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I have received the assignment that we spoke about on yesterday.  I have attachd an example and the instructons that was provided by the instructor.   Thank you in advance for your assistance on this assignment. 


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The Data Analysis Assignment is intended to engage students by asking them to reflect on the relationship between institutional arrangements in their lives, and:  1. institutional actions and events across multiple levels of activity; 2.  cross-cultural institutional forms; and 3. institutional change over time. However, in accomplishing that task students are asked to analyze and develop conclusions about the theories and concepts regarding institutional arrangements introduced to them through the readings, lectures, and ongoing class discussions for the week.


Learning Objectives Supported:


  • Describe the major social institutions found in most societies.
  • Analyze the social and individual functions and dysfunctions of each institutional form.
  • Explain the interactions of social institutions at the regional, national, and international levels.
  • Apply influential institutional theories and concepts to specific cases.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of different institutional solutions to social problems.
  • Explain how social institutions shape individuals and their life chances.




Students must choose one of the institutions discussed in this course as their essay focus.  The essay must address the following issues:


  • How has the American form of this institution developed since World War II?
  • Compare the American form of this institution to its expression in two other countries.
  • Discuss how this institution positively and negatively affects individuals.  How might individuals work to change it for the better?
  • Apply one institutional theory in an extended critical analysis to more clearly understand the workings of this institution.
  • Evaluate how this institution is adapting to pressures from globalization or changes in other institutions.


Your essay should incorporate the results of several sources of original sociological research, provide clear and well-developed examples for each of your major points, and critically evaluate the effects of this institution in the Information Age.


1.      The essay has to include all information that I have attached and should have at least 2500 words not including the references and title page.


.      One of the References has to the textbook below


Skolnick, J. H., & Currie, E. (2007). Crisis In American Institutions (14th ed.).  Boston: Allyn & Bacon.





Data Analysis

Student A
Social Institutions
Patrick McGinty




ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 3


U.S. vs. EVERYONE ELSE………………………………………………………………pgs. 5-7


INSTITUTIONAL THEORY……………………………………………………………….pg. 9


CONCLUSION…………………………………………………………………………… 10

WORKS CITED……………………………………………………………………………pg. 11




What is a social institution? A social institution is a complex, integrated set of social

norms organized around the preservation of a basic societal value. “Sociologists often reserve

the term “institution” to describe normative systems that operate in five basic areas of life, which

may be designated as the primary institutions. (1) In determining Kinship; (2) in providing for

the legitimate use of power; (3) in regulating the distribution of goods and services; (4) in

transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next; and (5) in regulating our relation to the

supernatural. In shorthand form, or as concepts, these five basic institutions are called the

family, government, economy, education and religion.” (Sociology Guide, 2011)

The U.S. Military has and always will be a powerhouse in the world and a strong social

institution. In saying this, our military is like no other in this world. Historically, the U.S. Army

came into being on 14 June 1775. Later that same year, the U.S. Marine Core and Navy were

formed. In 1790, the Coast Guard was formed. The last service to join the Department of

Defense was the U.S. Air Force in 1947. These five military organizations compile the defense

mechanisms for the United States and its citizens.




The military is a social institution that has been around in one way, shape or form for

many generations. World War II was the last war fought in which the President asked

Congress for a declaration of war. Furthermore, it changed the way the military viewed war

and war capabilities.

WWII made the military realize that in order to be the powerhouse in the world, many

things were going to have to be re-structured and changed. Many of these changes have

made us the country in which we are today. In further paragraphs I am going to talk about a

few of them.

“World War II marked the end of an era in the military history of the world. After

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all nations would live under the shadow of atomic power, with its

potential destructiveness multiplied enormously by the development of the hydrogen and

thermonuclear bombs. The appearance of the nuclear weaponry stimulated the search for a

new military philosophy and brought a whole meaning to deterrence.” (Coakley &

MacDonald, 2011)

In one way, shape or form, women in the military has always been present but not

always accepted. Although they were not able to enlist in the beginning they involved

themselves as nurses to aid wounded warriors. It was in WWII where women played the

strongest role in the military and were tasked to accomplish occupations that they were not

normally used to working. Some of which included, working in the war industries building

ships, aircraft, vehicles, and weaponry.

They also worked in factories, munitions plants and farms, and also drove trucks,

provided logistic support for soldiers and entered professional areas of work that were



previously the preserve of men. Thousands of others joined defensive militias at home.

Women also performed many kinds of non-military service in organizations such as the

Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP), Office of Strategic Services (OSS), American Red

Cross, Cadet Nurse Corps, and the United Service Organizations (USO).

In 1947, The National Security Act was established. This act was enabled to meet the

need for a military reorganization. It combined and replaced the former Department of the

Navy and War Department with a single cabinet-level known as the “Department of

Defense.” The act also later created the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence

Agency, and the Air Force.

