1200 -1500 Words Short Report- No plagiarism

Please find the INSTRUCTIONS attached and 2 SAMPLE REPORTS to guide you in making this report exactly the way the institution requires it to look. I am also including the grading rubric so you’ll know what to watch out for.

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Also, note that I am submitting this via TURNITIN and therefore would not tolerate any form of plagiarism. I will test it with this website’s plagiarism checker before purchase. I will also run it on my own plagiarism software.

If you are confident of your writing, please then take this on. I need it tomorrow.

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Instructions for Graded Writing Assignment 3: Short Report


• Lesikar’s Chapter 11, pages 339-359

• Sample Short Report, pages 350-358

• Lesikar, Appendix B, pages 615-620


For this final Graded Writing Assignment, you will compose a Short Report based on one of the

scenarios outlined below. You must choose one of the scenarios listed below; papers submitted

reflecting a scenario other than those listed below (even those listed in your text) will not be

given credit or graded.

Assignment Requirements:

Write your findings as a well-organized Short Report containing the following key elements:

• A title page

• Document headings to separate parts of the report

• At least two sources with brief in-text citations as shown in sample Short Report (pages


• Interpretation of your findings in terms of their likely significance to you and your


Assignment Notes:

• Create all pieces of the short report as one (1) document.

• The Short Report should be 1,200-1,500 words in length. Remember to focus on

content, not just writing to fill a word requirement.

• You will upload your finished document to the appropriate assignment in Business

Communications. Instructions on how to upload are available in the Topic 12

assignment area.


Option 1) The graphic design shop where you work as the account manager is doing well. Just

last year, the owner hired three new designers and a receptionist, bringing the total number of

employees to 14. But with growth comes certain headaches, and one of them is figuring out

how to regulate employees’ Internet use. Currently, employees can download anything they

want from the Internet and view any web site they wish.

The owner’s IT person has alerted him to several problems. One is that the designers are

downloading any and all software that they think sounds “cool” —even software in beta

1 Please note that the sample shown in your book is a Mid-length Report and therefore contains some sections

that you will not need for the Short Report. For instance, you will not need the letter of transmittal or the

executive summary.


versions that still have a lot of kinks. As a result, their computers lock up or malfunction, and

the IT person has to spend hours troubleshooting the problem to get it resolved.

Two, there is concern over what Internet sites employees are viewing, specifically those that

are inappropriate for the workplace. Overall, the IT person is worried about security breaches

resulting from these downloads, inappropriate web site visits, and other Internet activities.

It’s time for a policy to be developed governing Internet-use, and your boss thinks you’re just

the person to help write it. Your assignment is to study the current wisdom on workplace

Internet policies and send your findings to your boss and the IT person as a short report,

including a proposed Internet-use policy that might be implemented.

Option 2) As a Senior Buyer at Darcy’s, a national department store, Sasha Warner manages the

buyers in the eastern U.S. region. You’re currently working under her as a sale co-op student.

She drops by your office to chat one day and brings up a subject she’s been wondering about.

“Do you know anything about Skype?” she asks. You nod, having used this online international

phone service yourself. “I heard it’s totally free and really easy to use,” she continues, “so I’m

thinking about recommending that all my buyers subscribe to it. Then maybe they could talk to

each other and to international designers and merchandisers more easily. Is there any

downside? Maybe security issues?” You’re not sure–but you offer to look into the matter for


Do the necessary research, and, if you haven’t yet done so, try this service yourself and then

write Sasha a report giving her the information she needs to decide whether or not to pursue

this idea further. She may want to share your report with other managers in the company, so

be sure you give it your best effort.

Option 3) You work for the owner of three local coffee and tea shops, one of which opened a

few months ago. The newest one has already developed quite a nice, regular clientele, mostly

those in or near the neighborhood who want an alternative to the big-coffee-chain experience,

but your boss thinks its sales need a bump. She is considering holding an in-store promotion at

the coffee shop – her first ever. Since she knows you’re an Internet whiz, she turns to you for

help. “How do you run one of these events?” she wants to know. “How much do they cost? Are

they worth the effort and expense? What are my options? Do such promotions have lasting

effects? How can I maximize the results?”

You turn to the Internet and find a lot of great stuff about in-store promotions, so much, in fact,

that you decide to present your findings to your boss in writing. Tell her what she needs and

wants to know in a clear, well organized report. Having the information in writing will also be

helpful if she wants to share it with other employees. Be sure she can go to your sources and

read more if she wants to.

