DUE IN 12 HOURS!!! Algebra- Creating Linear Equations- Anticipated Salary

Due in 12 hours!!!

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Tom gas just received a new job offer. He is told that his starting salary will be $75,000 per year. He is also told that his salary will probably $83,000 in four years. 

We will use this data to try to anticipate his future earnings in any given year. 

Assume that:

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y = Tom’s salary amount in dollars And x = the number of years worked

Step 1:

Use the data given to find the rate of change, or the salary increase per year. (Hint: compute the slope.)

We are now going to use a line to model Tom’s salary growth. (See 1 illustration)

Step 2:

Use the data given and the slope value from Step 1 to write the slope-intercept form of the line. (See 2 illustration)

Step 3:

Based on your equation from Step 2, what will Tom’s salary be in ten years?

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