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Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography #1

In each unit, you will locate in the Library a peer reviewed academic journal article. Review the article and write an annotated bibliography based on the guidance of the Rubric below.

View the full instructions and Rubric.

Assignment 2: The Importance of Annotation and Paraphrasing (Focus Paper)

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In this Assignment, you will evaluate and summarize your research-writing skills.

View the full instructions and Rubric.

Unit1 [GM501: Management Theories and Practices II]

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Unit 1 Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography #1

The purpose in writing annotated bibliographies is to get you started on your road of academic

research. Most researchers collect a library of annotated bibliographies to catalogue their

research articles for subsequent reference. W hen working on a research topic, they will refer to

their library of annotated bibliographies as a first step in gathering relevant and credible data.

For example, in the Unit 6 Assignment, you can use two of the articles you annotated in Units


It is important that annotated bibliographies summarize both the content and credibility of a

journal article. Article credibility is related to whom the author is and their purpose in writing and

to whom they are writing. Article credibility is also related to the content of the article itself.

Such criteria include:

Reliability: Are the findings reliable? How likely is it that the findings would be same if


Objectivity: Can the findings be objectively confirmed or verified?

Validity: Are the finds relevant for other contexts? Are the findings transferable?

Sources: Are the findings based on (linked to) previously published research in peer reviewed

journal articles?

Your annotated bibliography Assignments include points addressing article credibility (author

credentials, audience and article credibility) as well as a summary of the article content (content


In each unit, you will locate in the Library a peer reviewed academic journal article. Review the

article and write an annotated bibliography based on the guidance below.


Evaluating the management function of leading and controlling can be practiced by reading and

critically analyzing peer reviewed journal articles in the body of management literature.

Assessing leadership theories and practices enables managers to sharpen their ability to

address organizational issues. Fortunately, much has been written about management and

leadership. Accessing that information is a first step in linking leadership theory and practice to

the mastery of key outcomes in this course.

Your Annotated Bibliography should be limited to peer reviewed academic articles found in the

ABI/Inform Collection database and include a review of the author’s credibility (credentials and

experience). Be sure to identify the author’s intended audience. Knowing who the author is

addressing will be a key part of understanding the author’s message.

Unit 1 [GM501: Management Theories and Practices II]

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It is important to develop your own paraphrasing practice to capture the essence of what the

author says in your own words. Please click on either one or both of the following links to

review paraphrasing guidelines from the W riting Center:

A Quick Guide to Paraphrasing

A Quick Guide to Paraphrasing (Transcript)

Article and Format:

Provide a journal article relevant to this unit. Properly cite the article.

Article Credibility:

What are the author’s credentials and experience?

Have you encountered this author before in other journal articles or texts?

What is the author’s purpose and what type of audience is the author addressing?

Are the findings dependable? Can you confirm the findings? Are the findings relevant for other

settings? Are the findings based/linked to other peer reviewed journals?


Summarize the article in your own words and critique it. W hat is fact and what is opinion? How
reliable are the findings?


Finally, be sure to assess and apply the article to your own leadership practice. How will you
apply the article to your leadership practice tomorrow?

For the Unit 1 Annotated Bibliography #1, limit your search to the key terms listed below.

Be sure to utilize the following documents located in Course Documents under Course

● How to W rite an Annotated Bibliography

● APA Guidelines Summary

How to Access the ABI/Inform database, selecting peer reviewed journal articles:

1. Locate the Library link from Academic Resources
2. Scroll midway down the page and locate “ABI/Inform Collection”

3. Make sure “Full text” and “Peer Reviewed” are checked.
4. Enter your key word in the search area and select the search button.
5. Under Source Type, select Scholarly Journals.

Quick Guide to Paraphrasing

Unit 1 [GM501: Management Theories and Practices II]

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Under Course Documents, you will find the “How to Access the ABI/Inform Database” video to
learn more on how to access and search using the database along with additional resources. If
you prefer, you can bypass this and go directly to the close captioning video.

Unit 1 Keywords for Selecting Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Below is a starting list of relevant keywords/authors/journal titles. Utilizing this list will assist
your Library research process as you locate relevant peer reviewed, full-text journal articles to
annotate. Remember that you need to focus your article search on relevant key terms that

pertain to the readings for each unit. These journals and keywords are a starting point. You
may use other relevant journals or keywords.


Harvard Business Review

Academy of Management Review

Management Science

Organizational Science


Journal of Management


Team effectiveness

Team performance

Types of teams

Self-directed teams

Virtual teams

Team size

Team norms

Team member roles

Team processes

Team cohesiveness

Team conflict

Unit 1 [GM501: Management Theories and Practices II]

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● It must be a minimum of 2-pages (600 words) long (excluding title page, references, etc.)

● Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion.

● Be sure to include the criteria located in the Rubric below within your paper.

