
Peer review of two students… Thse papers are attached of each student… one has 3 pages and the other 1… I need them today in 8 hours..

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American Dilemmas: Submission Three Peer Review Day

For next class (Wednesday, Dec. 4):

Bring TWO COPIES of each of your two peer review memos or letters. If you won’t be in class, you MUST e-mail your letters to both me and your peers BY CLASS TIME for credit.

For the following class (Friday, Dec. 6):

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Download and complete the peer review evaluation sheet, and bring the hard copy to class.

Upload completed submission 3 to turnitin via Blackboard Assignments page BEFORE class.

In folder, turn in: graded subs 1 AND 2 with my comments: subs 1 and 2 grade sheets; completed sub 3 (the whole paper); both peer reviews TO you; and completed peer review evaluation sheet.

Be prepared to present an informal three-minute overview of your paper to the class.

Guidelines for in-class peer review:

1) Read submission three sections of both peer papers quickly BUT ATTENTIVELY. Make notes for when you write your own response.

2) The first writer should begin discussion by asking for particular feedback he/she would like.

3) Peers should ask the writer questions: to elicit more detail, to find out why the writer made certain choices, to clarify the writer’s intention. Take notes to help you with your peer review.

Guidelines for peer review homework memos:

Write a one- to two-page peer response in the form of a letter or memo to each of two peers, and bring the completed, typed letters/memos to our next class. Note strengths as well as problems, but focus on suggestions that will make your peer’s paper better. Put your name and the name of the peer you are responding to at the top of the first page. NOTE: I expect each peer to receive at least one FULL page of substantive commentary.

Focus your comments on submission three:

1. Final position/solution: Is the topic sentence a clear answer to the thesis question? Does the writer: a) support that conclusion with a clear, persuasive explanation of why the chosen position is best? b) include at least two arguments and evidence? c) address feasibility? d) continue to support this section with citations from the research?

2. Counterargument: Does the writer include a clear, logical counterargument, supported with evidence and developed for a full paragraph? Does the writer rebut effectively (but briefly)?

3. Moral reasoning: Does the writer include a moral reasoning justification for the chosen position? Does it include values, obligations, consequences? Does the writer include and justify two normative principles? Are they the most appropriate principles for this solution? Does each point make sense and are they all fully and clearly explained? Does the writer logically justify why the chosen values take precedence over other possible values?

4. Organization: Is sub 3 organized well, with clear topic sentences and paragraph coherence? Does the conclusion paragraph (after the counterargument) restate the thesis, revisit all main points, and end gracefully? Are paragraphs appropriate length? Does the writer use transitions well?

5. Is MLA form used correctly for the header, page formatting, and Works Cited? Any disruptive grammatical, punctuation or usage errors? (DON’T EDIT – just note.)

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