Although African Americans have participated in every major U.S. war, the battle for

integration and for recognition of the accomplishments of black soldiers has been a slow

process. It wasn’t until after World War II that the U.S. armed forces became integrated,

under a 1948 executive order by President Harry S. Truman. Truman’s decision to

desegregate the armed forces was the beginning of the many changes that took place in

American society that led to greater equality for all Americans. (ABC CLIO, 2011)

The Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1958 is a United States federal law

which was created to provide for more effective administration for the Department of

Defense (DoD). The goal of this act was to streamline channels of authority in DoD, and still

maintain the authority of the Military Departments. It also transformed the decision-making

authority from the Military Departments to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of

Defense. It also strengthened the command channel of the military over U.S. forces from the

President to the Secretary of Defense. (Wikipedia, 2011)



Another major development after WWII was the series of alliances that the United

States began to form. These alliances conformed, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

(NATO), which later became the centerpiece of American policy. This policy allowed the

U.S. to aid those countries in which they allied and vice versa. The Korean and Vietnam

wars allowed America to aid and conform those alliances.


North Korea and Russia are two if the biggest enemies that the United States military

currently has. North Korea also known as the “Hermit Kingdom” is known for its communist

actions and its isolation of its people. “Besides being a brutal, authoritarian regime which has

left its population among the poorest and hungriest on the planet, the government of North Korea

has been openly belligerent toward the rest of the world. In order to get food (or merely to get

attention) North Korea will, at times, launch missile tests which fly over Japan or kick

international inspectors out of its nuclear power facilities.” (Porter, 2011)

Like the United States, the Koreans are well known for their nuclear weapons. Currently,

the North Koreans have more nuclear weapons than the United States. It has also been said that

the Koreans have ties with Al Qaeda and are possibly supplying them with weapons of mass

destruction against U.S. military forces. “North Korea is said to have installed heavy artillery all

along the border with South Korea. These guns are ready to rein destruction down on Seoul and

other South Korean cities. This capability and North Korea’s unpredictability, mean the United

States has to think twice before bombing North Korea’s nuclear facilities or taking any other

provocative action.” (Porter, 2011)

The North Korean military is currently ranked twentieth in the world. Korea currently

has five different military organizations, they are as follows: The Korean People’s Army Ground



Forces, The Korean People’s Naval Command, The Korean People’s Air and Air Defense

Command, Artillery Guidance Bureau and the North Korean Special Operations Force. Like the

U.S. military each has its own distinct function in the military structure. Korea has mandatory

military service of 21 months and those who do not abide except the consequences of


“Through most the final half of the 20th Century, the United States and the Soviet Union

were the principal actors in an epic battle, referred to as a Cold War, for global domination. This

battle was, in the broadest sense, a struggle between communist and capitalist forms of economy

and social organization.” (Porter, The Relationship of the United States with Russia, 2011) Even

though Russia has now nominally adopted democratic and capitalist structures, the history of the

Cold War still hinder the U.S. and Russian relations today.

The Soviet Union mirrors the United States as being one of the first countries to develop

nuclear weapons. Currently, Russia’s military is currently ranked third in the world right below

the number one U.S. and number two China. Like the U.S., the Russian military is divided into

the following branches: the Russian Ground Forces, the Russian Navy, and the Russian Air

Force. There are also three independent arms of service: Strategic Missile Troops, Military Space

Forces, and the Russian Airborne Troops.

In Russia, a person can be conscripted at the age 18 – 27, i.e. a man can’t be drafted after

he turns twenty-seven. The Russian Federation has a mandatory 12 month draft, in order to not

be drafted the following circumstances need to be met: (1) Studying in a university or similar

place. All full-time students are free from conscription, but they can be drafted after they

graduate (or if they drop out). Graduated students serve one year as privates, but if they have a

military education, they have the option to serve two years as officers. Persons who continue



full-time postgraduate education, or have an academic degree (Candidate of Science, PhD, and

Doctor of Science) are not drafted. (2) Getting a medical certificate that shows that a person is

unfit for service. (3) Having more than two children. (Russian Federation, 2003)

The Russian Ground Forces are distributed among into four military districts: Western

Military District, Southern Military District, Central Military District, and the Eastern Military

District. Previously from 1992 to 2010, the Ground Forces were divided into six military

districts: Moscow, Leningrad, North Caucausian, Privolzhsk-Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern.


The U.S. military can have a positive and negative effect on personnel. When personnel

decide to join the military it can be a scary and indecisive time. They are doing something new

that they have never done before. From personnel experience let me tell you that joining the

military was the best thing I ever did. It taught me discipline and teamwork. I didn’t have to

depend on anyone but myself and I was part of a family. Yes, of course basic training sucked, as

they all do, but, after that it is a piece of cake.

Basic training is there to teach the standards and codes of conduct in the military. The

instructors break you down just to turn around and build you back up. It also weeds out the good

people from the bad. After basic and technical training, your first duty station is where you will

find what the real military is about. Military members have numerous amounts of benefits that

normal Americans don’t have such as, one hundred percent health benefits, paid housing, tax

relief and retirement just to name a few.