● It must be APA 6th ed. formatted with citations to your sources and your last page should

list all references used. Review the APA formats found in the W riting Center and utilize

the APA Guidelines Summary found in Course Documents under Course Resources.

● You must use at least three scholarly, high quality, and current sources in addition to

your course materials. Peer reviewed academic articles, articles published in journals,

textbooks, and library resources found in the “ABI/Inform Collection” database from the

Library are examples of high quality resources.

● Note that W ikipedia, Investopedia, etc. are not considered as reliable resources for this


Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location

and with a name that you will remember. Make sure your paper is in the appropriate format

(W ord, Excel, PowerPoint, or other), then, when you are ready, you may submit to the Unit 1

Assignment 1 Dropbox.

GM501 Unit 1 Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography #1

Performance Elements to be Evaluated Points

Criteria Expectations Possible Earned

Academic Article Provided a journal article relevant to this unit. 4

Annotation Format Properly cited the article. 2

Article Credibility:

Provided the author’s credentials and experience.

Indicated if you have encountered this author
before in other journal articles or texts.


Article Credibility:
Purpose of Article
and Audience

Described the author’s purpose and what type of
audience the author is addressing.


Article Credibility: Reliability: findings are dependable

Objectivity: findings can be confirmed

Validity: findings can be relevant for other settings

Sources: findings are based/linked to other peer
reviewed journals


Unit 1 [GM501: Management Theories and Practices II]

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Content Summary Summarized what the author is saying and how

the message is relevant to understanding the
concepts in readings for this unit. 8


Described the essential message you took from

the author of this article.

Explained how you would apply the central

message from this article to your professional or
personal life next week. 4

Paper Length Minimum 2 written pages (600 words), and double
spaced. 2

Writing Style Appearance, spelling, grammar, organization,
clarity, and APA 6th edition formatting and style. 6

LATE Paper Deduction -X

Total Points Earned 40

Unit1 [GM501: Management Theories and Practices II]

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Unit 1 Assignment 2: The Importance of Annotating and

You have completed the Paraphrasing Practice Exercise and examined useful research tools
to locate peer-reviewed, full-text, journal articles in the Library. In this Assignment, you will
evaluate and summarize your research-writing skills by writing a brief 3-page (900 words)

paper. Construct your paper using the subheadings below. Review the grading rubric before
beginning this Assignment.

Title your paper: “The Importance of Annotating and Paraphrasing”


● Introduction

● Results and Interpretation
● Conclusion


What is the objective or purpose in practicing how to paraphrase properly and learning how to

Results and Interpretation

Explain how you will apply proper paraphrasing skills as you write annotated bibliographies and

other papers throughout this course.

What value did annotating a peer-reviewed academic journal article bring to your own
understanding of individual behavior and how will this advanced effectiveness in your
management practice?


How would you assess your current skill level in paraphrasing and annotating?

Describe specific insights you gained in this learning activity.

What are some techniques or approaches that you will use in order to increase your
competency in properly paraphrasing and annotating?

Note: Because this is a reflection paper, there is no need to cite sources and add a
reference page to this paper.


● Your Assignment should have a cover sheet with the following information: Title of the

paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.

● It must be a minimum of 3-pages (900 words) long (excluding title page)

● Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion.

● Be sure to include the criteria located in the Rubric below within your paper.

● It must be APA 6th edition formatted. Review the APA formats found in the W riting

Center and utilize the APA Guidelines Summary found in Course Documents under

Course Resources.

Unit 1 [GM501: Management Theories and Practices II]

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Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location
and with a name that you will remember. Make sure your project is in the appropriate format

(W ord, Excel, PowerPoint, or other), then, when you are ready, you may submit to the Unit 1
Assignment 2 Dropbox.

GM501 Unit 1 Assignment 2: The Importance of Annotating and Paraphrasing

Performance Elements to be Evaluated Points

Criteria Expectations Possible Earned

Title Page According to APA 6th ed. formatting style. 4

Introduction Described the objective or purpose in practicing how to
paraphrase properly and learning how to annotate.


Results and

Explained how you applied proper paraphrasing skills
as you write annotated bibliographies and other papers
throughout this course.

Explained the value in how annotating a peer-reviewed
journal article brought you to your own understanding

of individual behavior and how this advanced
effectiveness in your management practice.



Summarized how you would assess your current skill
level in

paraphrasing and annotating.

Described specific insights you gained in this learning

Summarized the techniques or approaches that you will
use in order to increase your competency in properly

paraphrasing and annotating.


Paper Length 3-pages (900 words), double-spaced, and not including
the title page.


Writing Style Appearance, Spelling, Grammar, Organization,
Originality, and APA 6th edition Format and Style.


LATE Paper Deduction -X

Total Points Earned 81

Grade/Percentage Earned 100%

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