Dual Assessment of Data Quality
in Customer Databases
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Babson College
Quantitative assessment of data quality is critical for identifying the presence of data defects and
the extent of the damage due to these defects. Quantitative assessment can help define realis-
tic quality improvement targets, track progress, evaluate the impacts of different solutions, and
prioritize improvement efforts accordingly. This study describes a methodology for quantitatively
assessing both impartial and contextual data quality in large datasets. Impartial assessment mea-
sures the extent to which a dataset is defective, independent of the context in which that dataset
is used. Contextual assessment, as defined in this study, measures the extent to which the pres-
ence of defects reduces a dataset’s utility, the benefits gained by using that dataset in a specific
context. The dual assessment methodology is demonstrated in the context of Customer Relation-
ship Management (CRM), using large data samples from real-world datasets. The results from
comparing the two assessments offer important insights for directing quality maintenance efforts
and prioritizing quality improvement solutions for this dataset. The study describes the steps and
the computation involved in the dual-assessment methodology and discusses the implications for
applying the methodology in other business contexts and data environments.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: E.m [Data]: Miscellaneous
General Terms: Economics, Management, Measurement
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Data quality, databases, total data quality management,
information value, customer relationship management, CRM
ACM Reference Format:
Even, A. and Shankaranarayanan, G. 2009. Dual assessment of data quality in customer
databases. ACM J. Data Inform. Quality 1, 3, Article 15 (December 2009), 29 pages. DOI =
Authors’ addresses: A. Even, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM),
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel; email: adireven@bgu.ac.il;
G. Shankaranarayanan (corresponding author), Technology, Operations, and Information Man-
agement (TOIM), Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457-0310; email: gshankar@babson.edu.
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ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 15, Pub. date: December 2009.
15: 2 · A. Even and G. Shankaranarayanan
High-quality data makes organizational data resources more usable and, con-
sequently, increases the business benefits gained from using them. It con-
tributes to efficient and effective business operations, improved decision mak-
ing, and increased trust in information systems [DeLone and McLean 1992;
Redman 1996]. Advances in information systems and technology permit orga-
nizations to collect large amounts of data and to build and manage complex
data resources. Organizations gain competitive advantage by using these re-
sources to enhance business processes, develop analytics, and acquire business
intelligence [Davenport 2006]. The size and complexity make data resources
vulnerable to data defects that reduce their data quality. Detecting defects and
improving quality is expensive, and when the targeted quality level is high, the
costs often negate the benefits. Given the economic trade-offs in achieving and
sustaining high data quality, this study suggests a novel economic perspective
for data quality management. The methodology for dual assessment of qual-
ity in datasets described here accounts for the presence of data defects in that
dataset, assuming that costs for improving quality increase with the number
of defects. It also accounts for the impact of defects on benefits gained from
using that dataset.
Quantitative assessment of quality is critical in large data environments, as
it can help set up realistic quality improvement targets, track progress, assess
impacts of different solutions, and prioritize improvement efforts accordingly.
Data quality is typically assessed along multiple quality dimensions (e.g.,
accuracy, completeness, and currency), each reflecting a different type of qual-
ity defect [Wang and Strong 1996]. Literature has described several methods
for assessing data quality and the resulting quality measurements often ad-
here to a scale between 0 (poor) and 1 (perfect) [Wang et al. 1995; Redman
1996; Pipino et al. 2002]. Some methods, referred to by Ballou and Pazer [2003]
as structure-based or structural, are driven by physical characteristics of the
data (e.g., item counts, time tags, or defect rates). Such methods are impar-
tial as they assume an objective quality standard and disregard the context in
which the data is used. We interpret these measurement methods as reflecting
the presence of quality defects (e.g., missing values, invalid data items, and in-
correct calculations). The extent of the presence of quality defects in a dataset,
the impartial quality, is typically measured as the ratio of the number of
nondefective records and the total number of records. For example, in the sam-
ple dataset shown in Table I, let us assume that no contact information is avail-
able for customer A. Only 1 out of 4 records in this dataset has missing values;
hence, an impartial measurement of its completeness would be (4 − 1)/4 = 0.75.
Other measurement methods, referred to as content-based [Ballou and
Pazer 2003], derive the measurement from data content. Such measurements
typically reflect the impact of quality defects within a specific usage context
and are also called contextual assessments [Pipino et al. 2002]. Data-quality
literature has stressed the importance of contextual assessments as the im-
pact of defects can vary depending on the context [Jarke et al. 2002; Fisher
et al. 2003]. However, literature does not minimize the importance of impartial
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Table I. Sample Dataset
assessments. In certain cases, the same dimension can be measured both
impartially and contextually, depending on the purpose [Pipino et al. 2002].
Given the example in Table I, let us first consider a usage context that exam-
ines the promotion of educational loans for dependent children. In this context,
the records that matter the most are the ones corresponding to customers B
and D: families with many children and relatively low income. These records
have no missing values and hence, for this context, the dataset may be consid-
ered complete (i.e., a completeness score of 1). For another usage context that
promotes luxury vacation packages, the records that matter the most are those
corresponding to customers with relatively higher income, A and C. Since 1
out of these 2 records is defective (record A is missing contact), the complete-
ness of this dataset for this usage context is only 0.5.
In this study we describe a methodology for the dual assessment of quality;
dual, as it assesses quality both impartially and contextually and draws con-
clusions and insights from comparing the two assessments. Our objective is
to show that the dual perspective can enhance quality assessments and help
direct and prioritize quality improvement efforts. This is particularly true in
large and complex data environments in which such efforts are associated with
significant cost-benefit trade-offs. From an economic viewpoint, we suggest
that impartial assessments can be linked to costs. The higher the number of
defects in a dataset, the more is the effort and time needed to fix it and the
higher the cost for improving the quality of this dataset. On the other hand,
depending on the context of use, improving quality differentially affects the
usability of the dataset. Hence, we suggest that contextual assessment can be
associated with the benefits gained by improving data quality. To underscore
this differentiation, in our example (Table I), the impartial assessment indi-
cates that 25% of the dataset is defective. Correcting each defect would cost
the same, regardless of the context of use. However, the benefits gained by cor-
recting these defects may vary, depending on the context of use. In the context
of promoting luxury vacation, 50% of the relevant records are defective and
correcting them will increase the likelihood of gaining benefits. In the context
of promoting educational loans all the relevant records appear complete. The
likelihood of increasing benefits gained from the dataset by correcting defects
is low.
Using the framework for assessing data quality proposed in Even and
Shankaranarayanan [2007] as a basis, this study extends the framework
into a methodology for dual assessment of data quality. To demonstrate the
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Table II. Attributing Utility to Records in a Dataset
methodology, this study instantiates it for the specific context of managing
alumni data. The method for contextual assessment of quality (described
later in more detail), is based on utility, a measure of the benefits gained
by using data. Information economics literature suggests that the utility of
data resources is derived from their usage and integration within business
processes and depends on specific usage contexts [Ahituv 1980; Shapiro and
Varian 1999]. The framework defines data utility as a nonnegative measure-
ment of value contribution attributed to the records in the dataset based on
the relative importance of each record for a specific usage context. A dataset
may be used in multiple contexts and contribute to utility differently in each;
hence, each record may be associated with multiple utility measures, one for
each usage context.
We demonstrate this by extending the previous example (see Table II). In
the context of promoting luxury vacations, we may attribute utility, reflecting
the likelihood of purchasing a vacation, in a manner that is proportional to the
annual income; that is, higher utility is attributed to records A and C than
to records B and D. In the context of promoting educational loans, utility,
reflecting the likelihood of accepting a loan, may be attributed in a manner
that is proportional to the number of children. In the latter case, the utilities
of records B and D is much higher than that of A and C. We hasten to add
that the numbers stated in Table II are for illustration purposes only. Several
other factors which may affect the estimation of utility are discussed further
in the concluding section.