Option 4) Many managers today are realizing that there really is something distinctive about

“Gen Y,” or “Millennial,” employees (the children of the “baby boomers”–who were themselves

children of the World War II generation). Find a real client or invent a realistic company to use


as your client. Then review the literature on Gen Y employees and write your client a report in

which you describe the distinctive traits of this segment of the workforce and recommend ways

to recruit, manage, and retain them.

Option 5) Your company does not offer flexible spending accounts (FSAs) for its employees.

Your boss wonders if your company (you pick the name) should. Are FSAs a good idea for

businesses and employees? Prepare a report for your boss in which you analyze the advantages

and disadvantages of FSAs so that she can decide whether to offer FSAs to your employees.

The Benefits and Risks of

Using Skype at Darcy’s:

A Short Report

September 20, 201


Prepared for:

Darcy’s Department Store

Prepared by:

Student Name





The East Coast buyers for Darcy’s Department Store are looking for an economical and

efficient way to share information about the deals buyers are getting from various

suppliers and use real-time transmission of that information between one another to

help save money.

There are a number of tools to do this, but Skype has been mentioned as a leading

contender. Skype claims to be an easy to use, online tool that allows users to connect

with any other Skype user around the world for free. A user can make video and voice

calls to other Skype users at no charge. Users can even share files among themselves,

which provides a great asset during a business meeting. However, when there are group

video calls, then Skype begins to charge a fee.

Also, for buyers throughout the East Coast, this tool can be useful if they need to talk

with one another. However, for meetings that require more than two attendees, Skype

is not a useful tool and is not intended to work that way for business.


Among the most attractive benefits of Skype is that it is free and you can see the person

you are talking with. To purchase a software license for 20 buyers that is compatible to

what Skype can do will cost Darcy’s roughly $1,500 per month. There are no hidden

charges with Skype. According to Skype’s web page, users get video and voice calls to

other Skype users and “instant messaging and file sharing” all at no charge.

The video sharing feature of Skype will allow the buyers to see products in real time.

For example, if two buyers are looking at similar merchandise from two different

suppliers who are offering different pricing, then they can quickly Skype one another

and compare the product to see if it is the same and to then get the best pricing for it.

Two business writers for the Auburn Citizen in NY, state that there are business users

“who can save time and money in scheduling and holding conferences or training

sessions, demonstrate products or services for potential customers, and extend

customer service by showing customers how to get the most from your product” (Leon

and Leon).


Despite the benefits mentioned above, there are clear downsides to this product. I

tested Skype over a one-week period by calling various Skype users throughout the East

Coast and tried to simulate a conversation that a buyer might have.

First, using Skype takes getting used to. During my five-day test, I never mastered the

connection stage. This is when one Skype user “calls” another Skype user. Skype makes


a distinctive sound that lets the user know it is making a call. However, once you

connect to whom you are calling, the picture shows, but it takes about five seconds for

that picture to catch up with the person sitting there. In essence, it is a still picture for

five seconds.

Second, once I was connected to the user, I quickly realized that what I was saying was

not being transmitted in real-time. There could be up to a three second lag in what I

said and the user hearing it. This created a number of challenges, but the biggest one

was this lag kept the other user and me talking over each other. I just assumed the user

could not hear what I said, so I repeated myself. Of course, as soon as I spoke, then I

heard the user’s response to my original message, and thus began us talking over one

another. This was a persistent problem throughout my first two calls, but got better

once I became more familiar with the technology.

Third, the picture is grainy, like an old TV. In this world of high definition, the picture I

was getting with Skype looked like a 1970s television set. I could see the person fine,

but the lack of clarity was alarming. If buyers were trying to compare colors of a fabric,

for instance, that would be nearly impossible to do because of the degraded picture


Fourth, I experienced a number of connectivity issues throughout my test. I was only

able to connect immediately on four of my 10 test calls. On the others, I thought the

person picked up, but there was no one there, and I had to re-connect. This caused

frustration and made me want to discard Skype each time it happened. Also during

calls, it was not uncommon for the connection to be lost, and I would have to try and re-

connect again. I am not sure why this occurs, but it happened on nearly 40% of my calls.

Again, this caused a great deal of frustration.

Finally, there are concerns that the privacy of Skype users is being violated by Microsoft,

“Anyone who uses Skype has consented to the company reading everything they write”

(“Skype with Care).


The use of Skype really boils down to money. If we are trying to save money and need a

readily available, free solution, then Skype is a contender. However, even though it is

free, Skype poses a number of technology challenges that are outlined above. This

alone makes this technology untenable for our company. At the swift pace we move,

little challenges like the one Skype poses lead me to not recommend the product.

