Social Science

 Select four advertisements to support your work on the projects throughout this course. You can either choose all four from the

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Advertisement Examples

provided or include up to four ads that you find yourself. Guidance for selecting your own ads is included at the end of the Advertisement Examples handout.  


The four advertisements I chose are:

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1. Infusium 23 Hair Products

2. Woman’s Room: Stand Strong (an ad from the Croatian Rugby Association)

3. Pizza Planet: California Meat

4. V2O Pure Grain Vodka: Phone

Please refer to the  three attachments/ attachments include:

1. Example of template how it should be filled out

2 . Blank template

3. Examples of  Ad Advertisement   ( The 4 advertisements I chose) 

SCS 100 Theme 1: Advertisement Examples

You will need to identify four advertisements to support your work on the Comparison Template, which is due at the end
of Theme 1, and the Observation Journal, which is due at the end of Theme 2. The list below provides a number of
examples of advertisements you can use to support these assignments. The ads are grouped by the type of product or
service they are promoting, as it can be helpful to compare different themes or trends used across similar products. Feel
free to use any of the ads from the list below, to select ads across product or service type, or to select your own using
the selection criteria at the end of this document. Note that video ads featured through the Ads of the World website
may require viewing in Chrome or Firefox.

Product/Service: Health And Beauty

Advertisement Ad Type

Diaderm Anti-Wrinkle Cream


Infusium 23 Hair Products


Revlon: Charlie Print

Corega Denture Bond Print

Garnier: Hide Yesterday Print

Colgate: Sinkchild (0:31)


Loreal: The Waterproof Experience (1:44) Video

Product/Service: House And Home

Advertisement Ad Type

Whirlpool: Finding Time Transcript (0:31) Video
Initial: How Clean are Your Bathrooms Print

Tide Plus A Touch of Downy: The Princess Dress (0:30) Video

IKEA: One Room Paradise (2:30) Video

Schlage Locks: Ex-Girlfriend (0:30) Video

Coldwell Banker Real Estate: Home’s Best Friend


Tramontina: Meat Signature Iron (1:52) Video

Product/Service: Alcohol and Tobacco

Advertisement Ad Type

Carlsberg Beer: If Carlsberg Did Fitting Rooms (0:30) Video

Borsodi Beer: Counter Print

V2O Pure Grain Vodka: Phone Print

Polevskaya Varnya: Hangover is Over (0:57) Video

OCB: Stick it Up Print
1960s Camel: Where a Man Belongs Print

Product/Service: Food & Beverage

Advertisement Ad Type
Farmer Cereal Bars: Instant Energy, 2 Print

Airwaves Gum: Bus Print
Carl’s Jr.: Au Natural (0:52) Video

Milio’s Sandwiches: Astronaut Print

Pizza Planet: California Meat Print

Coca-Cola: Battlefield (1:02) Video

Spoleto Restaurant: Beautiful Women Don’t Pay


Product/Service: Cars and Transportation

Advertisement Ad Type

Land Rover: Maasai Tribe Print

Volkswagen TDI Clean Diesel: Mom (0:45) Video

Chariot India Print

Official Ram Trucks Super Bowl Commercial: “Farmer”


Volkswagen: The Uber test ride (1:53) Video

Lekker Bicycles: Model, 2
(There are three different models, you can view the
other two below the advertisement on this page)


Product/Service: Social Services and Causes

Advertisement Ad Type

Woman’s Room: Stand Strong (an ad from the
Croatian Rugby Association)


IP Casinos: Mammograms and Margaritas: Breast
Cancer Support


Chilean Red Cross: Earthquake (1:04) Video
Hospital Austral Print

Texas Department of State Health Services: Shhhh


Bureau of Civil Affairs: T-Shirt Design for Orphans Print

Qatar Cancer Society: Generosity Is Its Own Reward


Ad Selection Criteria

If you would like to select your own ads, use the criteria below. The ads you select should:

 Be interesting to you
 Feature people, not simply products
 Display interactions between people or convey ways that the product or service advertised will impact or influence


 Encourage you to ask questions about the ads, the people in them, or the approach used in the ad

 Enable you to ask questions about:

o The individuals in the ads
o The groups portrayed in the ads
o Culture or cultural representations included (or not included) in the ads

SCS 100 Theme 1: Comparison Template

Ad 1:

Ad 2:

Ad 3:

Ad 4:

1. Question(s) related to how individuals are represented in the ads

2. Questions related to how groups and group behavior are represented in the ad

3. Questions related to how culture and cultural identity are represented (or not represented) in the ad

4. How do the ads compare to each other?

5. What overall observations might a social scientist be interested in studying in relation to the themes present in these advertisements?
What larger questions about human interactions might they ask?

