Aviation Security

Aviation Security

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Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be at least four (4) double-spaced pages;

To increase your knowledge of the field, discuss the

Administrative Search

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Exception. The following website will help you answer the questions below:


Respond to the items below in your paper.

1. Describe two (2)

Administrative Search Exception

issues relating to airline/airport


2. Describe one (1) way

that the exception differs from

usual requirements for probable


3. You can access Terry v. Ohio at


. Do you agree with the court’s decision that airport searches can be legally conducted under less stringent standards than ordinary probable cause? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your position. You can bolster your argument with subsequent Fourth Amendment cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court (lower court cases do not suffice). Remember that Terry remains good law, even though it was decided over forty years ago. Terry is largely regarded as the seminal “stop and frisk” case.

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.


25 points18 points12 points5 points

Student provides a clear, logical

description of at least 2

Administrative Search Exception
issues relating to airline/airport

Student provides a mostly clear,

logical description of at least 2

Administrative Search Exception
issues relating to airline/airport

Student provides a weak or


description of at least 1

Administrative Search Exception

issue relating to airline/airport


Student provides a poor

description of at least 1
Administrative Search Exception
issue relating to airline/airport

20 points 15 points10 points5 points

Student provides a clear, logical

description of at least 1 way

that the exception differs from
usual requirements for probable
Student provides a mostly clear,

logical description of at least 1

way that the exception differs

from usual requirements for

probable cause.

Student provides a weak or

unclear description of at least 1

way that the exception differs
from usual requirements for
probable cause.
Student provides a poor
description of at least 1 way
that the exception differs from
usual requirements for probable

35 points 30 points25 points20 points

Student provides a clear, logical

description of whether he or

she agrees with the court’s

decision, along with at least 2

clear, logical

supporting facts.

Student provides a mostly clear,

logical description of whether

he or she agrees with the

court’s decision, along with at

least 2 mostly clear, logical

supporting facts.
Student provides a weak or

unclear description of whether

he or she agrees with the

court’s decision, along with at

least 1 weak or unclear

supporting fact.

Student provides a poor
description of whether he or

she agrees with the court’s

decision, along with at least 1

poor supporting fact.

10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points

Student makes no errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes 1-2 errors in

grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the

Student makes 3-4 errors in

grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the

Student makes more than 4

errors in grammar or spelling

that distract the reader from

the content.

10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points

The paper is written in proper

format. All sources used for

quotes and facts are credible

and cited correctly. Excellent

organization, including a variety

of thoughtful


The paper is written in proper

format with only 1-2 errors. All

sources used for quotes and

facts are credible and most are

cited correctly. Adequate

organization includes a variety

of appropriate transitions.

The paper is written in proper

format with only 3-5 errors.

Most sources used for quotes

and facts are credible and cited

correctly. Essay is poorly

organized, but may include a

few effective transitions.

The paper is not written in

proper format. Many sources

used for quotes and facts are

less than credible (suspect)

and/or are not cited correctly.

Essay is disorganized and does

not include effective


Mechanics -Grammar,

Punctuation, Spelling

(10 Points)

Format – APA Format,

Citations, Organization,

Transitions (10 Points)

Terry vs. Ohio

(35 Points)

Administrative Search

Exception Issues

(25 Points)

Usual Requirements

(20 Points)

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