The presence of defects reduces the usability of data resources [Redman
1996] and hence, their utility. The magnitude of reduction depends on the type
of defects and their impact within a specific context of use. Our method for
contextual assessment defines quality as a weighted average of defect count,
where the weights are context-dependent utility measures. In the preceding
example (Table II), the impartial completeness is 0.75. In the context of pro-
moting luxury vacations, 40% of the dataset’s utility (contributed by record A
is affected by defects (missing contact). The estimated contextual complete-
ness is hence 0.6. In the context of promoting educational loans, utility is un-
affected (as record A contributes 0 to utility in this context) and the estimated
contextual completeness is 1. Summing up both usages, 16% of the utility is
affected by defects; hence, the estimated contextual completeness is 0.84. This
illustration highlights a core principle of our methodology: high variability in
utility-driven scores, and large differences between impartial and contextual
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scores may have important implications for assessing the current state of a
data resource and prioritizing its quality improvement efforts.
In this study, we demonstrate dual assessment in a real-world data environ-
ment and discuss its implications for data quality management. We show that
dual assessment offers key insights into the relationships between impartial
and contextual quality measurements that can guide quality improvement ef-
forts. The key contributions of this study are: (1) it extends the assessment
framework proposed in Even and Shankaranarayanan [2007] and illustrates
its usefulness by applying it in a real-world Customer Relationship Manage-
ment (CRM) setting. (2) It provides a comparative analysis of both impartial
and contextual assessments of data quality in the context of managing the
alumni data. Importantly, it highlights the synergistic benefits of the dual as-
sessments for managing data quality, beyond the contribution offered by each
assessment alone. (3) Using utility-driven analysis, this study sheds light on
the high variability in the utility contribution of individual records and at-
tributes in a real-world data environment. Further, the study also shows
that different types of quality defects may affect utility contribution differ-
ently (specifically, missing values and outdated data). The proposed method-
ology accounts for this differential contribution. (4) The study emphasizes the
managerial implications of assessing the variability in utility contribution for
managing data quality, especially, for prioritizing quality improvement efforts.
Further, it illustrates how dual assessment can guide the implementation and
management of quality improvement methods and policies.
In the remainder of this article, we first review the literature on quality
assessment and improvement that influenced our work. We then describe
the methodology for dual assessment and illustrate its application using large
samples of alumni data. We use the results to formulate recommendations for
quality improvements that can benefit administration and use of this data re-
source. We finally discuss managerial implications and propose directions for
further research.
We first describe the relevant literature on managing quality in large datasets
and assessing data quality. We then discuss, specifically, the importance of
managing quality in a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) environ-
ment, the context for this study.
2.1 Data Quality Improvement
High-quality data is critical for successful integration of information systems
within organizations [DeLone and McLean 1992]. Datasets often suffer de-
fects such as missing, invalid, inaccurate, and outdated values [Wang and
Strong 1996]. Low data quality lowers customer satisfaction, hinders deci-
sion making, increases costs, breeds mistrust towards IS, and deteriorates
business performance [Redman 1996]. Conversely, high data quality can be a
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unique source for sustained competitive advantage. It can be used to improve
customer relationships [Roberts and Berger 1999], find new sources of
savings [Redman 1996], and empower organizational strategy [Wixom and
Watson 2001]. Empirical studies [Chengalur-Smith et al. 1999; Fisher et al.
2003; Shankaranarayanan et al. 2006] show that communicating data quality
assessments to decision makers may positively impact decision outcomes.
Data Quality Management (DQM) techniques for assessing, preventing, and
reducing the occurrence of defects can be classified into three high-level cate-
gories [Redman 1996].
(1) Error Detection and Correction. Errors may be detected by comparing data
to a correct baseline (e.g., real-world entities, predefined rules/calculations,
a value domain, or a validated dataset). Errors may also be detected by
checking for missing values and by examining time-stamps associated with
data. Correction policies must consider the complex nature of data environ-
ments, which often include multiple inputs, outputs, and processing stages
[Ballou and Pazer 1985; Shankaranarayanan et al. 2003]. Firms may con-
sider correcting defects manually [Klein et al. 1997] or hiring agencies that
specialize in data enhancement and cleansing. Error detection and correc-
tion can also be automated; literature proposes, for example, the adoption
of methods that optimize inspection in production lines [Tayi and Ballou
1988; Chengalur et al. 1992], integrity rule-based systems [Lee et al. 2004],
and software agents that detect quality violations [Madnick et al. 2003].
Some ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) tools and other com-
mercial software also support the automation of error detection and correc-
tion [Shankaranarayanan and Even 2004].
(2) Process Control and Improvement. The literature points out a drawback
with implementing error detection and correction policies. Such policies
improve data quality, but do not fix root causes and prevent recurrence
of data defects [Redman 1996]. To overcome this issue, the Total Data
Quality Management (TDQM) methodology suggests a continuous cycle
of data quality improvement: define quality requirements, measure along
these definitions, analyze results, and improve data processes accordingly
[Wang 1998]. Different methods and tools for supporting TDQM have
been proposed, for example, systematically representing data processes
[Shankaranarayanan et al. 2003], optimizing quality improvement trade-
offs [Ballou et al. 1998], and visualizing quality measurements [Pipino
et al. 2002; Shankaranarayanan and Cai 2006].
(3) Process Design. Data processes can be built from scratch or, existing
processes redesigned, to better manage quality and reduce errors. Process
design techniques for quality improvement are discussed in a number of
studies (e.g., Ballou et al. [1998], Redman [1996], Wang [1998], and Jarke
et al. [2002]). These include embedding controls in processes, supporting
quality monitoring with metadata, and improving operational efficiency.
Such process redesign techniques can help eliminate root causes of defects,
or greatly reduce their impact.
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Fig. 1. Dimension and fact tables.
Organizations may adopt one or more quality improvement techniques,
based on the categories stated previously, and the choice is often influenced
by economic cost-benefit trade-offs. Studies have shown that substantial ben-
efits were gained by improving data quality [Redman 1996; Heinrich et al.
2007], although the benefits from implementing a certain technique are of-
ten difficult to quantify. On the other hand, quality improvement solutions
often involve high costs as they require investments in labor for monitoring,
software development, managerial overheads, and/or the acquisition of new
technologies [Redman 1996]. To illustrate one such cost, if the rate of manual
detection and correction is 10 records per minute, a dataset with 10,000,000
records will require ∼16,667 work hours, or ∼2,083 work days. Automating er-
ror detection and correction may substantially reduce the work hours required,
but requires investments in software solutions. We suggest that the dual, as-
sessment methodology described can help understand the economic trade-offs
involved in quality management decisions and identify economically superior
2.2 Improving the Quality of Datasets
This study examines quality improvement in a tabular dataset (a table), a data
storage structure with an identical set of attributes for all records within. It
focuses on tabular datasets in a Data Warehouse (DW). However, the methods
and concepts described can be applied to tabular datasets in other environ-
ments as well. Common DW designs include two types of tables: fact and
dimension (Figure 1) [Kimball et al. 2000]. Fact tables capture data on busi-
ness transactions. Depending on the design, a fact record may represent a
single transaction or an aggregation. It includes numeric measurements (e.g.,
quantity and amount), transaction descriptors (e.g., time-stamps, payment
and shipping instructions), and foreign-key attributes that link transactions to
associated business dimensions (e.g., customers, products, locations). Dimen-
sion tables store dimension instances and associated descriptors (e.g., time-
stamps, customer names, demographics, geographical locations, products, and
categories). Dimension instances are typically the subject of the decision (e.g.,
target a specific subset of customers), and the targeted subset is commonly de-
fined along dimensional attributes (e.g., send coupons to customers between
25–40 years of age and with children). Fact data provide numeric measure-
ments that categorize dimension instances (e.g., the frequency and the total
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amount of past purchases). This study focuses on improving the quality of
dimensional data. However, in real-world environments, the quality of fact
data must be addressed as well, as defective fact data will negatively impact
decision outcomes.
