•Find an article that deals with business ethics and write a summary of the article

Small Business Entrepreneurship – Unit 1: Overview of Small Business EntrepreneurshipProject:

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Current Event

– Business Ethics

This project will focus on writing about a current event in ethics in the business world. The task is to first find an article that deals with business ethics and then write a summary of the article. In your summary, you should discuss what the ethical issue is and give your opinion of how the issue was handled. During this project, you’ll accomplish the following:

ObjectivesFind an article that deals with business ethics and write a summary of the article.Current Event


Use the Internet to find an article that deals with ethics in the business world. Once you have found and read your article on business ethics, record your summary using the following format in the box below. Be sure to include the URL links you used as resources in the space below.

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  • Paragraph #1 – Summary of article including the link
  • Paragraph #2 – How it relates to entrepreneurship
  • Paragraph #3 – Your opinion of how the issue was handled

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