Studying abroad

Bader Alrashidi

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Mr. Toomey

Title: Studying Abroad

Specific Purpose: To enlighten my audience about studying abroad

Thesis Statement: Today I want to share what I’ve learned about studying abroad

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Attention: Studying abroad has been a quench to many. Anyone given the opportunity will go for abroad studying rather than studying in ones country. People take studying abroad opens you a new world, and wider job market. It is however important to consider the effects and relevance of these abroad studies on your career life, social life and the impacts they bring to a country whose citizens study abroad.

Thesis: For this lesson I want to share what I have learnt about studying abroad and the impact to individuals and to a country.

Preview: We need to follow closely the population that opt to study on abroad, the impact of abroad studying on and individual and a country.


I. Studying abroad refers to acquire knowledge on a certain field on another country other than your own country.

a. People go to study abroad for the following reasons:

i. Mostly people opt to study in countries which have been ranked the best in offering studies in certain fields. For example India has been ranked the best country offering medicine studies, therefore many people majoring in medicine will opt to study in India for them to have greater chances to be successful and reliable medicine persons.

ii. There is a mentality that one expands job market if one studies abroad. One can work in the country he/she has studied; his/her own country or any other country that values the studies from the country one has studied.

iii. Scholarships provided to students who have achieved best to further their studies on abroad is another contributing factor. One might have never dreamt of studying abroad but he/she is given scholarship to do so. Through this many people have been given chances to study abroad.

iv. Other people find themselves studying away from their countries because their parents stay in those countries. It happens automatically that if you were born or stay in a particular country, definitely you will go to school in that particular country.

v. Some other people do not value the studies of their own country and therefore they get satisfaction by studying in other countries.

vi. These are some of the reasons why people might find them studying abroad. As the saying goes, everything has its own advantages and disadvantages, studying abroad are not exempted. We will therefore look at these two sides of studying abroad.

b. Advantages of studying abroad

i. Studying abroad, in countries which do best in the field of your study makes one more competent, reliable, and effective in his/her field of study.

ii. Studying abroad widens ones job market. The person can work in his own country, the country he/she has studied in and other countries valuing the studies fro the country one has studied.

iii. Studying abroad helps solve the overcrowding and over reliance of resources in a particular country. For example learning institutions and learning materials respectively.

iv. The people who study abroad become more civilized.

v. Finally, studying abroad helps a country to get more professionals for certain fields which they could not offer.

c. Disadvantages

i. Studying abroad makes people to abandon their cultures and start upholding the foreign culture from where they study.

ii. Many who study abroad end up working on those countries, hence depriving their countries professionals.

iii. When these people return back to their countries, they introduce the foreign culture hence eroding their own country culture.


Summary statement: To further understand on this issue, go to the web look at how many people are struggling to acquire scholarships to abroad studies, the scholarships offered and why government support the whole thing and how many people from your country who studied abroad and where they are currently working.


· Byram, M., & Feng, A. (2006). Living and studying abroad: Research and practice. Buffalo: Multilingual Matters Ltd.

[First Slide]

Hello everyone, I am Bader Alrashidi, studying HCOM 100 under Mr. Toomey’s guidance. It is a pleasure to see you in this fine morning.

Today I am going to talk about the Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, which happened in the middle of 1990, and has a great impact in world history.

The specific purpose behind choosing this topic is to inform my audience about what did happen to Kuwait in 1990 and 1991, the impact of war in Kuwait, and the reasons behind the invasion. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait had a huge impact on Kuwait’s past and future, which completely changed the course of history of Kuwait. Let’s begin our journey by focusing on the reasons behind the war.

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We will begin with the introduction; first let’s try to think of the reasons those lead to the war.

They are, firstly, Kuwait and Iraq shared many a problems in the past. Ever since Kuwaiti independence in 1961, the Iraqi governments hunted various opportunities to occupy and take control over Kuwait.

Secondly, the Iraqi administration was never been able to recognize Kuwait as a separate state, so they always wanted to settle with Kuwait. This cause roots back to 1921, when Kuwait was separated from Iraqi land by British authorities.

Thirdly, having a lot of oil reserve, Kuwait is one of the richest countries in the world. In this present economy, oil is the key to power, thus every country wants to get hold of as much oil as possible in every ethical and unethical way, that is also another reason for Iraq to invade Kuwait.

Here we come to the thesis statement once more, The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait had a huge impact on Kuwait’s past and future.

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Here we will try to get a preview of the whole scenario.

First, we need to think, why did Iraq invade Kuwait, then we will focus on how did it happen, and after the invasion of Kuwait, what the Iraqis did to Kuwaiti administration, it’s people and economy.

Secondly, Kuwait was liberated in a very short time by taking help from its friendly countries.

Like in every war, there were a lot of destinies, destructions and loss of money, Kuwait also lost a lot from the war, but also gained a lot from it.

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Let’s begin by talking about the invasion, it was a surprise move from Saddam Husain because no one thought that he would go this far.

Saddam Husain invaded Kuwait because he thought that Kuwait was originally part of Iraq.

