Bauer, chapter 13 25 MCQs

Question 1 (2 points) Question 1 UnsavedDespite the high risk of being caught by police with the help of their many informers, some individuals and groups attempted to resist Nazism even in Germany. They were a model of spiritual resistance, and they stood firm for their religious belief: the _____. Many of them were put in concentration camps and marked with purple triangular badges.Question 1 options: Jehovah’s Witnesses Gypsies Catholic GermanSaveQuestion 2 (2 points) Question 2 UnsavedThe “________” movement was founded in June 1942 by Hans Scholl, a 24-year-old medical student at the University of Munich, his 22-year-old sister Sophie, and 24-year-old Christoph Probst; they distributed anti-Nazi leaflets and painted slogans like “Down With Hitler!” In February 1943, they were caught, and executed.Question 2 options: White Rose Red Tulip White TulipSaveQuestion 3 (2 points) Question 3 UnsavedHistorian ________ initiated and directed a collection of diaries and documents chronicling the life of the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, during German occupation.Question 3 options: Haim Weizman Emanuel Ringelblum Alfred DreyfusSaveQuestion 4 (2 points) Question 4 UnsavedDespite difficulties, there was armed resistance in many ghettos. The most famous act was in the ____. Desperate and with few weapons, the remaining Jews of the ____ rose in revolt on the eve of Passover, April 19, 1943. Mordechai Anielewicz was the brave commander-in-chief of this armed uprising. This uprising came about as a result of the Jews learning that those being deported from the ghetto were not being resettled, they were being sent to Treblinka.Question 4 options: Warsaw ghetto Vilna ghetto Theresientadt ghettoSaveQuestion 5 (2 points) Question 5 Unsaved_____ was captured, tortured, and executed after parachuting into Yugoslavia and crossing the border into Hungary in an attempt to rescue allied prisoners and her mother.Question 5 options: Olga Weitzman Hannah Szenes Hanna WeitzmanSaveQuestion 6 (2 points) Question 6 UnsavedAt the end of October 1942, the Americans informed the Algerian resistance of their planned landings on the shores of Algeria and Morocco. Of the 377 resistance members who seized control of Algiers during the night of November 7-8; 315 were ______.Question 6 options: Jews Arabs FrenchSaveQuestion 7 (2 points) Question 7 UnsavedThere are many documented reports of the efforts made by individual non-Jews & whole nations who took great risks to save Jews. It is imperative that the world recognizes & remembers the stories of the rescuers, to help understand how the human values of kindness, dignity and compassion stayed alive during the most trying of circumstances. Those non-Jews who worked at great risk to their personal safety to save Jews became known as the ‘____________’Question 7 options: Righteous Gentiles Nice Persons Decent GentilesSaveQuestion 8 (2 points) Question 8 UnsavedThere is a museum in Israel, __________, devoted exclusively to the history of the Holocaust. The walkway, which terminates at the museum entrance is lined with carob trees, each dedicated to the memory of a person who rescued Jews.Question 8 options: Yad Vashem The Holocaust Museum The Sho’a MuseumSaveQuestion 9 (2 points) Question 9 UnsavedAn unlikely American secret agent who traveled to France in June of 1940 to help smuggle Jews through the tightly controlled French borders, with money, & false passports. He is credited with saving the lives of two to three thousand peopleQuestion 9 options: John Smith Varian Fry Varian SmithSaveQuestion 10 (2 points) Question 10 UnsavedThe systematic murders perpetrated by the Nazis were carried out with the help of local collaborators in many countries and silently accepted by millions of bystanders. Residents of the Huguenot village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, southern France, helped about 5,000 _____ escape Nazi persecution between 1941-44.Question 10 options: Jews Gypsies homosexualsSaveQuestion 11 (2 points) Question 11 Unsaved_______ was the only occupied country that actively resisted the Nazi regime’s attempts to deport its Jewish citizens in 1943. This rescue effort was unique because it was nationwide. It also proved that