Managerial Accounting PAPER

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Requirements for the Research Paper


APA Style:Prepare all term papers according to the APA style manual.  Information regarding this format may be found on the library website.


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References:The APA style manual should be used in citations.  Be aware that rules for proper attribution require short quotations be incorporated (fewer than forty words) into text and enclose the quotation with double quotation marks.  Display a quotation of forty or more words in a freestanding block of typewritten lines, and omit the quotation marks.  Start such a block quotation on a new line, and indent the block and ½ in. (or five spaces) from the left margin.  If there are additional paragraphs within the quotation, indent the first line of each an additional ½ in.  The entire quotation should be double spaced.


Library Databases:A number of data bases are available through the Texas A&M University-Commerce library website.  Your primary source of information of material for your research paper should be from these sources.  Information regarding these databases may be found on the library website.  If information is retrieved from an aggregated database, providing the name of the database is sufficient:  no address is needed.


Internet References:A plethora of information is available on the internet and they often provide excellent information for inclusion in your term paper.  However, only 25% of your information should come from web sites.  The primary references should be from referred academic journals.  If you use a web site the web address in your reference must be cited according to the APA style manual guidelines and be currently viewable.  If information is obtained from a document on the Internet, provide the Internet address for the document at the end of the retrieval.  Information available through the AICPA web site is generally considered credible.  Additional information regarding the credibility of these sources is available on the library website.


Example:  Psychological Methods, 4, 100-116.  Retrieved February 20, 2004, from


Occasionally you will have a reference that you do not find an example for in the APA Manual.  If this occurs look over the general forms and choose the example that is most like your source and follow the format.  When in doubt, provide more information rather than less.  Keep in mind one of the purposes of listing references is to enable readers to retrieve and use the sources.  (Plagiarism will not be tolerated.  It is the same as stealing to use another person’s thoughts as your own.  This does not mean change a few words but to write the paper in your own words.  If you use another’s words you should give credit where credit is due.)  Each entry should contain author, year of publication, title, and publishing data.


Organization:You should begin with an introduction that summarizes what you are going to say, a body of the paper which presents the information in a logical, interesting style with fully developed paragraphs, and conclude with a summary of the points you have made.


You may choose to make use of headings and sub-headings as well as bold face type and italics in order to organize your paper.  For longer papers, a Table of Contents should be used.  Choose an interesting topic relating to Managerial Accounting, organize your thoughts, and use proper grammar.


Proofing:Spell Check is a wonderful tool but it does not catch all mistakes.  Don’t use spell check as your only editing tool.  It is a good idea to have someone proof your paper.  You might wish to exchange papers with a classmate and proof before final submission.  Ask the person proofing your paper to check for spelling, grammar, and how they feel the paper flows.


Pet Peeves:  I am not an English professor but I do have some rules I would like you to follow:


            No misspelled words

            No sentence fragments

            Do not end a sentence in a preposition

            Do not overwork a word (find a synonym)

            Write in an active voice not passive

            Avoid the use of first person in a formal paper

            Don’t begin a sentence with the word “I”, “It”, or “There”

            Don’t ask questions

            Be professional

I need an 8-10 page research paper from an interesting topic in managerial accounting with the questions covered included in the attachment and in APA format.

Requirements for the Research Paper

APA Style:Prepare all term papers according to the APA style manual. Information regarding this format may be found on the library website.

References:The APA style manual should be used in citations. Be aware that rules for proper attribution require short quotations be incorporated (fewer than forty words) into text and enclose the quotation with double quotation marks. Display a quotation of forty or more words in a freestanding block of typewritten lines, and omit the quotation marks. Start such a block quotation on a new line, and indent the block and ½ in. (or five spaces) from the left margin. If there are additional paragraphs within the quotation, indent the first line of each an additional ½ in. The entire quotation should be double spaced.

Library Databases:A number of data bases are available through the Texas A&M University-Commerce library website. Your primary source of information of material for your research paper should be from these sources. Information regarding these databases may be found on the library website. If information is retrieved from an aggregated database, providing the name of the database is sufficient: no address is needed.

Internet References:A plethora of information is available on the internet and they often provide excellent information for inclusion in your term paper. However, only 25% of your information should come from web sites. The primary references should be from referred academic journals. If you use a web site the web address in your reference must be cited according to the APA style manual guidelines and be currently viewable. If information is obtained from a document on the Internet, provide the Internet address for the document at the end of the retrieval. Information available through the AICPA web site is generally considered credible. Additional information regarding the credibility of these sources is available on the library website.

Example: Psychological Methods, 4, 100-116. Retrieved February 20, 2004, from

Occasionally you will have a reference that you do not find an example for in the APA Manual. If this occurs look over the general forms and choose the example that is most like your source and follow the format. When in doubt, provide more information rather than less. Keep in mind one of the purposes of listing references is to enable readers to retrieve and use the sources. (Plagiarism will not be tolerated. It is the same as stealing to use another person’s thoughts as your own. This does not mean change a few words but to write the paper in your own words. If you use another’s words you should give credit where credit is due.) Each entry should contain author, year of publication, title, and publishing data.

Organization:You should begin with an introduction that summarizes what you are going to say, a body of the paper which presents the information in a logical, interesting style with fully developed paragraphs, and conclude with a summary of the points you have made.

You may choose to make use of headings and sub-headings as well as bold face type and italics in order to organize your paper. For longer papers, a Table of Contents should be used. Choose an interesting topic relating to Managerial Accounting, organize your thoughts, and use proper grammar.

Proofing:Spell Check is a wonderful tool but it does not catch all mistakes. Don’t use spell check as your only editing tool. It is a good idea to have someone proof your paper. You might wish to exchange papers with a classmate and proof before final submission. Ask the person proofing your paper to check for spelling, grammar, and how they feel the paper flows.

Pet Peeves: I am not an English professor but I do have some rules I would like you to follow:

No misspelled words

No sentence fragments

Do not end a sentence in a preposition

Do not overwork a word (find a synonym)

Write in an active voice not passive

Avoid the use of first person in a formal paper

Don’t begin a sentence with the word “I”, “It”, or “There”

Don’t ask questions

Be professional

Include the following in this research:

History of CEO pay over the last 20 years.

Executive compensation has increased over the last 20 years in relation to the average worker.

Was a target performance set for the executives? Did they reach the targets? If not did they still receive the compensation?

What are some of the types of compensation that CEO’s receive?

What information has to be filed with the SEC regarding executive compensation?

In July 2006 SEC adopted changes to the rules requiring disclosure of executive and director compensation. Discuss disclosures, where they can be found, and what were the intentions of the changes.

Some companies that used heavy doses of performance based pay to compensate their CEOs have also been involved in accounting scandals. Give 3 examples of companies that are in this category. What type of compensation did the CEOs receive?

Did these companies restate their earnings? In what year? How did the restatement affect the company’s bottom line?

Does CEO compensation have a direct effect on employee compensation at lower levels?

Does CEO compensation impact employee retention?

Is shareholder value being lost at the expense of CEO compensation?

Is compensation pay in the best interest of the shareholders?

What reason is given for the high compensation package for CEO?

What action would tend to lower executive compensation?

Why does the Board of Directors seem to be incapable of controlling escalating CEO compensation when they are the only group determining CEO pay?

How well does executive compensation work? Does it encourage dysfunctional behaviors?

What source provides the majority of executive compensation?

What is the current median CEO compensation in the largest companies?

Could executive compensation be improved?

Due date for the paper is October 31. Document your paper using APA.

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