Descriptive Statistics SLP Mod 2


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For the second SLP, using the data that you collected for the Module 1 SLP, please do the following:

1. Calculate the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation of the measurements taken in Module 1 SLP. Show your work and be sure to express each value in units.

2. Discuss which measure of central tendency you think most accurately describes the variable that you measured. Provide a thorough explanation.

3. Describe the spread/distribution of your data. Be sure to describe the variance of distribution and the concept of standard deviation as a measure of dispersion in your response.

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4. Conduct a scholarly search on the internet to find reported health statistics on the variable that you are measuring. For example, if you are measuring your total daily caloric intake, American Dietetic Association. Identify the source.

Submit your (2-3 pages) paper by the end of this module.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric that is linked within the course. Review it before you begin working on the assignment.

Running head: HEALTH DATA 1


Trident University International

Javidi Thomas

Module 1: SLP

BHS220: Introduction to Health Statistics

Dr. Sharlene Gozalians

January 14, 2018

Health Data

Data is an important tool for understanding various life functions. One of the life functions that make use of data is health. Various research studies have applied both qualitative and quantitative health data towards the development of health solutions. This particular context will highlight the total daily water intake using a 5-days set of data.

Variable of Choice and Units of Measurement

As indicated in the introduction section, the daily water intake is the variable of choice. The units for measuring the daily water intake are ounces. This particular variable measurement will involve data collection from the count of the number of glasses of water taken in a day. A calibrated cup will be used for measuring the water taken in grams. After that, the grams will be converted into ounces. Standardly, I cup of water is equal to eight ounces.

Collected Data

The following set of data relates to the daily water intake in the number of glasses and ounces.


Glasses of Water

















Table 1: Daily Intake of Water for Five Days in Ounces.

Description of Data and its Importance

The above table illustrates the tracking of day-to-day intake of water. Specifically, the data is collected on five consecutive days to provide consistency. Every glass of water in the above data set is estimated to hold 8 ounces of water. The median and mode of the water intake for the five days can be indicated to be four glasses of water. The mean of the five-day data is also 4. This average implies that the normal level of water intake for this case is four glasses of water.

According to Popkin, D’Anci & Rosenberg (2010), optimal health standards require that a normal human being takes in eight glasses of water on daily basis. However, the data at hand indicates par health standards. This inadequacy in meeting the required standards can be attributed to variations in weather and the daily activities. Furthermore, health status would also be responsible for the water consumed on a daily basis. For instance, a sick person would be more hesitant to take many glasses of water compared to a healthy individual. There might also be a variance in water consumed in the comparison of hot weather conditions and cool weather conditions. In some cases, it is also believed that the amount of food consumed would influence the water consumed on a daily basis. Therefore, the three glasses of water consumed below the average of the present data could be attributed to either cool weather conditions, bad state of health or consumption of highly hydrated foods such as fruits. On the other hand, the five glasses of water can be attributed to warmer weather conditions on the third day or the consumption of dry foods. Popkin, D’Anci & Rosenberg (2010) also indicate that the human body is largely made up of water at a 60 percent rate for the total body weight. Every body function also requires water. Considering that water is a necessity for the body, water intake levels are an effective way of monitoring individual health and the level of body functionality.


Indeed, water is a necessary commodity in the life of every individual. Collecting data and tracking the level of water intake within a day can be very useful in ensuring that individuals uphold the recommended standards of water intake. In the end, such data on water intake will help in providing extensive health solutions.


Popkin, B. M., D’Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010). Water, hydration, and health. Nutrition reviews, 68(8), 439-458.

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