medical law and ethics

Unit IV Outline

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For this submission, you will submit an outline of your research paper on a topic based upon compliance standards related

to health information initiatives in medical law and ethics. This should include these specific components to ensure you are

on the right track:

an outline of your research and the intended thesis of your argument and

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at least two scholarly resources you have found that contribute to your topic.

This research outline should be at least two pages, double-spaced with Times New Roman 12 pt. font, and use appropriate

APA style writing. You should be thorough in your research so your professor or a colleague could adequately determine

your intended topic and the direction you are going with your paper.

Click here to view an example of a formal outline. Do you need more help with writing skills for this assignment? Click here

to access a full list of resources provided by the CSU Writing Center.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.


School Drug Testing

Roger Wilco

Columbia Southern University

The title



the paper’s

main idea and

identify the




and the




The title

should be

centered on

the page,

typed in 12-

point Times

New Roman

Font. It

should not be


underlined, or


The author’s

name and


should be


spaced and


The running

head is a


version of the

paper’s full title,

and it is used to

help readers

identify the titles

for published

articles (even if

your paper is not

intended for

publication, your

paper should still

have a running



School Drug Testing

Thesis: With the increased pressure to perform at a highly competitive level, the use of steroids

in secondary schools is becoming more common; therefore, schools have an ethical

responsibility to test athletes for steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

I. Drug testing benefits the school.

A. Pre-season testing can deter students from conduct that will affect the school.

1. Steroid users seek opportunities to perform without detection and achieve high

goals (Byrd, 2010).

2. Testing for abuse of steroids prior to the beginning of the season is effective in

preventing abuse (Byrd, 2010).

B. Steroid testing maintains a school district’s reputation.

1. Steroid free athletes establish a positive and successful atmosphere for other

athletes and students (Crain, Pool, & Schmidt, 2009).

2. Education is the best approach to successfully avoiding drug use of any form

on any school campus

(Lundberg, 2012).

II. Steroid testing protects a school district’s employees.

A. Testing helps avoid other drug abuse by students, as well as protects the school

district staff by ensuring proper conduct.

1. School district employees have a moral and general obligation to provide a

safe campus and prevent harm (Johnson

& Johnson, 2012).

2. Volunteers, custodians, cooks, and internet technologies professionals are all a

part of the school day and should factor into the testing parameters (Johnson

& Johnson, 2012).

Notice the header and page numbers on this

page. The actual words Running head are

not on any other pages after the first page.

The title will appear at the tip of the page

followed by the thesis statement.

To complete a


outline, if you


a Roman

numeral I,

you must have

a Roman

numeral II. If

you have an

A, you must

have a B and

so forth.

The sentences should represent support from the sources

that have been used in research for previous work.


B. Some southern school districts offer treatment programs for student and student

athletes that test positive for steroids and other drugs.

1. Students are permitted to remain a part of the team and in the program if they

volunteer to complete an extensive treatment program specifically tailored for

specific abuse

(Skinner, 2013).

2. Accepting responsibility for circumstances that permit or allow drug abuse is

key in prevention and recovery for both students, student athletes, and staff

(Skinner, 2013).

III. School district drug testing can protect the community.

A. Staff members and other support staff of the school district should be drug tested.

1. Staff members of the school district that personally have issues with drug

abuse or addiction cannot properly manage awareness and prevention

(Lundberg, 2012).

2. “It is a crime that all states do not institute drug testing programs for every

member of the school district staff” (Lundberg, 2012, p. 77).

B. Bus drivers should be drug tested.

1. Bus drivers should be tested for alcohol as well as prescription and

recreational drugs to provide the highest level for safety for student athletes

that travel for competition (Abeln, 2011).

2. Driver education teachers are not outside the testing laws that would provide

the safest circumstances for all students (Abeln, 2011).



Abeln, L. (2011). A sobering law for bus drivers. School Business, 55(3), 51+. Retrieved from

Business Source Complete


Byrd, J. D. (2010). Drug testing in the workplace. Professional Protection, 22(7), 22. Retrieved

from General OneFile database.

Crain, D., Pool, E., & Schmidt, S. (2009). Essential elements of a drug-free school zone

program. School Fundamentals, 52(11), 52-63. Retrieved from Academic OneFile


Johnson, C. R., & Johnson, M. S. (2010). Intrapersonal and professional ethics: Decision

making for personal integrity & social responsibility (4th ed.). New York, NY: Longman.

Lundberg, L. (2012). Drug treatment and school ground testing: Politics and organizational

dilemmas. Behavioral Sciences & Law, 9(3), 77. Retrieved from LexisNexis database.

Skinner, M. A. (2013). Risk factors for alcohol and other drug use by school professionals.

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention & Policy, 31(5), 26-39. Retrieved from Business

Source Complete database.

The title (References) is
centered, but not

The references are also listed in alphabetical order. Pay close
attention to the small details of formatting different types of
sources. Look closely at things such as punctuation, font
formatting, and capitalization, as these do change depending on
the type of source you are using.

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