Statistical Analysis IV – DV

1. Jim is retaking statistics as part of his doctoral program. On his final in his MA program, he received a 225. The class mean of 230 and standard deviation of 12 were published. Jim just received his current stats final grade of 260, where the class mean is 245 and standard deviation is 17. How do Jim’s scores compare? Which was better? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)

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2. Are the Mini Mental Status scores for the elders in Unit 2 significantly lower than the minimum normal score of 25 points. Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)


3. Do 2nd graders who use computer games to study spelling words perform better on their spelling tests than those who do not use computer games? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)

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4. Did the June marketing campaign for Happiness products increase their sales from rates in May versus sale rates in July? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)


5. Is there a difference in computer proficiency skills for employees who are under 35, between 35-49 and 50 and over? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)


6. What are the effects of daily amount of TV viewing (2 hours) on reading comprehension scores for elementary school children (first, second and third grade)? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)

7. Is there a significant difference in the acceptance rate to the Psychology graduate program for participants with and without experience working with mentally ill patients when controlling for age? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)

8. Is there a difference in the amount of Barry Motter movie tickets sold to people who are: under the age of 18 years, between 19-24 years or 25-30 years? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)


9. What are the effects of degree (BA, MBA, DBA) and years of experience at 1, 5 and 10 years on salary? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)


10. After controlling for years of depression, is there a difference in depression scores for patients who have completed 3 months of behavior therapy, cognitive therapy or drug therapy? Provide the IV, DV, Covariate, and best method of analysis. (Points : 6)

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