There are a number of other services we can use, including many instant messaging

programs that provide similar services as Skype, but do it better. We can even use

FaceTime, from Apple, that can be used on Macs, iPhones, iPads, and iPods, and most of

our buyers seem to have at least one of these products.


In summary, although Skype is free, it does not meet the need we have to interconnect

buyers across the East Coast and allow them to quickly and efficiently conduct business.

I do not recommend Skype for Darcy’s buyers.


Works Cited

Leon, Norma, and Tony Leon. “Sky’s the limit for Skype video call uses.” The Citizen. N.p.,

Aug. 2013. Web. 20 Sept. 2013.


43a729f04992.html. >.

“Skype with care – Microsoft is reading everything you write. .” The H Security. N.p., May 2013.

Web. 20 Sept. 2013.


“What is Skype?.” Skype. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013.


Internet Usage Policy at


A Short Report

September 20, 2013

Prepared for:

Pyramid Design Team

Prepared by:

Student Name



Pyramid Design Team began seven years ago as a small design firm with three

employees. The original employees were the owner and two designers. With this core

of three employees, each knew what was expected of the other, and official policies cut

against the grain of the creative atmosphere that was being fostered. Therefore, aside

from the founding document containing the mission of the company, there were no

policies put in place. This worked fine, until recently.

Within the last four years, Pyramid has hired 11 additional staff, including designers and

programmers. The company has been implementing new policies regarding vacation

time, holidays, and sexual harassment, for example, but there still exists no policy

governing the use of the Internet at work. Now that the company consists of 14

employees, I propose the creation and adoption of an Internet policy that will provide

employees with clear guidelines about its appropriate and sanctioned use at work.


The inappropriate use of the Internet is threefold. First, the designers and developers

are downloading beta versions of software from the Internet. Since this software is

often in beta, there can be, and have been, numerous problems with these types of free


Our IT manager has seen a huge increase in Trojan viruses penetrating our system and

causing damage to our servers and other employees’ computers. He has spent

countless hours trying to find and remove these viruses and has expended thousands of

dollars in resources to call in technical specialists to eradicate the viruses.

The intent of the designers and developers was simply to get the latest software that

will allow them to create the best product. Unfortunately, that has not always been the

case, and some of these downloads are causing serious IT threats to our systems.

The new Internet policy needs to ban this practice and clearly state that nothing can be

downloaded from the Internet without the express consent of the IT manager and a


Second is the use of social media at work. The use of company computers by employees

to view Facebook, other social media, and streaming services has increased 200% in the

past 18 months! Some employees, for example, are logging-into Facebook when they

arrive at work and leaving the page running as a tab in their web browser, checking it

frequently throughout the day.

This has decreased productivity. A study conducted by Nucleus Research and published

by Computerworld found that “Companies that allow users to access Facebook in the

workplace lose an average of 1.5% in total employee productivity, according to a new

report from Nucleus Research, an IT research company. The survey of 237 employees

also showed that 77% of workers who have a Facebook account use it during work

hours.” Facebook is, of course, the biggest offender, but the policy needs to ban all

social media, such as Twitter, while at work.

The third area of concern involves streaming video services, such as Netflix, Amazon

Prime, and Hulu. Employees who eat lunch at their desk are using their computers to

watch videos from a streaming video provider. The problem arises when the employee

watching a video finds the content completely suitable, while a co-worker sitting

nearby, or passing by his or her desk, finds the content inappropriate. As this is a

subjective opinion, we can be opening ourselves up to a lawsuit for sexual harassment,

for instance, if a video contained nudity in it and the passerby saw it and became


Although most employees are not falling into this category, it only takes one. Because

of this, we need to ban streaming videos.

Finally, there have been instances where pornography has been viewed on a company

computer. I am sure we all can agree that banning the use of viewing or downloading

any pornographic image using a company computer should be banned.


There needs to be a policy implemented where violations like these above can be dealt

with immediately. Depending on the severity of the infraction, we can have a tiered

system of punishment:

1. First Infraction – verbal warning
2. Second Infraction – written warning
3. Third Infraction – dismissal from the company

There are many forms an Internet usage policy can take, but I suggest we keep it simple.

GFI, a company that provides IT solutions, provides a clear-cut policy for Internet usage

that details what company computers should, and should not, be used for:

• Company employees are expected to use the Internet responsibly and productively.

