Event Plan!


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Please do the following:


– One-page write-up on motivations behind your decision making process

***There should be a paragraph devoted to each of the following elements:

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o Event Selection Motivation (why did you choose this event?)o Date Placement (routing, season, etc.)o Venue (size, feel, similar shows, etc.)

o Realistic summary of how successful you feel your event would be – would it be a hit or a bust?


– Rider/List of Requirements

o If you are doing music, include a rider for the artist or a similar one if you can’t get the actual artist’so If you are doing a different kind of event, give me a list of everything you will need to pull it off (electric requirements, lighting, etc.)


– Best Case/Worst Case Scenarioo If everything goes off as planned, what are your overall goals? How would you judget this as a successful event

o Name 3 “unforeseen circumstances” that aren’t currently accounted for in your plan. How could you realistically counter them with the resources available in your budget and staffing? 



o 1” Marginso Arial, 11 pt fonto 1.5 spacing 

Event Proposed: Soccer Game

Event Date Proposed: July 10th

Event Venue Proposed: UCLA, California

Why do you want to do this event?

– Because its the most popular sports in the world, and it will be very successful if I bring

Two famous teams like: Real Madrid vs Manchester United.

What is your target market (who is coming)?

– The people who loves soccer, or people who wants have fun watching two well knowing soccer

teams with there famous players.

How many people do you estimate would come to this event?

– More than 30,000 people.

What are some elements (positive and negative) you need to think of before booking this event? (Conflicting local events, cost vs. reward, is your event limiting to too small of a population)

– Positive Elements:

* High Profits
* Easy to advertise for the match

– negative Elements:

* The difficulty of organizing the event due to high attendance.
* High risk of facing riots

1. Marketing Objectives


Having a date and venue secured, Identify Sponsors and beginning publicity and marketing campaigns reviewing Venue and date options in order Begin budget setup and understanding the expense process as well as Checking the ticketing page to ensure accuracy and functionality are the activities that are yet to be handled. For people to attend the event we need to get them excited enough about it so as to attract them out into the venue. This is to be done by providing event content that is exciting enough and simply should not be missed. Given the complexity of the event, it is impossible to do everything one’s self and we have the right sort of people available with the right sort of skills, therefore delegating the implementation of the various aspects of the event to will be effective.


In the soccer world, the content of a soccer event may well be a base that has been covered before to a certain extent. But if, in the process of this event’s management, we opted to think outside the square, apply maximum creativity and present the content in a way no one has seen before such that the attendees will be talking about this event for weeks afterwards. We will concentrate on creativity and unique focus so as to help make the impact needed. This will be done through creative designs, event styling, and the application of project management skills and practices as well as face-to-face marketing. Another important factor to keep in mind is our timeline. The goal is to put together a successful tournament with thousands of people. This will need time to successfully organize the. One of the things the event patrons will be looking forward to is good food. The venue provides catering of a sufficiently high standard and the style of food and presentation will perfectly suit the mood of the event. Risk management and insurance are especially important in running soccer events and the event space is covered under the general SW Insurance Policy. The policy does not cover the serving of alcohol or aggressive activities with many activities going on simultaneously; there are many details to be checked. Major areas to consider and plan for include: size of space or building used, utility support needed, setup of tables and chairs. Tents, portable toilets, parking, signage, coordination, cleanup, emergency plans. Transportation and public services such as police and fire departments. Promoting such kind of an event requires creative thinking balanced with practicality. The primary objective is to publicize the event, but secondary objectives have also been considered and include the following be.

Main objective is to entertain

We will Build a base support from a specific audience i.e. soccer fans

Facilitate good community relations?

All the available media in including marquees, school newsletters, church announcements, and cable and commercial stations will be deployed to attract the most number of attendees.

2. Communication Strategy

Marketing Mix – Potential customers include individual fans, as well as other businesses and institution who may want to be involved. Conducting an informal poll by asking potential customers who have been identified as the target audience revealed what the potential clients are looking for that other events are not availing. The marketing tools chosen also helps in understand why someone may opt for one event over another. The tools make the promotion, pricing and organizing of the event easier and more cost-effective. The marketing tools provide a focus for all of the marketing activities. Determine who will benefit from your product or service the most. This is your target audience.

Marketing Tool


Both traditional and non-traditional marketing have certain advantages and disadvantages. An event like this one can greatly benefit from integrating both approaches to marketing. Traditional


Print marketing will includes advertising the event through flyers and handout that cover the LA area. Print marketing is considered both a mass-marketing and niche-marketing tool. As a mass-marketing tool, printed advertisements reach different categories of people, who may or may not have an interest in the event.

* Flyers and handout that cover LA area (cost from




Online and radio are marketing approaches that are highly effective and widely used. Broadcast marketing will reach a large audience within a limited period of time which will be a great advantage. Online advertisements will also bring authenticity and realism to the event as the target audience will see a preview of the event. However, it has been noted that marketing through Online and radio is costly.

* Advertise on popular radio stations that cove LA area for example:

KCRW – 89.9 FM, JACK – 93.1 FM (Cost from $4000-$6000 per week)

* Advertise online on most popular website:

– Youtube, In-stream video ad for 30 seconds. (cost from


.10-$0.30 per


– Facebook, Sidebar ads (cost from $1-$5 per click)

– Twitter, promoted tweets (cost from $0.75-$2.50 per click)


Referral marketing or marketing through word of mouth is a very effective marketing tool and will be used for the event. It will rely on people to spread information about the event. Referral is neither a strategic or strictly speaking, a planned marketing activity, but it effectively helps create awareness and it also costs close to nothing.

3. Budget Plan

This is an easy to read summary of how much the above plan will cost you. Make sure it is consistent with the costs listed in the Communications Strategy above.


Marketing Tool















Twitter advertising campaign costs


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