widespread support for Jews and resistance to Nazi policies could save lives.Question 11 options: France Denmark SwedenSaveQuestion 12 (2 points) Question 12 UnsavedThis Swedish diplomat helped save Jews of Hungary in summer and fall of 1944. More than 30,000 Jews received special Swedish passports from him. The Soviet Union admitted that he had been arrested and that he died in prison in 1947. He is honored by having his name given to the street on which a Holocaust Memorial Museum resides.Question 12 options: Raoul Wallenberg Rudolf Hess Raoul HessSaveQuestion 13 (2 points) Question 13 UnsavedBritain gave refuge to children from Nazi Europe, and saved them by the “__________” – trains from Berlin, Vienna, Prague and elsewhere. The parents were left behind; most were killed.Question 13 options: ‘Operation children’ “Kindertransport” “English Rescue”SaveQuestion 14 (2 points) Question 14 UnsavedPeople did not help the Jews because ofQuestion 14 options: Antisemitism and indifference Fear of reprisals a and bSaveQuestion 15 (2 points) Question 15 UnsavedDespite the fact that the U.S. received early reports about the desperate plight of European Jewry, immigration ______ were never increased for the emergency.Question 15 options: List Quotas Numerus ClaususSaveQuestion 16 (2 points) Question 16 UnsavedBy 1942, many American newspapers were reporting stories about the mass murder of Jews. U.S. reconnaissance photos of a death camp in 1943 showed the lines of victims moving into the gas chambers, confirming other reports. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called for the death camp at _______ to be bombed. He was ignored.Question 16 options: Auschwitz Warsaw BelzecSaveQuestion 17 (2 points) Question 17 UnsavedDespite a report in 1943 providing details about the Final Solution, it was not until January 1944, however, that President Roosevelt responded by establishing the _____________ as an independent agency to rescue the civilian victims of the Nazis.Question 17 options: War Refugee Board Evian Conference American Refugee BoardSaveQuestion 18 (2 points) Question 18 UnsavedThe 1939 British ________ on Palestine, limiting Jewish immigration and the sale of land to Jews, was in part an attempt to win Arab support in the inevitable war against Germany.Question 18 options: White Paper Red Paper BlackSaveQuestion 19 (2 points) Question 19 UnsavedGovernments refused to get involved, because SOMEQuestion 19 options: Did not believe, for a while, that the Holocaust was occurring Had leaders which were antisemitic a and bSaveQuestion 20 (2 points) Question 20 UnsavedThe principal accusation leveled against Pope ____ is that, in the face of countless appeals, he consistently refused to speak out against the Nazis’ policy of annihilation. The drama, The Deputy, is a searing attack on this pope, whom Hochhut accuses of dereliction of duty. The author asks provocative questions about the church’s responsibility.Question 20 options: Pius XII Urban II John IISaveQuestion 21 (2 points) Question 21 UnsavedIn 1944: Hitler takes over ____________and begins deporting 12,000 Jews each day to Auschwitz where they are murdered; by July 8, 1944, 437,402 Jews from that country were deported to Auschwitz. This is most likely the single largest deportation of the Holocaust.Question 21 options: France Hungary DenmarkSaveQuestion 22 (2 points) Question 22 UnsavedJune 6, 1944: ______, Operation Overlord, Allies amphibious landing on the beaches of Normandy Beach. More than two million allied soldiers poured into FranceQuestion 22 options: OO-Day D-Day A-DaySaveQuestion 23 (2 points) Question 23 UnsavedIn late 1944 the tide of the war had turned. Allied armies approached German soil, and the SS decided to evacuate. On January 18, 1945, those inmates capable of walking were evacuated and forced to march toward Germany under indescribably cruel conditions; many died ___Question 23 options: In the crematoria During the death marchesSaveQuestion 24 (2 points) Question 24 UnsavedCamps like Bergen-Belsen, never intended for extermination, became death traps for thousands like _______________, who died of typhus in March 1945Question 24 options: Anne Frank Janus Kortchak Hann Senech

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