Improving the quality of datasets (dimension or fact) has to consider the
targeted quality level and the scope of quality improvement. Considering qual-
ity target, at one extreme, we can opt for perfect quality and at the other, opt
to accept quality as is without making any efforts to improve it. In between,
we may consider improving quality to some extent, permitting some imper-
fections. Quality improvement may target multiple quality dimensions, each
reflecting a particular type of quality defect (e.g., completeness, reflecting miss-
ing values, accuracy, reflecting incorrect content, and currency, reflecting how
up-to-date the data is). Studies have shown that setting multiple targets along
different quality dimensions has to consider possible conflicts and trade-offs
between the efforts targeting each dimension [Ballou and Pazer 1995; 2003].
Considering the scope of quality improvement, we may choose to improve the
quality of all records and attributes identically. Alternately, we may choose
to differentiate: improve only certain records and/or attributes, and make no
effort to improve others.
From these considerations of target and scope, different types of quality
improvement policies can be evaluated.
(a) Prevention. Certain methods can prevent data defects or reduce their oc-
currences during data acquisition, for example, improving data acquisition
user interfaces, disallowing missing values, validating values against a
value domain, enforcing integrity constraints, or choosing a different (pos-
sibly, more expensive) data source with inherently cleaner data.
(b) Auditing. Quality defects also occur during data processing (e.g., due to
miscalculation, or mismatches during integration across multiple sources),
or after data is stored (e.g., due to changes in the real-world entity that
the data describes). Addressing these defects requires auditing records,
monitoring processes, and detecting the existence of defects.
(c) Correction. It is often questionable whether the detected defects are worth
correcting. Correction might be time consuming and costly (e.g., when
a customer has to be contacted, or when missing content has to be pur-
chased). One might hence choose to avoid correction if the added value
cannot justify the cost.
(d) Usage. In certain cases, users should be advised against using defective
data, especially when the quality is very poor and cannot be improved.
Determining the target and scope of quality improvement efforts has to con-
sider the level of improvement that can be achieved, its impact on data usabil-
ity, and the utility/cost trade-offs associated with their implementation [Even
et al. 2007]. Our dual-assessment methodology can provide important inputs
for such evaluations.
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2.3 Managing Data Quality in CRM Environments
We apply the dual-assessment methodology in a CRM setting. The efficiency of
CRM and the benefits gained from it depend on the data resources: customer
profiles, transaction history (e.g., purchases, donations), past contact efforts,
and promotion activities. CRM data supports critical marketing tasks, such as
segmenting customers, predicting consumption, managing promotions, and de-
livering marketing materials [Roberts and Berger 1999]. It underlies popular
marketing techniques such as the RFM (Recency, Frequency, and Monetary)
analysis for categorizing customers [Petrison et al. 1997], estimating Customer
Lifetime Value (CLV), and assessing customer equity [Berger and Nasr 1998;
Berger et al. 2006]. Blattburg and Deighton [1996] define customer equity
as the total asset value of the relationships which an organization has with
its customers. Customer equity is based on customer lifetime value and un-
derstanding customer equity can help optimize the balance of investment in
the acquisition and retention of customers. A key concern in CRM is that cus-
tomer data is vulnerable to defects that reduce data quality [Khalil and Harcar
1999; Coutheoux 2003]. Datasets that capture customer profiles and transac-
tions tend to be very large (e.g., the Amazon Web site (www.amazon.com), as of
2007, is reported to manage about 60 million active customers). Maintaining
such datasets at high quality is challenging and expensive.
We examine two quality defects that are common in CRM environments:
(a) Missing Attribute Values: some attribute values may not be available when
initiating a customer profile record (e.g., income level and credit score). The
firm may choose to leave these unfilled and update them later, if required. Ex-
isting profiles can also be enhanced with new attributes (e.g., email address
and a mobile number), and the corresponding values are initially null. They
may remain null for certain customers if the firm chooses not to update them
due to high data acquisition costs. (b) Failure to Keep Attribute Values Up to
Date: some attribute values are likely to change over time (e.g., address, phone
number, and occupation). If not maintained current, the data on customers
becomes obsolete and the firm looses the ability to reach or target them. A re-
lated issue in data warehouses is referred to as “slowly changing dimensions”
[Kimball et al. 2000]. Certain dimension attributes change over time, caus-
ing the transactional data to be inconsistent with the associated dimensional
data (e.g., a customer is now married, but the transaction occurred when s/he
was single). As a result, analyses may be skewed. In this study, we focus on
assessing data quality along two quality dimensions that reflect the quality
defects discussed before: completeness, which reflects the presence of miss-
ing attribute values, and currency, which reflects the extent to which attribute
values or records are outdated.
With large numbers of missing or outdated values, the usability of certain
attributes, records, and even entire datasets is considerably reduced. Firms
may consider different quality improvement treatments to address such de-
fects, for example, contact customers and verify data or hire agencies to find
and validate the data. Some treatments can be expensive and/or fail to achieve
the desired results. A key purpose of the dual-assessment method proposed
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is to help evaluate the different quality improvement alternatives and assess
their costs and anticipated impact.
The dual-assessment method described includes a comparative analysis of im-
partial and contextual measurements. To facilitate description, we use an
illustrative CRM-like context with two tables: (a) Customers, a dimensional
dataset with demographic and contact data. Each record has a unique cus-
tomer identifier (ID) and, for simplicity, we will assume that only three cus-
tomer attributes are captured: Gender, Marital Status, and Income Level. The
dataset includes an Audit Date attribute that captures the date on which a cus-
tomer profile was most recently audited. We use this attribute to assess cur-
rency. (b) Sales, a fact dataset containing sale transactions. Besides a unique
identifier (Sale ID), this dataset includes a Customer ID (a foreign key that
links each transaction to a specific customer record), Date, and Amount. This
fact dataset is not a target for quality improvement, but used for assessing
the relative contribution of each customer record and for formulating quality
improvement policies accordingly.
3.1 Evaluation Methodology and Operationalization of Utility
The methodology includes assessing impartial and contextual data quality.
Impartial quality assessment reflects the presence of quality defects in a
dataset. We consider a dataset with N records (indexed by [n]), and M at-
tributes (indexed by [m]). The quality measure qn,m (0, severe defects and 1, no
defects) reflects the extent to which attribute [m] of record [n] is defective. An
impartial measurement reflects the proportion of defective items in a dataset.
Accordingly, the quality Q Rn of record [n], the quality Q
m of attribute [m] in the
dataset, and the quality of the entire dataset Q D are defined as
(a) Q Rn
= (1/M)
(b ) Q Dm
= (1/N)
qn,m, and
(c) Q D = (1/M N)
= (1/N)
Q Rn = (1/M)
Q Dm. (1)
With a binary quality indicator (i.e., qn,m = 0 or qn,m = 1), this formulation is
equivalent to a ratio between the count of perfect items and the total number
of items. This ratio is consistent with common structural definitions of quality
measures (e.g., Redman [1996]; Pipino et al. [2002]).
