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One of the most crucial components of this course is developing a research project from conceptualizing a research problem and develop a number of complementary design, measurement, and data collection approaches to bring evidence to bear on the problem.  Throughout the class, you created a research study based on publicly available data from the General Social Survey (GSS).  You chose data which were representative of your interests and satisfied your research question and hypotheses.  

This Assignment meets these course objectives:

1. Describe and apply the concepts and logic of elementary statistics.

2. Conduct statistical analysis in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).

3. Compare and contrast different types of data and the statistics that can be used to analyze them

4. Examine the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics and their use in the social sciences.

5. Form critical interpretations of quantitative research literature in sociology and other social sciences.

6. Complete and interpret descriptive and inferential statistical data analysis

7. Critically evaluate the quality of research design and evidence in published social research.


The Final Portfolio Assignment is where you pull together the research you’ve been working on the first seven weeks of class.  Using your weekly Forum posts, and the feedback from your classmates and instructor on your posts, construct a 6-page paper that fully explores your research topic in a way that provides the context and explanation surrounding the analyses provided in the paper.  Your professor is looking to see whether you understand what you are writing about, not simply going through the motions.  

Citing literature about your research topic, be sure to set the stage for the data and analyses that you present.  Briefly describe the General Social Survey as your survey instrument.  Provide the questions, verbatim, that were asked in the survey which became the variable which you chose to use.  You will also need to include the answer choices for each of them.  This portion can be a table if you choose.  Clearly identify and explain your hypothesis and the five steps of hypothesis testing as they apply to your paper.  Share and explain frequency table(s), crosstabs, and histograms or graphing to describe your data.  Using the statistical tests you ran each week in class (correlation, t-test, etc.), present the tests and your findings.  Explain the results of the statistical tests and pull in some literature to provide context, demonstrating how your results and research fit into the larger body of literature on this topic.  Be sure to use proper APA formatting for citations and references. However, you do not need to include an abstract or table of contents.  You can find guidance in APA by 

clicking here to access

 the Purdue Online Writing Lab.


Grading Rubric










Did not attempt 




5 points


Student provides rich, detailed introduction to the research topic.

5 points

Student provides an introduction to the research topic.

4.3 points


Student provides an introduction to the research topic, some detail lacking, more development needed.

3.8 points


Student provides an introduction to the research topic, significant detail lacking, more development needed.

3.3 points


No introduction to the research topic is provided.

0 points


GSS and Variables 


10 points


Provides detailed explanation of the GSS survey instrument used. Identifies the variables correctly, levels of measurement, and presents all variable data from the GSS

10 points

Explains the survey instrument used for data collection. Identifies the variables correctly, levels of measurement, and presents all variable data from the GSS. Minor corrections needed.

8.5 points


Explains the survey instrument used for data collection. Some detail lacking, more development needed.

Identifies the variables correctly, levels of measurement, and presents some variable data from the GSS. Some corrections needed.

7.5 points


Explains the survey instrument used for data collection. Significant detail lacking, more development needed. Identifies the variables- some may be inaccurate or missing. Levels of measurement may be inaccurate or missing.

6.5 points


Variables and levels of measurement are not identified. Does not include a review of the survey instrument.

0 points

Tables, histograms, graphing


20 points


Includes detailed and accurate frequency table(s) and crosstabs with explanation. Includes a detailed and accurate explanation for histogram(s) or other graphing. Tables, histograms, and other graphs are readable.

20 points

Includes an accurate frequency table(s) and crosstabs with explanation. Includes histogram(s) or other graphing with accurate explanation. Tables, histograms, and other graphs are readable.

17 points


Includes frequency table(s) and crosstabs. May be incomplete, or lack accurate explanation. Includes histogram(s) and other graphing. Explanation contains inaccuracies. Tables, histograms, and other graphs need revision.

15 points


Section is incomplete- either lacking a frequency table and crosstabs as well as histograms or graphs. If provided, they are inaccurate with inaccurate explanation. 

13 points


Student does not include frequency tables, histograms, or other graphing.

0 points

Hypothesis testing

10 points

Provides detailed overview of hypothesis testing using and citing relevant material. Lists and describes the 5 steps with regards to this study. 

10 points

Provides an overview of hypothesis testing using and citing relevant material. Lists the 5 steps with regards to this study.

8.5 points

Provides an overview, but there are lacking details. May also be missing steps within the 5 for the process as relevant to this study.

7.5 points

Missing one area (overview of hypothesis testing or the 5 steps as applicable to this study)

6.5 points

Does not provide this discussion of hypothesis testing.

0 points

Statistical results

15 points

Student presents Measures of Association and Tests of Significance. Appropriately presents the findings with detailed explanation.

15 points

Student presents Measures of Association and Tests of Significance. Presents the findings with explanation.

12.8 points


Student presents Measures of Association and Tests of Significance. Tests may not be entirely accurate for the data. Presentation of findings may have some inaccuracies.

11.3 points


Student is missing presentation of Measures of Association and Tests of Significance or the explanation of the findings.


9.8 points


Student does not include Measures of Association and Tests of Significance and explanation for findings.

0 points

Integration of literature

20 points

Student presents context for the current study with more than three sources that clearly relate to the research topic, two must be scholarly.

20 points

Student presents context for the current study with three sources that clearly relate to the research topic, two must be scholarly.

17 points

Student presents limited context for study and only reviews two sources that clearly relate to the research topic, at least one is scholarly.

15 points

Student presents limited context for study and only reviews one source that clearly relates to the research topic; the source is scholarly.

13 points

Student presents limited context for study and only reviews non-scholarly sources, or does not include sources that are related to the research topic. 

0 points

APA Format

10 points

Included APA formatted in-text citations and full references for all paraphrased and quoted work from other sources

10 points

Minor errors in APA formatting of citations

8.5 points

Multiple errors in APA formatting of citations

7.5 points

Little use of APA format 

6.5 points

APA format not attempted

0 points


10 points

Paper is polished and well organized. Paper has clearly identifiable sections of relevance. Tables and charts are easy to read. No grammar or spelling errors.   

10 points

Paper has clearly identifiable sections of relevance . Paper has clear sections. Tables and charts are easy to read. No grammar or spelling errors.  

8.5 points  


Paper is lacking clear sections, there are hanging tables and charts. Some grammar/spelling errors distract the reader.

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