In 1990, Iraq accused Kuwait of stealing Iraqi oil through slant drilling, thus the mutual relations between these two countries got even more heated up.

On the second of August 1990 More than 100,000 Iraqi soldiers backed up by 700 tanks invaded Kuwait, and within two days of intense combat, most of the Kuwaiti Armed Forces were either overrun by the or escaped, and Hussein announced in a few days that Kuwait was the 19th province of Iraq.

After the invasion, they controlled everything in Kuwait like, Hospitals, Police stations, and even the streets.

[Transition: Move to 5th Slide]

Lets take a look at this video clip from CNN, which was filmed during the first day of the invasion.

The video will give idea about the intense firing, heavy weapons and the brutality of the war.

After we have known about the Invasion in detail, let’s move to the liberation.

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Kuwait asked for help from its supporters, so it can gain freedom again.

The confederation was consisted of the countries that were officially opposed to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, USA, UK, Egypt, and a lot more countries helped Kuwait by giving Kuwaitis shelter and food in that difficult time.

On 26th of February 1991 Kuwait was liberated, taking help from allies after four days of fighting with the Iraqi army.

[Transition: Move to 7th Slide]

Now lets talk about how did the war affect Kuwait.

As I mentioned earlier, Kuwait lost and gained many a things from this war.

On the bad side, Many Kuwaities were killed and more than 1000 Citizens and army personnel are still missing from the war.

Kuwait lost a huge amount of oil during the invasion, when Iraqi army invaded the country, they set fire to more than 700 Kuwaiti oil wells, that caused a very lousy hit in Kuwait’s Economy.

On the brighter side of things, Kuwaitis knew that help would be there when they need it. The United confederation was made up of 39 countries, consisting USA, UK, Turkey, Egypt, France, Saudi Arabia, Syria and many others.

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We will now like to call off our little presentation by summarizing the content we have discussed so far.

We can say that people will never forget this war because not only it had a huge impact on Kuwait or Iraq, but also it had an impact on the entire world. Kuwait lost a lot of people and a lot of money from this war.

But on the better side, Kuwait was able to recover its land with active help from its allies.

[Transition: Move to 9th Slide]

Here is the list of references I used to create this short presentation.

You can find the associated web addresses in each reference.

A lot of material was collected from CNN and BBC reports, other sources are also used.

[Transition: Move to 10th Slide]

Thank you people for your patience, you are the best audience anyone can expect.

You can ask any questions that might have come into your mind during the presentation.

Wait for questions.

Thanks Everybody.

Have a great day!

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Bader Alrashidi

HCOM 100


Title: A Presentation on

The Invasion of Kuwait

Thesis Statement: The Iraqi invasion on Kuwait had a huge impact on Kuwait’s past and future.

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about what did happen to Kuwait in 1990 and 1991.

Reasons behind Iraqi Invasion:

Kuwait and Iraq shared many problems in the past.

Iraqis thought that Kuwait belongs to them, and they wanted it back.

Kuwait is one of the richest countries in the world and it also have a large oil deposit.

Thesis Statement

The Iraqi invasion on Kuwait had a huge impact on Kuwait’s past and future.


Why did Iraq invade Kuwait, how did it happen, and what did they do to Kuwait when they invaded it.

Kuwait was liberated by the help of it’s allies.

Kuwait lost a lot from the war, and also gained a lot from it.

The Invasion
Saddam Husain invaded Kuwait because he thought that Kuwait was originally part of Iraq, and he also presumed that Kuwait was stealing oil from Iraq.
On 2nd August 1990, More than 100,000 Iraqi soldiers backed up by 700 tanks invaded Kuwait.
Kuwait became part of Iraq in one day, they controlled everything in Kuwait, “Hospitals, Police stations, even the streets”

CNN Reports 1st Day of Invasion on Kuwait

You need to click on this video to start

The Liberation
Many countries gave Kuwaitis’ shelter and food in that time.
The Allies, Saudi Arabia, USA, UK, Egypt, and others sent their armies to get Kuwait back to it’s people.
On 26th of February 1991 Kuwait was liberated after four days of fighting with the Iraqi army.
A Kuwait M-84 tank during the Invasion

The Effect of war in Kuwait
Many Kuwaitis were killed and more than 1000 are still missing.
Kuwait lost a huge amount of oil. “Iraqi forces set fire to more than 700 Kuwaiti oil wells” (Johns)
Kuwaitis knew that help would be there when they need it. The Allied coalition was made up of 39 countries. (CNN)
Aerial view of oil wells on fire


Summary Statement

This war is unforgettable, because not only it had a huge impact on Kuwait or Iraq, but also it had an impact on the entire world.
Kuwait lost many of its citizens and a lot of money from this war.

“BBC ON THIS DAY | 2 | 1990: Iraq invades Kuwait.” BBC News – Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. .
Johns, Dave. “FRONTLINE/WORLD . Iraq – Saddam’s Road to Hell – A journey into the killing fields . PBS.” PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. .
Karadsheh, Jomana. “Tensions remain, 20 years after Gulf War –” – Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N.p., 16 Jan. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. .
Library, CNN. “Gulf War Fast Facts –” – Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. .

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