We now illustrate the impartial assessments for missing values and the
extent to which data values are up-to-date along with the corresponding
dimensions of completeness and currency. To differentiate between the two
dimensions, we replace the (Q, q) annotations in Eq. (1) with (C, c) for com-
pleteness, and with (T, t) for currency. For completeness, we assign binary
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indicators: cn,m = 1 if the value of attribute [m] in record [n] exists, and cn,m = 0
if missing. Using Eq. (1), we compute the completeness of records {CRn }, at-
tributes {CDm} and the entire dataset (CD ) as the [0, 1] proportions of nonmiss-
ing values. We term these proportion-based measures ranked completeness.
For comparison, we also use an alternate measure termed absolute complete-
ness: C R/an = 1 if no attribute values are missing in record [n] and C
n = 0
To measure currency, the extent to which data values are up-to-date, we
use the Audit Date to calculate the record’s age (in years). The Audit Date
time-stamp applies to the entire record, not to specific attributes, hence, our
currency calculations are only at the record level. We use both absolute and
ranked measures for currency. For absolute currency, we assign record cur-
rency as T R/an = 1, if the record nhas been audited within the last 5 years, and
T R/an = 0, if not. For ranked currency, we use the exponential transformation
suggested in Even and Shankaranarayanan [2007] to convert the record age to
a [0, 1] measure.
tn = exp
{−α (Y C − Y Un
where, (2)
Y C = the current year (in this example, we assume Y C = 2006),
Y Un = the last year in which record [n] was audited,
α = the sensitivity factor that reflects the rate at which profiles get out-
dated. Here, assuming that between 20% and 25% of the profiles become
outdated every year, we chose α = 0.25 (e−0.25 =∼ 0.77),
tn = the up-to-date rank of record [n], ∼0 for a record that have not been
audited for a while (i.e., Y C >> Y Un ) and 1 for an up-to-date record
(i.e., Y C = Y Un = 2006).
We use tn as a measure for the ranked currency T Rn of record [n]. We com-
pute absolute and ranked dataset currency (T D/a and T D , respectively) as an
average over all records. To demonstrate the calculations for completeness
and currency (up-to-date), we use the sample data in Table III. For illustra-
tion, we assume that some attribute values are missing (highlighted) and some
records have not been audited recently. We observe that 2 of 4 records are miss-
ing values for Gender and hence, the impartial completeness of gender is 0.5.
Similarly, the impartial completeness of Marital Status and Income Level are
0.75 and 0.25, respectively. The absolute record-level completeness is 0 if at
least one attribute is missing and 1 otherwise. The ranked record-level com-
pleteness is a [0, 1] proportion of nonmissing values. Accordingly, the absolute
dataset completeness (averaged over all records) is 0.25, and the ranked com-
pleteness is 0.5. A record’s absolute currency score is 1, if it is audited within
the last 5 years, and 0 otherwise. The ranked currency is computed using
the currency transformation (Eq. (2)). The impartial currency is computed by
averaging the corresponding currency score over all records. Accordingly, the
absolute and ranked impartial currency scores are 0.75 and 0.58.
Contextual quality assessments reflect not only the presence of defects in a
dataset, but also their impact on the usage of this dataset in a specific context.
The framework in Even and Shankaranarayanan [2007] suggests measuring
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Table III. Impartial versus Utility-Driven Data Quality Assessments
this impact in terms of utility degradation, that is, to what extent is utility
reduced as a result of defects. The framework assumes that the overall dataset
utility U D can be attributed among theNrecords {U Rn }, based on relative im-
portance such that U D =�n=1..NU Rn . The presence of defects in a record low-
ers the record’s utility by some magnitude. The framework assumes that this
magnitude is proportional to the record’s quality level Q Rn (or to the data item
quality qn,m, for a specific attribute value). It can be shown that, under this
assumption, the attribute quality Q Dm, and the dataset quality Q
D calculations
in Eq. (1) can be revised to a weighted-average formulation, using the utilities
allocated to each record as weights.
(a) Q Dm =
U Rn qn,m
U Rn
, and
(b ) Q D =
U Rn Q
U Rn
= (1/M)
U Rn
U Rn
= (1/M)
Q Dm
These utility-driven formulations assess the impact of defects in terms of
utility degradation. Since utility and its allocation depend on the context of
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usage, these formulations are treated as contextual assessments of quality (in
the remainder of this article, the terms contextual assessment and utility-
driven assessment are used interchangeably). The utility-driven assessments
use the same quality indicators as the impartial assessments. The scores at the
dataset level are weighted averages that use the utility allocations per record
as weights (Eq. (3)). To extend our example (Table III) with utility-driven mea-
surements, we use the last year’s total sales amount per customer as a proxy
for utility. In our example, only two of the four records are associated with
utility. Considering attributes Gender and Marital Status, these two records
have no missing values. Hence, for these attributes, utility-driven complete-
ness is 1. Conversely, one of the two utility-contributing records is missing the
Income value. Using the utility scores as weights, the income-level complete-
ness is (1*20+0*80)/100=0.2. At the record level, the absolute completeness is
(1*20+0*80)/100=0.2 and ranked completeness is (1*20+0.667*80)/100=0.73.
Similarly, the absolute currency is (1*20+1*80)/100=1.0 and the ranked cur-
rency is (1*20+0.47*80)/100=0.58.
In this example, some utility-driven assessments are relatively close to the
corresponding impartial assessments, but others are substantially different.
This relationship depends on the distribution of utility between records, and on
the association between utility and quality. When utility is distributed equally
between records, impartial and utility-driven assessments are expected to be
nearly identical. The same is also true when the association between utility
and the presence of defects is weak. However, in large real-world datasets,
it is more likely that utility is unequally distributed among records. Further,
the relationship between utility and the presence of defects may be nontrivial.
Recognizing a record as one that offers a higher utility may encourage focused
efforts to reduce defects in it. In such cases, utility-driven assessments are
likely to be substantially different from corresponding impartial assessments.
Acknowledging these factors, the comparison of utility-driven (contextual)
assessments to impartial assessments can provide key insights for managing
quality in large datasets. At a high level, this comparison can yield three
(a) Utility-Driven Assessments are Substantially Higher than Impartial
Assessments. This indicates that records with high utility are less defec-
tive. Two complementary explanations are possible:
(i) Defective records are less usable to begin with, hence, have low utility.
(ii) Efforts have been made to eliminate defects and maintain records with
high utility at a high quality level.
(b) Utility-Driven Assessments are not Significantly Different from Impartial
Assessments. Indicating that utility is evenly distributed across all records,
and/or that the association between defect rates and utility is weak.
(c) Utility-Driven Assessments are Substantially Lower than Impartial Assess-
ments. This abnormality may indicate a very unequal distribution of utility
in the dataset (i.e., a large proportion of utility is associated with a small
number of records) and some significant damage to high-utility records
(e.g., due to systemic causes). Understanding the relationship between
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Table IV. Profile Attributes Evaluated
Category Attribute Description
Graduation Graduation Year The year of graduated
School The primary school of graduation
Demographics Gender Male or Female
Marital Status Marital status
Ethnicity Ethnic group
Religion Religion
Occupation The person’s occupation
Income Income-level category
Contact Home Address Street address, city, state and country
Business Address Street address, city, state, and country
Home Phone Regular and/or cellular phone
Business Phone Regular or cellular phone
impartial and utility-driven assessments, discussed later in more detail,
can guide the development of data quality management policies.
We apply our dual-assessment methodology and examine its implications for
data quality management using large samples from real-world datasets. The
datasets are part of a system used to manage alumni relations. This form
of CRM is owned by an academic institution and helps generate a large pro-
portion of its revenue. The data is used by different departments for man-
aging donors, tracking gifts, assessing contribution potential, and managing
pledge campaigns. For the purpose of this study, we interacted with and re-
ceived exceptional support from 12 key users, including the administrators of
the alumni data, and alumni-relations managers who use this data often.
