Social & Cultural Diversity -Cultural Complexity

 This is a discussion- It’s due today I need it by 10pm EDT. My discussions are now due on Fridays.  

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I’m a African American woman/from low income background

This module taught you about the complex nature of cultural identity. It also introduced the multicultural counseling competencies developed by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) and informed you about the need for competence in the counseling profession.

As you reflect on the weekly readings and digital resources, think about your multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills. In addition, think about how you identify culturally. Has your cultural identity changed over time or due to experiences? Do you belong to cultures in which others might not identify with your outward appearance? Could others place you in a cultural group with which you do not identify? With these questions in mind, identify three cultural groups to which you belong and how the complex nature of these cultural memberships has impacted your development. In addition, define the purpose of the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD) multicultural competencies and how your level of competence may impact your work as an ethical counselor.

Reminder this week: Focus on your role in developing competence and self-awareness and the characteristics of and concerns for diverse groups.


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Post to the Discussion Area your responses to the following:

  • Take the multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills survey (MAKSS) and write a brief reflection on your score. You are not required to share your score but rather a reflection on what you learned from taking the assessment.
  • Identify three cultural groups (e.g., gender, ethnic, religious/spiritual, etc.) to which you belong and how the complex nature of these cultural memberships has impacted your development.
  • Identify at least two groups for which you seek additional awareness, knowledge, and skills.
  • Define the purpose of multicultural competencies.
  • Identify how your level of competence may impact your work as an ethical counselor.

Be sure to read all of your fellow classmates’ original posts and respond to more than two (for maximum points) of your classmates’ posts. Your responses should be substantive, meaning they should encourage further dialogue and discussion, encourage your classmates to think about other aspects of the topic, compare your response to your classmates’ responses, or ask a meaningful question to better your understanding. Responses such as “I like/I agree” or “I don’t like/I don’t agree” are not complete enough.

Your discussion posts and all written assignments should reflect graduate-level writing skills and appropriate use of APA style, including in-text citations and references.

Please consider your posts to be more than a mere required assignment. Especially for the weekend format, your online engagement is an opportunity to thoroughly engage with your classmates and instructors in an online format. It is expected that posts/responses will be respectful and substantive.  

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, post your responses to this Discussion Area.
  • Through the end of the module, respond to more than two of your classmates’ posts that differ from your opinion. While responding, comment on how the specific dilemmas identified in their responses address the cultural influences or differences between the human services workers and clients.

Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsQuality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions16Quality of responses to classmates12Frequency of responses to classmates4Reference to supporting readings and other materials4Language and grammar4Total: 


The Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey (MAKSS)*

The Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey (MAKSS) is a 60-item survey designed by Michael

D’Andrea, Judy Daniels, and Ronald Heck, all from the University of Hawaii. Respond to all 60 items on the

scale, even if you are not working with clients or actively conducting groups. Base your response on what you

think at this time. Try to assess yourself as honestly as possible rather than answering in the way you think would

be desirable.

The MAKSS is designed as a self-assessment of your multicultural counseling awareness, knowledge, and skills.

1. Culture is not external but is within the person.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

2. One of the potential negative consequences about gaining information concerning specific cultures is that

students might stereotype members of those cultural groups according to the information they have gained.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

3. At this time in your life, how would you rate yourself in terms of understanding how your cultural

background has influenced the way you think and act?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

4. At this point in your life, how would you rate your understanding of the impact of the way you think and

act when interacting with persons of different cultural backgrounds?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

5. How would you react to the following statement? While counseling enshrines the concepts of freedom,

rational thought, tolerance of new ideas, and equality, it has frequently become a form of oppression to subjugate

large groups of people.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

6. In general, how would you rate your level of awareness regarding different cultural institutions and


Very limited Limited Good Very good

7. The human service professions, especially counseling and clinical psychology, have failed to meet the

mental health needs of ethnic minorities.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree


8. At the present time, how would you generally rate yourself in terms of being able to accurately compare

your own cultural perspective with that of a person from another culture?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

9. How well do you think you could distinguish “intentional” from “accidental” communication signals in a

multicultural counseling situation?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

10. Ambiguity and stress often result from multicultural situations because people are not sure what to expect

from each other.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

11. The effectiveness and legitimacy of the counseling profession would be enhanced if counselors

consciously supported universal definitions of normality.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

12. The criteria of self-awareness, self-fulfillment, and self-discovery are important measures in most

counseling sessions.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

13. Even in multicultural counseling situations, basic implicit concepts, such as “fairness” and “health,” are

not difficult to understand.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

14. Promoting a client’s sense of psychological independence is usually a safe goal to strive for in most

counseling situations.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

15. While a person’s natural support system (i.e., family, friends, etc.) plays an important role during a period

of personal crisis, formal counseling services tend to result in more constructive outcomes.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

16. How would you react to the following statement? In general, counseling services should be directed

toward assisting clients to adjust to stressful environmental situations.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

17. Counselors need to change not just the content of what they think, but also the way they handle this

content if they are to accurately account for the complexity in human behavior.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree


18. Psychological problems vary with the culture of the client.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

19. How would you rate your understanding of the concept of “relativity” in terms of the goals, objectives,

and methods of counseling culturally

different clients?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

20. There are some basic counseling skills that are applicable to create successful outcomes regardless of the

client’s cultural background.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

At the present time, how would you rate your own understanding of the following terms:

21. Culture

Very limited Limited Good Very good

22. Ethnicity

Very limited Limited Good Very good

23. Racism

Very limited Limited Good Very good

24. Mainstreaming

Very limited Limited Good Very good

25. Prejudice

Very limited Limited Good Very good

26. Multicultural Counseling

Very limited Limited Good Very good

27. Ethnocentrism

Very limited Limited Good Very good

28. Pluralism

Very limited Limited Good Very good


29. Contact Hypothesis

Very limited Limited Good Very good

30. Attribution

Very limited Limited Good Very good

31. Transcultural

Very limited Limited Good Very good

32. Cultural Encapsulation

Very limited Limited Good Very good

33. What do you think of the following statements? Witch doctors and psychiatrists use similar techniques.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

34. Differential treatment in the provision of mental health services is not necessarily thought to be


Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

35. In the early grades of formal schooling in the United States, the academic achievement of such ethnic

minorities as African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans is close to parity with the achievement of

White mainstream students.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

36. Research indicates that in the early elementary school grades girls and boys achieve about equally in

mathematics and science.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

37. Most of the immigrant and ethnic groups in Europe, Australia, and Canada face problems similar to those

experienced by ethnic groups in the United States.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

38. In counseling, clients from different ethnic/cultural backgrounds should be given the same treatment that

White mainstream clients receive.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree


39. The difficulty with the concept of “integration” is its implicit bias in favor of the dominant culture.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

40. Racial and ethnic persons are underrepresented in clinical and counseling psychology.

Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree

41. How would you rate your ability to conduct an effective counseling interview with a person from a


background significantly different from your own?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

42. How would you rate your ability to effectively assess the mental health needs of a person from a cultural

background significantly different from your own?
Very limited Limited Good Very good

43. How well would you rate your ability to distinguish “formal” and “informal” counseling strategies?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

44. In general, how would you rate yourself in terms of being able to effectively deal with biases,

discrimination, and prejudices directed at you by a client in a counseling setting?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

45. How well would you rate your ability to accurately identify culturally biased assumptions as they relate to

your professional training?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

46. How well would you rate your ability to discuss the role of “method” and “context” as they relate to the

process of counseling?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

47. In general, how would you rate your ability to accurately articulate a client’s problem who comes from a

cultural group significantly different from your own?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

48. How well would you rate your ability to analyze a culture into its component parts?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

49. How would you rate your ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of psychological tests in terms

of their use with persons from different cultural/racial/ethnic backgrounds?

Very limited Limited Good Very good


50. How would you rate your ability to critique multicultural research?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

51. In general, how would you rate your skill level in terms of being able to provide appropriate counseling

services to culturally different clients?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

52. How would you rate your ability to effectively consult with another mental health professional concerning

the mental health needs of a client whose cultural background is significantly different from your own?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

53. How would you rate your ability to effectively secure information and resources to better serve culturally

different clients?
Very limited Limited Good Very good

54. How would you rate your ability to accurately assess the mental health needs of women?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

55. How would you rate your ability to accurately assess the mental health needs of men?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

56. How well would you rate your ability to accurately assess the mental health needs of older adults?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

57. How well would you rate your ability to accurately assess the mental health needs of gay men?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

58. How well would you rate your ability to accurately assess the mental health needs of gay women?

Very limited Limited Good Very good

59. How well would you rate your ability to accurately assess the mental health needs of handicapped


Very limited Limited Good Very good

60. How well would you rate your ability to accurately assess the mental health needs of persons who come

from very poor socioeconomic backgrounds?

Very limited Limited Good Very good


Scoring Instructions for the Multicultural Awareness Knowledge and Skills Survey (MAKSS)

The MAKSS is designed to measure an individual’s multicultural counseling awareness, knowledge, and skills.

This 60-item survey is divided into three (3) subscales. Items 1 to 20 provide a measure of multicultural

counseling awareness; items 21 to 40 provide a measure of multicultural counseling knowledge; items 41 to 60

provide a measure of multicultural counseling skills.

Subjects who complete the survey are provided with four options in responding to each item. These options are

ranked on a Likert-type scale from 1 to 4. A score of 1 indicates “very limited” or “strongly disagree,” a score of 2

indicates “limited” or “disagree,” a score of 3 is “good” or “agree,” and a score of 4 corresponds to “very good”

or “strongly agree.”

Please note, there are five (5) items in which we have reversed this scoring procedure. That is, on items 11 to 16

and item 38, a score of 4 is given if the subject circled “very limited” or “strongly disagree,” a score of 3 is given

if the subject circled “limited” or “disagree,” a score of 2 is given if the subject circled “good” or “agree,” and a

score of 1 is given if the subject circled “very good” or “strongly agree.” These items should be reverse coded

when entered into a computer to be consistent with the other items in the subscale (e.g., 4 is coded 1 for these

items only).

To calculate the total subscale scores, individual item scores comprising each subscale are summed (items 1 to 20

= awareness; items 21 to 40 = knowledge; items 41 to 60 = skills), and the sum is divided by 20 (the number of

items in each subscale) to generate three mean subscale scores.

You may find a published report of the initial validity and reliability findings and an explanation of statistical

procedures in comparing the pre- and post-test results in experimental/control group studies in D’Andrea, Daniels,

and Heck (1991).

FN *Developed by Michael D’Andrea, Ed.D., Judy Daniels, Ed.D., and Ronald Heck, Ph.D.,

Department of Counselor Education, University of Hawaii, Manoa, 1776 University Ave., WA2-221, Honolulu,

Hawaii 96822; (808) 956-7904. Used by permission.

Questions for Class Discussion

1. How satisfied were you with your results? Was it a surprise or did you expect your results? Please explain.

2. What plans do you have to become more multiculturally skilled as a counseling supervisor?

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