Some of the negative effects of joining the military can be the constant deploying and

possibly even giving your own life for your country. Although dying for your country is a great



honor, some military members are not always willing to do so. Deploying is something that not

everyone wants to do, either due to leaving family and friends or just being scared they might not

come back. Another negative aspect is finding out your job is not what you thought it would be.

Like for me, when I initially joined the military, I was slotted for a completely different

job than what I got. I ended up being Security Forces. Little did I know what I was in for in the

coming years. When all other agencies were working Monday through Friday, 7-4, I was

working twelve to sixteen hour shifts three to six days a week depending on appointments and

exercises. The cop life is definitely not the best, but, like I said all jobs are not like that.

Not all personnel can conform to the military lifestyle. People don’t like the fact that

they are part of the military 24-7 and are the property of the government so anything that is done

wrong can not only be charged by civil law but military law as well. This is where a lot of

people fall into trouble because there previous lifestyles catch up them and they revert back to

their old ways.


The military and civilian lifestyles are part of two different worlds. There are many

differences between the military and civilian lifestyles, yet there are many similarities as well.

The issues at hand can range from pay, to health benefits, to politics and beliefs. The best benefit

of the military is the job security. A military member does not have to worry about getting fired.

In the civilian world, a job doesn’t guarantee a paycheck. However, a military member cannot

quit his job if he doesn’t like it, whereas a civilian is free to leave their job at will. (Wright, 2008)

For many soldiers and their families the lifestyle of the military is another world. Life on

a military post is uniform. The houses look alike, the people look and dress alike, and every day

is much the same as the one before. (Wright, 2008)



The social structure of the military consists of a chain of command. A chain of command

is you, you’re supervisor, your supervisor’s supervisor, and so on. In every problem and

situation you are required to follow your chain of command. Also being a part of the military

requires you to follow a direct set of rules, which guides you in your day to day operations.

The objective of any military is to protect its country and its citizens. The military acts as

a defense mechanism when anyone decides to attack it. Although the military


Today the American Nation is fighting the War on Terrorism. In this war, adversaries are

not only foreign states but also extremists employing irregular means. These adversaries seek to

erode American power, influence, and resolve. They threaten the security of American society,

endangering its freedoms and way of life. This war is fueled by an ideology that promotes

intractable hatred of the democratic ideal, especially in its Western manifestations. (Department

of the Army, 2005)

In order to counter the challenges that face America and its military, the U.S. is

increasing its versatility and flexibility, pursuing iterative solutions, and developing a

sophisticated understanding of the new environment and its implications. Military forces are

committed to global requirements beyond those associated with the War on Terrorism. They are

operating to counter challenges ranging from the traditional to potentially catastrophic.

(Department of the Army, 2005)



Military forces deter potential adversaries, reassure allies and friends, and assist when

disaster strikes. The versatility of military forces and their readiness to deploy on short notice,

make them relevant throughout the range of military operations.


In conclusion, the military engages in a struggle for its relative importance among

institutions, its survival, and the broad ability to shape itself to carry out its purposes. Although

this is not an easy task, the military as a whole works within one another to ensure it citizens are

safe each and every day. Military members and families sacrifice and do what they have to do in

order to serve America and its people.

















The Data Analysis Assignment is intended to engage students by asking
them to reflect on the relationship between institutional arrangements in
their lives, and: 1. institutional actions and events across multiple levels of
activity; 2. cross-cultural institutional forms; and 3. institutional change
over time. However, in accomplishing that task students are asked to
analyze and develop conclusions about the theories and concepts regarding
institutional arrangements introduced to them through the readings,
lectures, and ongoing class discussions for the week.

Learning Objectives Supported:

• Describe the major social institutions found in most societies.
• Analyze the social and individual functions and dysfunctions of each institutional form.
• Explain the interactions of social institutions at the regional, national, and international

• Apply influential institutional theories and concepts to specific cases.
• Identify the strengths and weaknesses of different institutional solutions to social

• Explain how social institutions shape individuals and their life chances.


Students must choose one of the institutions discussed in this course as their
essay focus. The essay must address the following issues:

• How has the American form of this institution developed since World War II?
• Compare the American form of this institution to its expression in two other countries.
• Discuss how this institution positively and negatively affects individuals. How might

individuals work to change it for the better?
• Apply one institutional theory in an extended critical analysis to more clearly understand

the workings of this institution.
• Evaluate how this institution is adapting to pressures from globalization or changes in

other institutions.

Your essay should incorporate the results of several sources of original
sociological research, provide clear and well-developed examples for each of
your major points, and critically evaluate the effects of this institution in the
Information Age.



1. The essay has to include all information that I have attached and should have at least
2500 words not including the references and title page.

2. Paper is due Saturday 12 noon 7 December 2013.
3. One of the References has to be textbook Skolnick, J. H., & Currie, E. (2007). Crisis In

American Institutions (14th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.





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