4.1 Alumni Data
This study evaluates sizably large samples from two key datasets in the
alumni system:
(a) Profiles (358,372 records) is a dimensional dataset that captures profile
data on potential donors. Besides a unique identifier (Profile ID), this
dataset contains a large set of descriptive donor attributes. We evaluate 12
of these attributes (listed in Table IV) for quality. Key alumni data users
indicated that the selected attributes were among the ones most commonly
used for managing alumni relations and/or classifying profiles. These
attributes can be classified by:
(i) Graduation: Values for graduation year and school are included when
a record is added, and are unlikely to change later.
(ii) Demographics: Some demographic attribute (e.g., Gender, Religion,
and Ethnicity) values are available when a record is added and rarely
change later. Others (e.g., Income, Occupation) are updated only later
and may change over time and,
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(iii) Contact: Values for Home Address and Home Phone number are typi-
cally included when a record is added, but may change over time. In
most cases, values for Business Address and Business Phone are added
only later. These values are typically unavailable when the record is
created for full-time students (both graduate and undergraduate de-
grees), as these students, even if employed during their studies, typ-
ically change jobs when they graduate. The Business Address and
Phone values are available more often for part-time students. How-
ever, the vast majority of profile records belong to full-time students.
Two other profile attributes play special roles in our evaluation. Audit
Date, used to assess currency, reflects the date on which a profile was most
recently audited. During the audit of a profile, some attribute values may
change (e.g., if the person has moved to a new address, and/or changed mar-
ital status). The other is Prospect, an attribute which classifies donors and
reflects two fundamentally different data usages. Some donors (11,445,
∼3% of the dataset) are classified as prospects, based on large contributions
made or on the assessed potential for a large gift. Prospects are typically
not approached during regular pledge campaigns, but have assigned staff
members responsible for maintaining routine contact (e.g., invitations to
special events and tickets to shows/sporting events). Nonprospects, (∼97%
of the dataset), are approached (via phone, mail, or email) during pledge
campaigns that target a large donor base.
(b) Gifts (1,415,432 records) is a fact dataset that captures the history of gift
transactions. Besides a unique identifier (Gift ID), this dataset includes
a Profile ID (foreign key linking each gift transaction to a specific profile
record), Gift Date, and Gift Amount. In addition, this dataset includes
administrative attributes that describe payment procedures, not used in
our evaluation.
In this study, we focus on improving the quality of Profiles dataset. The
Gifts dataset, though not targeted for improvement, is used for assessing the
quality of Profiles and formulating quality improvement policies for it. Both
datasets include data from 1983 to 2006. In 1983 and 1984, soon after sys-
tem implementation, a bulk of records that reflect prior (pre-1984) activities
were added (203,359 profiles, 405,969 gifts), and since then both datasets have
grown gradually. The average annual growth of the Profiles dataset is 7,044
records (STDEV: 475). The Gifts dataset grows by 45,884 records annually
(STDEV: 6,147). Due to confidentiality, the samples shown include only ∼40%
of the actual data. Some attribute values have been masked (e.g., actual ad-
dresses and phone numbers) and all gift amounts have been multiplied by a
constant factor.
4.2 Analytical and Statistical Methods Used
The purpose of the data quality measurement methodology described is to
measure and understand the current quality of the evaluated dataset. It can
help identify key quality issues and prioritize quality improvement efforts. The
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methodology neither identifies explicitly the root causes for data quality issues
nor sets an optimization objective (other that stating that the purpose of qual-
ity improvement is to achieve high data quality). However, as described later,
the measurements can promote discussions with and among key stakehold-
ers that manage and use the data resources. Such discussions can direct the
investigation into identifying root causes.
The descriptive (and not predictive) nature of the methodology determines
the analytical and statistical methods that we chose to employ in this study. As
the methodology does not involve cause-effect arguments, regression or other
statistical methods that seek explanatory results do not fit. Similarly, as no
objective function is defined, the analysis does not require an optimization
model. Instead, in addition to the new data quality measures investigated, we
use descriptive statistical methods. We compute and provide measurements
(referred to also as scores) of data quality, summary statistics (averages and
standard deviations of measurements). We use ANOVA (analysis of variance)
to compare corresponding measurement scores or summary statistics across
subsets to determine if the difference is statistically significant. We use corre-
lation to highlight possible links between the different data quality measures.
Although statistical significance is typically assured by our considerably large
sample size, we have mentioned all relevant parameters where needed. All sta-
tistical analyses were conducted using SPSS, a software package from SPSS,
Inc. (www.spss.com).
4.3 Impartial Data Quality Assessments
We initially considered four types of defects: (a) Missing Values: a preliminary
evaluation indicates that certain attributes in the Profiles dataset are missing
a large proportion of their values. (b) Invalid Values: an attribute value that
does not conform to the associated value domain is said to be invalid [Redman
1996]. A preliminary evaluation indicates that this is not a serious issue in
the Profile dataset, as almost 100% of the values present conform to their as-
sociated value domain. (c) Up-to-Date: lack of currency is a serious quality
issue in the Profile dataset, as many profile records have not been audited in
a long time (in some cases, since being added to the dataset). (d) Inaccuracies:
the administrators of the alumni system indicated that a number of profile
records contain inaccurate attribute values. However, due to the lack of appro-
priate baselines, the accuracy of specific instances in our samples could not be
validated. Based on this preliminary assessment, we focus our evaluation on
two quality dimensions: completeness, reflecting missing values, and currency,
reflecting outdated records.
We first evaluated impartial completeness for specific attributes (Table V)
for prospects and for nonprospects. The measurements exhibit high variabil-
ity among the attributes. For some attributes (e.g., Graduation-Year, School,
and Gender) the number of missing values is negligible and impartial com-
pleteness is almost 1. For others (e.g., Occupation, Business Address/Phone),
the number of missing values is much higher and the impartial completeness
is hence lower. For all attributes except for Graduation Year and School, the
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Table V. Impartial Quality Assessment
Prospects Non-Prospects Comparison
(11,445 Records) (346,927 Records) (ANOVA)
Missing Imp. Missing Imp. F-Val. P-Val.
Val. Score Val. Score
Attribute Completeness
Grad. Year 0 1.000 24 0.999 0.792 0.374
School 0 1.000 24 0.999 0.792 0.374
Gender 30 0.997 3,252 0.991 55 0.000
Marital Status 316 0.972 37,768 0.891 771 0.000
Ethnicity 3,837 0.665 141,039 0.594 233 0.000
Religion 2,776 0.757 138,598 0.601 1,146 0.000
Occupation 7,512 0.344 297,036 0.144 3,500 0.000
Income 1,251 0.891 130,687 0.623 3,438 0.000
Home Address 95 0.992 27,074 0.920 770 0.000
Business Address 1,469 0.872 180,341 0.480 6,924 0.000
Home Phone 2,035 0.822 150,840 0.565 3,016 0.000
Business Phone 2,059 0.820 219,946 0.366 9,960 0.000
Record Completeness
Absolute 9,624 0.159 326,950 0.058 2,010 0.000
(Records missing at
least one value)
Ranked 21,380 0.844 1,326,629 0.681 8,530 0.000
(Missing values in all
Record Currency
Absolute 2,512 0.781 172,774 0.502 3,473 0.000
(Records not audited in
the last 5 years)
Ranked 3.021 0.626 7.039 0.420 3,785 0.000
(Exp.-transformed avg.
record age)
scores for prospects are significantly higher than for nonprospects (confirmed
by ANOVA; P-values of ∼0). For Graduation Year and School, the difference
in the impartial measurements (which indicate near-perfect data) between the
two groups was insignificant (confirmed by ANOVA, P-value > 0.1).
