microsoft Sharepoint IT basic website

Need help finishing website most of work is done just need finishing touches using sharepoint microsoft

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Creative mind is needed for little paragraph descriptions and good with IT webdesing need done in 4-5 hours. you would start on step 4. if you cant finish it in 3 hours then no deal

MIS311 Asgn C: Use SharePoint Designer to build a Web-site with an Access database

SuperShop Foods Ltd has been serving the retail grocery needs of rural and small-town communities in British Columbia and Alberta since 1968. Originally, they provided dry goods to farmers and ranchers, but they expanded to carry a full array of groceries for residential (and some commercial) customers. “We’re not as large as ‘bigbox’ stores”, said Miranda Bellows, SuperShop’s operations manager, “but we’ve developed a base in small towns by hiring residents to run their stores with a local, community-centered focus”.

“We’d like a prototype web site for potential price-club members and our employees.” says Miranda. “The prototype should demonstrate how a website can display our products, product-lines, price-club members and employees. It should enable authorized staff to view and change product, member and even employee data stored in our database. Can your team help us?”


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WORKING individually, use SharePoint (or equivalent) to build a prototype web site on the
server for SuperShop Foods as follows. (If you use a development tool other than SharePoint Designer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your web pages are store-able, run-able and mark-able on

NOTE: For SharePoint Designer software, use 2007 only (do NOT use 2010:
does not support it).


There must be an initial
“welcome to SuperShop Foods”
page. This page should welcome browsers to the site and provide information and features to ensure the visitor is oriented. The page should be attractive to potential price-club Members.
Also, a disclaimer should appear on the welcome page (and every other page), such as
“This web-site is built for academic credit and it does not represent any real organization. No goods or services are offered or implied”.

 4 marks


Your website must also include the Supershop
Access database (provided in the Blackboard Assignment C object) which has the complete set of SuperShop tables from Asgn B, including the Member, Employee, Product and Product-line tables.
Using the (Active Server Pages .net) techniques shown in the MIS311 lab sessions, build the following six pages:

-a page with a grid that (only) lists all rows on the Product table,

-a page w. grid that (only) lists all rows on the Product-line table,

-a page w. grid that maintains

(inserts, updates and deletes)

the Product table,

-a page w. grid that (only) lists all rows on the Employee table,

-a page w. grid that maintains

(inserts, updates and deletes)

the Member table, &

-a page w. grid that maintains

(inserts, updates and deletes)

the Employee table.

set of THREE links/link-buttons
must appear on the welcome-page:
-one link-button transfers all browsers to the page which (only) lists all Products,
-a second link-button transfers to the page which (only) lists all Product-lines,
-a third link-button transfers to the “Maintenance” web page.
A “Maintenance” web page must exist for those who wish to make modifications to selected company database tables. This page must have a
set of three link-buttons
-one link-button transfers all browsers to the above “maintain the Member-table” page,
-a second link-button transfers to the above “maintain the Product-table” page,
-a third link-button transfers to the above “maintain the Employee-table” page.
All above pages should have any necessary titles, instructions, navigation features, layout and formatting (without causing the page to malfunction) so that they “look and feel” fully integrated with the rest of the web-site. Note:
using SharePoint editor to modify any template programs (eg. Edit_TTTTT or List_TTTTT programs),
protect your program by using “copy and paste” in your SharePoint folder-list to make a

-Without disturbing existing contents,
install a lookup-link
in the header and footer cell of the Rep_employee_id (Maintain Member page) and Product_line_code (Maintain Product page) foreign key columns (hint: see instruction #4 in the Edit_TTTTT.txt template). Each link must transfer control to its “parent-table” list-page (already one of six grid-pages built above). Ensure that these list-pages have sufficient instructions/links to help a novice operator get back to their calling page.

40 marks


Your site should provide password protection on the “third button” (specified above) on the “Welcome” page and separate password protection on the “third button” (specified above) on the “Maintenance” page.
After hitting either button, the operator must be asked to type in a password (which is the internal name of the desired “target” page).

6 marks


Create three additional “static” web-pages (no grids) for SuperShop Foods, including:
-a “
Products” background
page (linked from a link-button on Welcome page),
“Member” information
page (linked from a link-button on Welcome page), and
“Employee” information
page (linked from a link-button Maintenance page).
Under “Products” pages, you could show images, history and statistics about SuperShop’s various products and what their features are. Under “Employee” pages, you could show info, news and policies (like an Employee newsletter). Under “Member” pages, you could show Member-oriented stats, summaries, buying opportunities or other information that would be interesting and useful to potential members of SuperShop.
These pages will be evaluated based (in part) on the page
, any additional
incorporated and the
of the information. These pages are your opportunity to explore the use of Internet technologies as a tool for marketing.

15 marks


Somewhere on your web site you must include each of the following components:
i.   A “washed-out” background picture
ii. A hit-counter
iii. An “interactive”-button
iv. A marquee from SharePoint Designer “Web Components”
v. A link to a web-page(s) outside of the UofA, on the Internet
Note: The components may be integrated in to your Welcome Page or other web pages on your site. Be cautious if you decide to add extra features to your “” grid-pages.
If you wish to incorporate other web page components that you have seen on the Internet such as flash, Javascript, etc, marks are available under point 6 (iv) for extra effort.

10 marks


The website will also be judged based on the following criteria:
i.      Consistency (do all pages in web-site have similar “look and feel”?)
ii.     Navigation (can I easily and effectively move around in the site?)
iii A professional appearance suitable for this business (eg: organization, readability, messages, text-box-widths, etc)
iv. “Bells and whistles” – NEW Web features (highest marks for features not taught or documented in MIS311: researched by you) in addition to the above requirements (describe what you have researched and installed)

(5 marks)
(5 marks)
(5 marks)
(10 marks)

100 Marks

NOTE: amendments or clarifications may be posted in “Blackboard announcements”. Please check it periodically.


After the submission-deadline, your web-site will be visited through the internet by graders.
Before the deadline, you must submit a spreadsheet-document (see template) identifying and describing how your site has met all requirements.

For detailed submission instructions, see the Assignment C object in Blackboard.

All web-pages must be viewable using Internet Explorer from lab B24/B28.

· Due 11:59pm, Thursday, March 21, 2013


You are responsible for the content of your web folders and web site. Please note:

· Your web pages will be visible to the rest of the world: do not include confidential information.

· All web pages must conform to government and University of Alberta laws and guidelines for acceptable use of computer and network resources. For example, web pages that display or promote offensive images, violence, hate or discrimination are not permitted.

· Your web pages are NOT permitted to store or display
copyrighted materials, including text, images, audio or video files that are the intellectual property of anyone else. The University of Alberta could be held responsible for your violations of copyright law – therefore, all School of Business web pages are regularly monitored by Business Technology Services. Any web content that is judged to be in possible violation of copyright law will be removed without notice and may result in a penalty being assessed for the assignment.

· You must
label each web page with a disclaimer such as: “This web-site is built for academic credit and it does not represent any real organization. No goods or services are offered or implied”.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

All work is to be done individually. Do not copy, in whole or in part, the work of others, including paper printouts, electronic files or computer programs. Do not use the work of others as a starting point and then modify it. All work submitted under your name must be from you alone.

The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behavior (online at and avoid any behavior that could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University

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