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Module: Emphasizing Ideas Using Parallel Structures

Name: _______________________ Date: __________________

Do this assignment the next time you start preparing to write a paper.

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1. Write a possible thesis statement on a sheet of paper. Below it, list words
and phrases that could be good to reuse or repeat in parallel structures.

2. When you have done enough planning to start drafting your essay, pick a
paragraph or a short section that you will need to write. Write a draft of it
as you would normally, without making any particular attempt to repeat
words or phrases.

3. Write two more versions of the paragraph or section. In one, repeat
important words, phrases, and sentence structures to make your writing
clearer and/or to emphasize your main point. In the other, repeat as many
words, phrases, and sentence structures as possible (in other words,
overdo the repetition—have fun with it).

4. Write a paragraph contrasting the three versions you wrote. Which one will
readers will probably like best?

5. Hand in
the thesis statement and list of words and phrases
three versions of the same paragraph (or short section)
a paragraph contrasting the paragraphs
this cover sheet plus the following scoring pages

Scoring Pages (Your teacher will fill out these pages.)

Module Objective
Learners will effectively repeat parallel structures for clarity and/or emphasis.

Module Strategy

Look for opportunities for effective repetition:
• words that you want to emphasize or that state your main topic
• phrases, sentences, or sentence structures that you can repeat to tie

your ideas together

Check that you haven’t overdone the repetition:

• Read your work aloud to see if the repetition seems boring.
• Be sure repeated words make the focus clear.

Rubric: This writer

____ Yes ____ No chose words and phrases to repeat that are specific and
relevant to the thesis statement.


____ Yes ____ No repeated important words or phrases where appropriate
(for example, to add emphasis to those ideas and to
clarify otherwise vague referents).


Permission is granted to instructors to copy and distribute this worksheet for instructional purposes only. Copyright ©
2004 PLATO Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. PLATO® is a registered trademark of PLATO Learning, Inc. PLATO
Learning is a trademark of PLATO Learning, Inc.

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____ Yes ____ No repeated important sentence structures where

appropriate (for example, to add drama and to signal
readers that the ideas are parallel).


____ Yes ____ No indicated, in the reflective paragraph, that balance is
important when using parallel structures (too much is
boring, too little can leave important ideas without


This writer

____ effectively uses the Emphasizing Ideas Using Parallel Structures strategy.

____ needs more practice.

Comments/Next Steps:

Permission is granted to instructors to copy and distribute this worksheet for instructional purposes only. Copyright ©
2004 PLATO Learning, Inc. All rights reserved. PLATO® is a registered trademark of PLATO Learning, Inc. PLATO
Learning is a trademark of PLATO Learning, Inc.

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