answer each questions they require 2 paragraphs each with each papragraph like two diffeernt people

question 1

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Many managers and supervisors find coaching difficult to do or are reluctant to do it. What do you believe are at least two important reasons for this? How do you think the obstacles you identify can be overcome? Explain your answer fully and incorporate material from this week’s readings where appropriate, to help support your answer. (1 to 2 Paragraphs)


question 2

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Search through the school’s Online Library articles as well as independent Web sites for information about social security. In your opinion, will social security benefits have to be changed or social security taxes increased by 2042 to keep the system going? Why or why not? What do you suggest be done?


queston 3


Choose a business which you are familiar and identify the types of tangible capital in use. What causes changes in physical capital stock? What types of intangible capital do you think are in use? How can companies raise the funds necessary to purchase these capital items? Be sure to identify the company and what type of business they are in your response.


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