We then evaluated a few quality measures at the record level (Table V).
First, we evaluated impartial completeness at the record level. The absolute
completeness (0.159) and ranked completeness (0.844) for prospects are a lot
higher (confirmed by ANOVA, P-values of ∼0) than the corresponding scores
(0.058 and 0.681, respectively) for nonprospects. Notably, the absolute com-
pleteness in both cases is very low, indicating that a large proportion of pro-
file records have missing values (∼84% for prospects, ∼94% for nonprospects).
Figure 2 shows the distribution of ranked completeness for prospects and
nonprospects. The ranked completeness is between 0 and 1, reflecting the
proportion of missing values in the 12 attributes evaluated. The average
ranked score is higher for prospects (0.844) than for nonprospects (0.681) and
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Fig. 2. Distribution of ranked completeness.
Fig. 3. Distribution of ranked currency.
the standard deviation is lower (0.119 versus 0.187) (confirmed by ANOVA,
P-value of ∼0).
We also evaluated impartial currency at the record level (Table V). Again,
all the comparisons between prospects and nonprospects discussed in what
follows are statistically significant (confirmed by ANOVA, P-values of ∼0).
The absolute and ranked scores for prospects (0.781 and 0.626, respectively)
are higher than for nonprospects (0.502 and 0.420, respectively). The ab-
solute scores suggest that a large number of profile records have not been au-
dited in the last 5years (22% of the prospect records, ∼50% of the nonprospect
records). Figure 3 shows the distribution of ranked currency: a [0, 1] measure
which applies the exponential transformation of the record’s age (Eq. (2)). The
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Table VI. Impartial Quality and Utility – Summary Statistics and Correlations
A-CM 0.16 0.37 0.57 -0.06 -0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01
R-CM 0.85 0.12 0.57 -0.05 -0.05 0.09 0.08 0.01
A-CR 0.78 0.41 -0.06 -0.05 0.79 0.01 -0.01 0.03
R-CR 0.63 0.32 -0.04 -0.05 0.79 0.05 0.03 0.05
REC 1.92 2.22 0.03 0.09 0.01 0.05 0.89 0.09
FRQ 1.36 1.76 0.02 0.08 -0.01 0.03 0.90 0.10
MON 1303 15,506 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.10
A-CM 0.06 0.23 0.42 -0.08 -0.08 0.10 0.11 0.05
R-CM 0.68 0.19 0.42 0.11 0.11 0.23 0.23 0.13
A-CR 0.50 0.50 -0.08 0.10 0.87 0.08 0.06 0.06
R-CR 0.42 0.35 -0.08 0.11 0.87 0.10 0.07 0.06
REC 0.45 1.32 0.10 0.23 0.08 0.10 0.90 0.52
FRQ 0.28 0.88 0.11 0.23 0.06 0.07 0.90 0.60
MON 6.68 38.1 0.05 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.52 0.60
Glossary: A/R: Absolute/Ranked, CM/CR: Completeness/Currency, REC: Recency, FRQ: Frequency,
MON: Monetary.All correlations are highly significant, P-Value =∼0.
average age of prospect profile records is 3.82 years, and the average currency
rank is 0.626 with a standard deviation of 0.321. The proportion of up-to-date
profiles (i.e., with a perfect rank of 1) is relatively high for prospects (∼29%),
and sharply declines as the ranked currency decreases. The average age of
nonprospects records is 7.04 years (greater than that of prospects by 85%).
The average currency rank for nonprospects is 0.420 (much lower than that
for prospects), with a standard deviation of 0.353 (slightly higher than that for
prospects). The score distribution for nonprospects (Figure 3) is flatter than
that for prospects. The proportion of up-to-date profiles (i.e., with a rank of 1)
is not as high (∼17%), and the curve declines as currency rank decreases, but
not as sharply or consistently as the curve for prospects.
Table VI shows the summary statistics for the four impartial measurements
and the correlations between them. Overall, the impartial quality of the pro-
files dataset is not perfect. Some attributes are missing a large number of val-
ues and many records have not been audited recently. The quality of prospect
profiles seems to be a lot higher than that of nonprospect profiles. However,
even for this small subset of the dataset (∼3% of the overall), the defect rates
are nontrivial. The two completeness measurements (absolute and ranked) are
highly and positively correlated, as are the two currency measurements. Con-
versely, the correlation between completeness and currency is lower. To assess
the impact of these defects on the utility that can be gained from the data, we
next assess utility-driven (contextual) currency and completeness.
4.4 Utility-Driven Assessments
Utility is assessed using recent gifts associated with each alumni profile. For
comparison, we consider three utility metrics per profile: Recency, Frequency,
and Monetary (based on RFM analysis, a marketing technique for assessing
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Fig. 4. Utility Distribution: (a) Recency, (b) Frequency, and (c) Monetary.
customers’ purchase power [Petrison et al. 1997]). We compute all three us-
ing the most recent 5 years of transactions in the Gifts dataset (2002 through
2006): (a) Recency determines how recent the donations associated with a pro-
file are. It is calculated using a 0–5 scale, 5 if the last gift was in 2006, 4 if
2005, down to 0 if there were no donations in these 5 years. (b) Frequency
counts the number of years (out of 5) a person has donated. (c) Monetary mea-
sures the average annual dollar donation over the last 5 years. For all methods,
the utility is 0 if a person made no donation in the last 5 years, and positive
The three utility metrics were calculated for each prospect and nonprospect
profile. The distributions of these assessments are shown in Figure 4. For
nonprospects, the proportion of profiles associated with 0 utility (i.e., no gifts
in the last 5 years) is very high (∼88%). For prospects, it is lower (∼54%), yet
certainly not negligible.
The summary of utility-driven and impartial quality measurements and the
correlations between them are shown in Table VI. The three utility assess-
ments are highly and positively correlated for nonprospects. For prospects,
recency and frequency assessments are highly correlated, but their correla-
tion with monetary assessments are lower, yet positive. For prospects, all
utility-driven assessments are poorly correlated with the corresponding im-
partial assessments. For nonprospects, the correlations are slightly higher,
with absolute completeness being most correlated.
We next computed utility-driven assessments using Recency (REC), Fre-
quency (FRQ), and Monetary (MON) scores as weights (Table VII). For
prospects, utility-driven assessments are only marginally different from im-
partial assessments (some higher, others lower). This may indicate a low de-
pendency between the number of defects and utility, which confirms the low
correlation between impartial quality and utility for prospects (in Table VI). A
notable exception is the bigger difference in record-currency scores (absolute
and ranked) for monetary (MON) utility. It appears to indicate that prospect
records tied to large donations are more likely to be kept up-to-date. Utility-
driven assessments for nonprospects are generally higher than their corre-
sponding impartial assessments. This can be attributed to the positive and
relatively high utility-quality correlations (in Table VI) for nonprospects.
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Table VII. Impartial versus Utility-Driven Quality Assessments
Prospects Non-Prospects
Attribute Completeness
Grad. Year 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999
School 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.999
Gender 0.997 0.997 0.997 0.999 0.991 0.998 0.998 0.996
Status 0.972 0.987 0.981 0.981 0.891 0.945 0.959 0.964
Ethnicity 0.665 0.641 0.631 0.514 0.594 0.658 0.640 0.627
Religion 0.757 0.757 0.753 0.774 0.601 0.705 0.716 0.709
Occupation 0.344 0.353 0.348 0.326 0.144 0.264 0.287 0.275
Income 0.891 0.906 0.911 0.837 0.623 0.867 0.912 0.909
Address 0.992 0.995 0.995 0.997 0.920 0.996 0.997 0.995
Address 0.872 0.906 0.908 0.925 0.480 0.749 0.783 0.811
Phone 0.822 0.885 0.890 0.873 0.565 0.829 0.840 0.837
Bus. Phone 0.820 0.858 0.869 0.816 0.366 0.674 0.708 0.735
Record Completeness
Absolute 0.159 0.170 0.168 0.179 0.058 0.127 0.138 0.125
missing at
least one
Ranked 0.844 0.856 0.856 0.853 0.681 0.807 0.820 0.821
values in
Record Currency
Absolute 0.781 0.783 0.774 0.920 0.502 0.623 0.596 0.657
(Records not
audited in the
last 5 years)
Ranked 0.626 0.645 0.638 0.820 0.420 0.522 0.495 0.540
avg. record
Some insights for managing the quality of nonprospects (∼97% of the
dataset) can be gained by examining the results more closely.
