A maintenance man rode 12 feet above the floor on a motorized lift to work on a 277-volt light fixture. He did not turn off the power supply to the lights. He removed the line fuse from the black wire, which he thought was the “hot” wire. But, because of a mistake in installation, it turned out that the white wire was the “hot” wire, not the black one. The black wire was neutral. He began to strip the white wire using a wire stripper in his right hand. Electricity passed from the “hot” white wire to the stripper, then into his hand and through his body, and then to ground through his left index finger. A co-worker heard a noise and saw the victim lying face-up on the lift. She immediately summoned another worker, who lowered the platform. CPR was performed, and an AED was utilized but the maintenance man could not be saved. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Explain to your fellow students what you would do to make sure your electrical safety program would reduce the potential for injury or death the next time a fixture must be replaced. 

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