Internet access is limited to job-related activities only and personal use is not


• Job-related activities include research and educational tasks that may be found via

the Internet that would help in an employee’s role

• All Internet data that is composed, transmitted and/or received by

computer systems is considered to belong to and is recognized as part of

its official data. It is therefore subject to disclosure for legal reasons or to other

appropriate third parties

• The equipment, services and technology used to access the Internet are the property

of and the company reserves the right to monitor Internet traffic and

monitor and access data that is composed, sent or received through its online


• Emails sent via the company email system should not contain content that is deemed

to be offensive. This includes, though is not restricted to, the use of vulgar or

harassing language/images

• All sites and downloads may be monitored and/or blocked by if they are

deemed to be harmful and/or not productive to business

• The installation of software such as instant messaging technology is strictly


Unacceptable use of the Internet by employees includes, but is not limited to:

• Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images on

the Internet or via email service

• Using computers to perpetrate any form of fraud, and/or software, film or music


• Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s password without authorization

• Downloading, copying or pirating software and electronic files that are copyrighted

or without authorization

• Sharing confidential material, trade secrets, or proprietary information outside of the


• Hacking into unauthorized websites

• Sending or posting information that is defamatory to the company, its

products/services, colleagues and/or customers

• Introducing malicious software onto the company network and/or jeopardizing the

security of the organization’s electronic communications systems

• Sending or posting chain letters, solicitations, or advertisements not related to

business purposes or activities

• Passing off personal views as representing those of the organization

Obviously, not all points made here are necessary, but this provides the best overview

of a policy that we can utilize to make our operations run more smoothly and

effectively. We can pick what we need and discard what does not apply. I suggest we

begin work on creating this policy within the next week and have it ready to implement

within one month. I am available at your convenience to discuss the creation of this


Works Cited

“Sample Internet Usage Policy.” GFI. GFI Software, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013.


“Study: Facebook Use Cuts Productivity at Work.” Computerworld. Computerworld, Inc.

22 July 2009. Web. 20 Sept. 2013.


Needs Improvement




Content Many key elements of the
assignment unmet. Content
not covered in a substantive
and/or comprehensive way.
Work reflects some
confusion with important
aspects of the assignment.
Student illustrates a lack of
understanding and insight of
assignment objectives.

All key elements of the
assignment are met, but
content not always covered in
a substantive and/or
comprehensive way. Work
reflects a solid grasp of each
important aspect of the
assignment. Student
illustrates insight and
understanding of assignment

All key elements of the
assignment met. Content is
covered in a substantive and
comprehensive way with
each important aspect of the
assignment addressed.
Student illustrates insight and
understanding of assignment

Organization Main points are unclear and
many are not sufficiently
supported. Ideas are not
logically arranged.
Construction of sentences
and paragraphs reflects
difficulty with organizing
coherent thoughts.

Main points are clearly stated,
but not always supported.
Ideas are logically arranged,
but sentences and paragraphs
are not well-constructed.
Organization reflects coherent
thought, but transitions are
needed to help connect ideas.

Main points are clearly stated
and supported. Ideas are
logically arranged. Sentences
and paragraphs are well-
constructed. Organization
reflects coherent thought
with effective transitions
used to connect ideas.

(Support and

Points are not supported
with evidence. Student
does not make an effort to
anticipate the reader’s

Most points are supported
with evidence (facts, statistics
when applicable) and
Student makes an effort to
anticipate the reader’s
concerns by offering relevant
explanations and clear
support for the author’s

Main points are supported
with effective evidence
(facts, statistics when
applicable) and examples.
Student anticipates the
reader’s concerns by offering
relevant explanations and
clear support for the author’s

Tone & Style

Word choice is informal and
is not directed towards
appropriate audience. Tone
and style are not
appropriate for assignment.
Font type and/or size are
not appropriate for
assignment. White space is
not used effectively.

Word choice is directed
towards the appropriate
audience, but some issues
related to tone and style
noted. Font type and size
choices may not be
appropriate for assignment.
White space is used

Word choice is directed
towards the appropriate
audience. Tone and style are
appropriate for assignment.
Professional font type and
size for assignment purpose.
Effective use of white space.

Grammar/Mechanics Many errors noted in
sentence structure and/or
spelling. Rules of grammar,
usage, and punctuation not
followed. Documentation
style not used or formatting
contains several major

Sentences are complete and
spelling is correct. Minor
grammar, usage, and/or
punctuation errors noted.
Appropriate documentation
style used where applicable
with some minor formatting

Sentences are complete and
spelling is correct. Rules of
grammar, usage, and
punctuation followed.
Appropriate documentation
style used where applicable.

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