—Utility-driven completeness scores, both at the attribute and at the record
level, are relatively consistent along the three utility metrics. In the alumni
data analyzed, there is no gain in calculating completeness using three util-
ity metrics over measuring it along a single metric.
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—For attributes with very high impartial completeness (e.g., close to 1 in
School and Gender), utility-driven measurements are nearly identical to the
impartial ones. Some margin exists for Marital Status and Home Address,
but, since the impartial completeness is relatively high to begin with, this
margin is fairly small.
—For attributes with inherently low impartial quality (e.g., Ethnicity, Reli-
gion, Income, Occupation), we see variability in the margins between impar-
tial and utility-driven scores. The margins are relatively small for Ethnicity,
and slightly larger for Religion. They are much larger for Income, Occupa-
tion, Home Phone Number, and Business Address and Business Phone. This
implies that the latter attributes have a very different association with the
utility gained. The completeness of Income and Occupation differentiates
(along all utility measurements) profile records with relatively high utility
contribution and profile records with relatively low utility contribution. Con-
versely, completeness of Ethnicity and Religion do not differentiate the util-
ity contribution of profile records.
—Measuring completeness at the record level (versus measuring it for specific
attributes) has an averaging effect. Some margins exist between impartial
and utility-driven assessments, but they are not as high as the correspond-
ing margins for specific attributes.
—Utility driven currency assessments (absolute and ranked) are not very dif-
ferent from corresponding impartial assessments, when using recency and
frequency as weights. However, when using monetary, the utility-driven as-
sessments are substantially higher. This implies that the extent to which a
record is up-to-date is strongly associated with the amount donated. It sug-
gests that the current practice may be to frequently audit and update the
data on donors who have made large contributions or have the potential to
do so (the administrators of the alumni system have confirmed this assump-
tion). Notably, the variance of monetary utility is very large compared to
the average (in Table V). This indicates a very uneven distribution of gift
amounts among profile records; a small number of profiles are associated
with large gifts while a large number are associated with small or no gifts.
4.5 Discussion
Our evaluation demonstrated a successful application of the dual data quality
assessment methodology in the context of managing alumni data. The datasets
used allowed impartial assessments of the extent of missing values along dif-
ferent attributes and the extent to which profile records are not up-to-date.
They also permitted the allocation of utility measurements at the record level
and the use of these allocations as weights for assessing utility-driven quality.
We highlight some important insights from our evaluation.
(a) Association between Quality and Utility for Nonprospect Profiles: the
results indicate that profiles that are more up-to-date and have fewer miss-
ing attribute values are generally associated with higher utility. Accordingly,
utility-driven assessments are higher than impartial assessments. These re-
sults are not surprising. Based on discussions with the data administrators,
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this association between quality and utility can be explained as follows: first,
new profiles are typically imported from the student registration system,
which only provides a subset of the attributes required by the alumni sys-
tem (e.g., Income and Occupation are not yet available when a student gradu-
ates; Ethnicity and Religion are optional attributes, which are not collected for
each student). As a result, most profile records enter the system with missing
attributes, which negatively affects the ability to assess the potential contri-
bution of the donors associated with these profiles. Second, some profile at-
tributes are likely to change over time (e.g., Address, Phone Numbers, Income,
and Marital Status). Failure to keep profiles up-to-date might limit the ability
to contact the alumni, gather additional data, and assess contribution poten-
tial. Finally, data administrators and end-users tend to audit profiles and fill in
missing values (e.g., by contacting the person or running a phone survey) only
when a person makes a donation. As a result, if a person donated recently,
his/her profile data is likely to be up-to-date and have less missing values. On
the other hand, if a person has not donated for a few years in a row, the quality
of his/her profile data is likely to deteriorate.
(b) Higher Impartial Quality and Weaker Association between Quality and
Utility for Prospect Profiles: prospect profiles represent alumni who donate
larger amounts and more often; hence, they are associated with much higher
utility than nonprospect profiles. Not surprisingly, the occurrence of quality
defects in this subset is much lower. Typically, prospects are assigned with
contact persons (alumni-office employees), who maintain their data complete
and up-to-date. These efforts involve a thorough investigation of prospects’
donation potential, and often require the services of external agencies.
The weak association between quality and utility in prospect profiles ap-
pears counterintuitive. A possible explanation is that the quality of prospect
profile is inherently high. As a result, degradation of utility due to quality
defects is less significant and hence, harder to detect. Another explanation
offered by the administrators is that the gifting potential of prospects is not
determined using the alumni data alone. Prospect relations are managed by
dedicated staff members who use proprietary data resources (e.g., city asses-
sor’s database, registry of deeds, and data collected by investigative agencies),
besides alumni data. This supplemental data is collected and maintained sep-
arately, not as part of the alumni system.
(c) High Variability in Behavior of Attributes: the results show that presence
of quality defects and their adverse effect on utility differ between attributes.
The impact of defects on utility degradation was negligible for attributes that
are inherently of high quality. Even for some attributes that are low in quality,
the degradation was relatively small. However, for certain attributes, quality
defects degraded utility substantially. The aforesaid suggests that measuring
utility solely at the record level might provide a partial and possibly misleading
picture of the impact of quality defects. Measuring quality at the record level
averages the assessments at the attribute level. This masks and softens the
association between the quality of specific attributes and their utility.
During our study, we gathered that the key users of the alumni data un-
derstood and acknowledged the link between data quality and utility. This
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15: 24 · A. Even and G. Shankaranarayanan
is reflected to some extent in current data management policies. However, our
evaluation sheds light on a few issues that can guide the development of better
quality management policies for alumni data:
Differentiation. In general, data administrators should treat records and
attributes differently with respect to auditing, correcting quality defects,
and implementing procedures to prevent defects from recurring. They may
also consider recommending that users refrain from using certain subsets of
records or attributes for certain usages (decision tasks and applications). Our
results indicate high variability in utility contribution among profile records,
between prospects and nonprospects, and within each of these subsets. The
results also show that each attribute is associated with utility differently and
that the differences, in some cases, are large. With such extensive variations,
treating all records and attributes identically is unlikely to be cost effective.
Data quality management efforts and policies (e.g., prevention, auditing, cor-
rection, and usage) must be differentially applied to subsets of records in a
manner that is likely to provide the highest improvement in utility for the
investments made.
Attributing utility. Our results highlight the benefit of assessing and at-
tributing utility. Our metrics, namely, Recency, Frequency, and Monetary, re-
flect the impact of defects on utility and hence permit convenient utility-driven
assessment of data quality. Importantly, the manner in which utility was mea-
sured and attributed is specific to our evaluation context and cannot be gener-
alized. Other real-world datasets will require different utility assessment and
allocation methods. Even in our specific context, other utility assessments may
provide superior insights for data quality management and should be explored.
For example, utility measurement may consider not only past donations, but
also a prediction of the potential for future donations. This may be done, for
example, by using techniques that help assess Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
[Berger et al. 2006].
