American Religious History Character-George Whitefield

**** I have attached a couple of files (templates) for this assignment.–This is on George Whitefield.

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This week you will submit a detailed timeline of your historical character’s life, in order to gain a broader understanding of the context of your character’s actions. Be sure to include any major world, political, and/or religious events that may have impacted them and/or shaped their worldview.

As you complete this assignment be sure to document your sources. You may need to refer to these as you develop the “Contribution” portion of this project. Additional Online Resources are available in the Course Materials folder.

For those of you who would like to explore further, listed below are some additional online resources which you might find useful. 

American Academy of Religion – as they note, “Founded in 1909, the AAR is the world’s largest association of academics who research or teach topics related to religion.

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Concise Dictionary of Religion – a useful source of ‘religion’ housed on the University of Calgary’s website.

Religion Online – as a general compendium of religion, here is an excellent source to connect  with thousands of religious texts.


American Sense of Puritan – From the American Studies group at the University of Virginia for the Capital Project by Scott Aikens.

Puritanism in New England – a concise summary of Puritan beliefs and culture.




Character Timeline

Student Name


Author Note

This paper is being submitted on (Date) for Professor’s G33/REL3131 American Religious History course.

Character Timeline for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Example of Two Different Styles You Can Use

Date Above Content


William Bayley, the father of Richard Bayley and grandfather of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton migrates to America from England. He settles in New York City (CITE).


Richard Bayley, the father of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton is born in Fairfield, Connecticut (CITE).


William Seton, the grandfather-in-law of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton and father of William Magee Seton, is born in England (CITE).


William Seton migrates to America from England (CITE).

Date on Same Line as Content

1774–Elizabeth Ann Bayley is born in New York City on August 28. She is baptized a few weeks later (CITE).

1775–Richard Bayley makes a return trip to England, but returns home as the American Revolution begins in earnest July 12 (CITE).

1776–William Seton marries Anna Maria Curson after the death of his first wife, Rebecca November 29 (CITE).

1777–Catherine Bayley, the mother of Elizabeth Ann Bayley, dies May 8 (CITE).


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. (n.d.). Retrieved from



Historical Character

How to format timeline and need Citations

Need a Reference Page

Example in General Course Question Area

If you have any questions please let me know.

Character Timeline
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
William Bayley, the father of Richard Bayley and grandfather of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton
migrates to America from England. He settles in New York City (CITE).
Richard Bayley, the father of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton is born in Fairfield, Connecticut
William Seton, the grandfather-in-law of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton and father of William
Magee Seton, is born in England (CITE).
William Seton migrates to America from England (CITE).

1774–Elizabeth Ann Bayley is born in New York City on August 28. She is baptized a few
weeks later (CITE).
1775–Richard Bayley makes a return trip to England, but returns home as the American
Revolution begins in earnest July 12 (CITE).
1776–William Seton marries Anna Maria Curson after the death of his first wife, Rebecca
November 29 (CITE).
1777–Catherine Bayley, the mother of Elizabeth Ann Bayley, dies May 8 (CITE).
1782–William Seton becomes assistant to the chief of police and superintendent of the Port of
New York (CITE).
Character Timeline
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
William Bayley, the father of Richard Bayley and grandfather of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton migrates to America from England. He settles in New York City (CITE).
Richard Bayley, the father of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton is born in Fairfield, Connecticut (CITE).
William Seton, the grandfather-in-law of Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton and father of William Magee Seton, is born in England (CITE).
William Seton migrates to America from England (CITE).

1774–Elizabeth Ann Bayley is born in New York City on August 28. She is baptized a few weeks later (CITE).
1775–Richard Bayley makes a return trip to England, but returns home as the American Revolution begins in earnest July 12 (CITE).
1776–William Seton marries Anna Maria Curson after the death of his first wife, Rebecca November 29 (CITE).
1777–Catherine Bayley, the mother of Elizabeth Ann Bayley, dies May 8 (CITE).

1782–William Seton becomes assistant to the chief of police and superintendent of the Port of New York (CITE).
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. (n.d.). Retrieved from
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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