Play Ball WebQuest

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“Play Ball” WebQuest

Use the following websites to complete all 7 seconds of the WebQuest.



Choose four professional baseball parks and complete the following:

1.  Team #1





Name of Team:

Location (city, state):

Name of Ballpark:

Deepest point on the playing field: (include the length)

Seating capacity (the most recent):


             a.    Three interesting facts about the stadium field, team, or history of the ballpark:




2.  Team #2

Name of Team:

Location (city, state):

Name of Ballpark:

Deepest point on the playing field: (include the length)

Seating capacity (the most recent):






             a.    Three interesting facts about the stadium field, team, or history of the ballpark:




3.  Team #3

Name of Team:

Location (city, state):

Name of Ballpark:

Deepest point on the playing field: (include the length)

Seating capacity (the most recent):






             a.    Three interesting facts about the stadium field, team, or history of the ballpark:




4.  Team #4

Name of Team:

Location (city, state):

Name of Ballpark:

Deepest point on the playing field: (include the length)

Seating capacity (the most recent):






             a.    Three interesting facts about the stadium field, team, or history of the ballpark:





5.  Make a pictograph (graph using pictures) comparing the seating capacity of the four ballparks. Calculate the average seating capacity of the four ballparks. Include a title, labels, a key (if necessary).  Be sure that the graph is neat, colorful, and easy to read. You may either include this separately or insert it here:


6.  Make a bar graph comparing the distance of the deepest point on each of the four playing fields.  Include a title, labels, a key (if necessary).  Be sure that the graph is neat, colorful, and easy to read. You may either include this separately or insert it here:


7.  Using your research notes and graphs, select which park is the best overall. Write a one page paper giving your choice and three reasons for choosing that park. Use information from this project and any other information that you would wish to include (example: location, team, concession stands!) You may either include this separately or add it at the end here.

Grading—#1,2,3 +.5 each and #5,6,7 +1 point each. -.1 for every 3 typo error and improper use of sentences.

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