SCS 100 Theme 1: Comparison Template Exemplar

Ad 1: Freddo Ice Cream Ad 2: Milky Way Caramel

Ad 3: Celebrations: Gym Ad 4: Antonio
Federici Ice Cream

1. Question(s) related
to how individuals are
represented in the ads

Why is the “candidate” a young
white male?

What are we supposed to
assume, as consumers, about
this individual (the candidate)?

What assumptions are we
supposed to make about the
individual characteristics or
appearance of the bride?

Why do I perceive some
individual faces in the crowd
as angrier than others?

Why does the ad encourage us
to consider the bride as selfish
or guilty for eating chocolate?

Why are women stereotyped as
loving sweets, and lacking the
maturity to resist sweets?

How does athletic competition
change the way individuals
interact with one another?

Can a competitive environment
change an individual’s

Is it normal for individuals to
celebrate or express relief if
they are somehow benefitting
from someone else’s

Does indulging in items
considered “guilty pleasures”
(such as ice cream) actually
increase an individual’s feelings
of guilt?

Why do cultures often
associate women with
committing the “sin” of self-
indulgence in sweets?

Why is this viewed in the
culture as humorous?

What are ways in which
sensory perception around
sweet tastes are gendered?

Is there a physiological

2. Questions related to
how groups and group

behavior are
represented in

the ad

Why are both “servers” girls,
while most of the crowd and
the candidate is male?

Why are there not any diverse
faces in the crowd? Why are
various races or ethnicities not
featured in the ad?

Are the minority guests
intentionally grouped or
coupled together in the

How do sports teams express
dominance or power over
competitors outside of the
actual event?

How do elite athlete teams
(where players qualify based
on skill) behave when
compared to intramural athlete
teams (where everyone
qualifies to be on the team)?

How do religious orders
such as nuns establish
expectations for behavior?

Are there differences in the
way males and females
interpret Bible stories or

3. Questions related to
how culture and cultural
identity are represented
(or not represented) in

the ad

Are the red, white, and blue
“vote” signs meant to signify a
specific country or culture?

What does political voting have
to do with ice cream and is this
culture specific?

Does the setting in a church
and the presence of religious
symbols (e.g., cross, priest)
change how we view the ad?

Would this ad be perceived
differently by members of
other cultures, where lateness
is normal and more accepted?

How do different cultures
across the globe “celebrate”
with different types of food?

How do highly competitive
cultures view the ad when
compared to less competitive

Is religion important to Italian

How have perceptions of
guilt and guilty behavior
changed over time in Italian

4. How do the ads
compare to each other?

All the ads are featuring candy or ice cream. Three of the ads distinctly feature women eating the treats, while the fourth features
women serving ice cream to a crowd that is gathered around a boy. Two of the ads, in particular, bring up the concepts of guilt
and religion (or disrespect of religion) as it relates to women eating ice cream or chocolate. The other two ads feature a
competitive setting (a political election and a gymnastics event) and the idea that individuals “celebrate” with sweets. Three of the
four ads include very little or no racial/ethnic diversity. Three of the four ads depict women behaving questionably—making a
roomful of wedding guests wait, “celebrating” potential harm to a competitor, and a nun eating ice cream while pregnant. Social
scientists would likely be interested in this theme of exploring human behavior in relationship to food.

5. What overall
observations might a

social scientist be
interested in studying in
relation to the themes

present in these
advertisements? What
larger questions about

human interactions
might they ask?

Social scientists would likely be interested in the way women are portrayed in the ads, specifically the way the ads show women
serving others or behaving questionably. Social scientists would be interested in how the ads build on or depart from expected
roles and behaviors for women.

Based on these observations, social scientists might ask questions such as:

 How do contests or competitions impact women’s behavior and change society’s expectations for women?

 How do ads and media reinforce gender stereotypes around expected female behavior?

 How do men and women experience feelings of guilt differently, especially around foods and sweets?

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