treatment of radiation dermatitis. Calendula oil is still medicinal. Calendula oil is used as an anti-inflammatory drug, an antineoplastic drug, and drug for treating wounds.

Plant pharmacological studies have shown that marigold extract has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, the extract of the calendula has sedative effects on the human central nervous system. Moreover, it can reduce the excitability of the human beings. Also, the intravenous injection can lower the blood pressure, increase heart activities and heartbeat amplitudes, promote blood circulation, and promote bile secretion to accelerate wound healing. The saponins in the marigold can lower the serum cholesterol and phosphatide, to reduce blood lipid. It is also helpful to treat stomach pain and stomach ulcer and hemorrhoids. Cinerarias polysaccharide composition has a robust immune stimulation

· Medicinal use

Ancient culture and marigold treatment characteristics. In some of the earliest medical books, marigolds are recommended for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is used to detoxify liver and gallbladder. Apply flowers to the wounds and wounds to stop bleeding, prevent infection and speed healing. Regular use of marigolds can improve appetite and improve sleep quality. Marigold is also used in a variety of female diseases and treats some skin diseases. Calendula is used as an open wound on the battlefield to prevent bleeding and preservatives during the American Civil War and to treat wounds to promote healing. Calendula was also used during World War I. Today is still important in alternative medicine.

· The value of consumption and health care

The calendula is widely regarded as the best food for both medicinal and edible, so it is often used as food to eat to boost immunity. Its flowers can also be made into salads or cooked with other foods to add color and flavor. The most common way to eat marigold is to make calendula tea, which can improve our health, and it is delicious.

When choosing marigolds, you should pay attention to don’t choose flowers that are too bright and too dark because the marigolds may have been stored for a long time and are harmful to the body. Should choose soft, smooth, the petals are not messy.

Calendula tea is the most common herbal tea in Europe, which can eliminate toxins and promote sleep in the long term. It can also prevent all kinds of diseases, and it has many functions such as protecting eyesight and liver, treating lymphadenitis and increasing the beauty and so on. Marigolds are suitable for drinking alone or with green tea. Golden petals float in golden tea, very fragrant, if you drink it feels a little bitter, can add some honey. Drinking marigold tea can effectively relieve your symptoms when you have a bad cold. In addition to, it can promote blood circulation and reduce alcoholism, but it’s well worth noting

· About cosmetics

Because marigold has many functions, including the medicinal value and edible value mentioned above, therefore, the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and calming functions of marigold are also used in cosmetics.

Calendulas are made into cosmetic, such as creams, lotions, shampoos, etc. The advantages of using calendula products are as follows.

The addition of calendula can moisturize, guard against irritation and soothe the skin. It can effectively prevent the precipitation of melanin, improve skin luster and elasticity, and delay aging. Use calendula to evaporate face, medicinal herb bath or hand-foot bath, can make the skin clean and exquisite, and let the woman looked more natural after she makes up. Some young people like using shampoos that contain calendula ingredients to make hair lighter.

Products containing marigold are also suitable for children. If your baby’s skin is sore, inflamed and sensitive, zinc-based Calendula diaper care soothes and nourishes the skin. Calendula Face Cream protects and cares for the delicate facial skin of your baby and also serves as a gentle moisturizer for hands and body.

Other uses

The beautiful flowers of marigolds used to be the source of fabric dyes. By using different mordants, a variety of yellow, orange and brown colors are available.


The calendula has been historically significant in many cultures. Calendula has been called the “Poor Man’s Saffron.” The name of calendula is a modern Latin diminutive of a calendar; it means little calendar, little clock, or little weather-glass. According to legend, calendula has the function of predicting the weather, if it blooms before 7 a.m., it will be sunny, and it will rain. Ancient Egyptians believe that marigolds can delay old age, while Indians think of it as sacred flowers. European and American people like to cut the flower stalks of marigold flowers for viewing in bottles. Since the calendula is the flower that informs the Virgin Mary, its flower language is the relief.

Work Cited

“Calendula.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 Jan. 2018,

Price, Annie. “The Antiviral Herb That May Ward Off Cancer.” Dr. Axe, 4 Dec. 2017,

“7 Impressive Calendula Benefits & Uses.” Organic Facts, 3 Nov. 2017,

“5 Things You Need To Know About Calendula.” Rodale’s Organic Life, 15 Sept. 2017,

“Herbal Oil: Calendula Oil Benefits and Uses.”,

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