Improving completeness. The results indicate that analyzing the impact of
missing values at the record level alone is insufficient. It is necessary to ana-
lyze it at the attribute level as well. The impartial completeness is inherently
high for some attributes (e.g., School and Gender, with almost no missing val-
ues) and hence, the potential to gain utility by further improving the quality of
these attributes is negligible. Among attributes with lower impartial complete-
ness, some (e.g., Occupation, Income, Business Address, and Phone) exhibit a
strong association between missing values and utility contribution. Efforts to
improve such attributes should receive a high priority. Other attributes (e.g.,
Marital Status and Religion) are weakly associated with utility and yet others
(e.g., Ethnicity) exhibit almost no association. For the latter set of attributes,
one may question whether it is worthwhile investing in any quality improve-
ment effort at all. The data resource evaluated in this study contains many
(over a hundred) other profile attributes that were not evaluated. Evaluating
these attributes along the same lines will help manage the attribute configu-
ration in the dataset and prioritize associated quality improvement efforts.
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Improving currency. Utility was strongly linked to currency, as outdated
profiles are associated with lower donation amounts. This indicates a need
to audit profiles more often. Currently, approximately half the profiles have
not been audited in the last 5 years. The utility associated with each profile,
particularly the monetary measurement, can help prioritize efforts to audit
and update the profile. Another direction to explore is the ability to link do-
nation potential to the value of attributes such as Income and/or Occupation.
The value stored can help classify the data for setting up audit priorities, for
example, frequently audit and update profile records associated with high val-
ues for Income. Once an attribute is selected as a classifier, its quality should
be maintained at a high level. For example, if Income is a good predictor of
utility, it should be maintained up-to-date and complete (no missing values).
One may also consider refining the granularity of a classifier attribute; cur-
rently, Income has 3 values, “Low,” “Medium,” and “High,” which might limit
its predictive capability. Refining the classification (e.g., to 5 values instead)
can increase its predictive power. One could also consider adding a dedicated
time-stamp to track changes in this specific attribute (changes currently are
tracked at a record level only).
It must be noted that the preceding recommendations do not define a com-
prehensive solution for prioritizing quality improvement efforts and defining
policies for quality management in the alumni database, or even the Profiles
dataset. These only serve to demonstrate the methodology and its applica-
tion and provide a sense of the insights to be gained from such analyses. A
complete solution demands analyzing all relevant attributes, evaluating other
utility measurements, using statistical tools to estimate future benefits and
examining all different usages of this dataset.
In this study, we propose a novel methodology for the dual assessment of data
quality, and demonstrate its application using large data samples from a real-
world system for managing alumni relations. We show that this methodology
offers an in-depth analysis of the current state of data quality in this data re-
source and underscores possible directions for improving it. The methodology
adopts existing methods for impartial quality assessment. Impartial assess-
ment reflects the presence of defects in a dataset and we suggest that it pro-
vides an important input for estimating the cost of quality improvement. We
also suggest that impartial quality assessments can be complemented by con-
textual assessments, and that some important insights can be gained from an-
alyzing and comparing both. The methodology that we propose incorporates a
novel method for contextual assessment based on attributing utility to dataset
records. Such a contextual assessment reflects the impact of defects on the
usability of a dataset and emphasizes the potential additional benefits to be
gained by reducing the number of defects. The application of both assessments
and a comparative analysis of the two point out the strengths and weaknesses
of current data quality management practices in the alumni system. Further,
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15: 26 · A. Even and G. Shankaranarayanan
we show that such a dual assessment can help improve these practices and
develop economically efficient policies.
Our study has some scope limitations which should be addressed in future
research. It evaluates quality defects in a single tabular dataset, while data
management environments often include multiple datasets and use nontabu-
lar data structures. Further, datasets used in real-world business contexts are
often much larger, particularly in data warehouse environments, hence, detect-
ing defects and quantifying their impact can be challenging. In our study, we
addressed the size challenge by taking a considerably large data sample, which
permitted detecting quality defects and estimating their impact in a manner
that would be sufficient for our purposes. In general, for large datasets, we
do suggest adopting statistical sampling methods (such as those described in
Morey [1982]), for estimating the presence and the impact of defects.
The results emphasize the importance of assessing data utility. This is one
of the issues that we are currently examining and we intend to focus on this
issue in the next phase of this research. Our study shows that different ele-
ments (records and attributes) in a dataset may vary in their contribution to
utility. In certain cases, a small subset of these elements may account for a
large proportion of utility, while in other cases the utility is distributed more
evenly. In a follow-up study, we will demonstrate how modeling the distrib-
ution of utility and detecting inequalities in utility contribution can improve
quality management and prioritize improvement efforts.
Utility measurements used here—Recency, Frequency, Monetary—are
specific to CRM. Applying our methodology in other business domains (e.g.,
finance or healthcare) may require fundamentally different methods for
conceptualizing and measuring utility. Our research efforts are directed at
identifying metrics and methods for evaluating utility in large datasets. Since
utility is context sensitive, we are examining different contexts and attempting
to identify assessment techniques for assessing utility in each of these differ-
ent contexts. We hope that the analyses will yield insights on how to generalize
the evaluation of utility in data environments.
Further, the study evaluates utility for known usages. In many business set-
tings, it is important to consider potential usages and associated utility predic-
tions and develop quantitative tools to estimate them. In the alumni dataset,
proxies for utility that are based on future donations were not readily available
(the work for deriving such estimates is in progress). Developing estimates for
potential utility (i.e., predicting future utility) is important when evaluating
the quality of a new and unused data source, or enhancing an existing data
source with additional records and attributes.
In this study we were able to identify and use a proxy to measure utility,
the gifts, or donations received from donors. As shown in this article, this
utility measure proved a powerful differentiator of the records and attributes
in terms of utility contribution and allowed us to develop contextual assess-
ments of data quality. In other real-world datasets and/or in other evaluation
contexts, the identification of the right proxy for utility can be much more chal-
lenging. It is reasonable to assume that in many contexts, different proxies for
utility can be considered for the same dataset. This is particularly true when
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the dataset is used for multiple usages (applications) that are fundamentally
different. How would one choose the right utility proxy when a few are avail-
able? Our objective for the methodology described in this study is to assess
utility distribution in the dataset for better managing data quality. We would
hence suggest that the best proxy is the one that best differentiates the records
in that dataset, within the evaluated usage context. If different proxies exist,
one would have to determine how sensitive the following are to the choice of
the proxy for utility and its assessment: (a) the distribution of utility and the
differentiation of records based on utility, (b) assessments of contextual quality
along different quality dimensions using utility as weights, and (c) the differ-
ences between impartial and contextual assessments. If the sensitivity is low,
then the proxy that is most easily assessed should be used. A lot remains to
be done before we can define prescriptive guidelines for assessing utility and
estimating its distribution among records and attributes in large datasets.
Finally, our evaluation highlights causality in the relationships between
utility and quality. Common perceptions see quality as antecedent to util-
ity; reducing defect rate and improving quality level increases the usability
of data and hence, the utility gained. Our results suggest that in certain set-
tings a reverse causality may exist; frequent usage and high utility encourage
improvements in the quality of certain data elements, while the quality of el-
ements that are not frequently used (e.g., profile records of donors that have
not donated in a long period) is likely to degrade. This mutual dependency
may have positive implications (e.g., cost-effective data quality management,
as improvement efforts focus on data items that contribute higher utility) as
well as negative (e.g., usage stagnation, a failure to realize the utility potential
of less-frequently used items due to degradation in quality). We believe that it
is important to explore and understand such causalities as they may have key
implications for data quality management.
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Received November 2007; revised May 2009; accepted June 2009
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 15, Pub. date: December 2009.