molecular presentation

I have a molecular presentation to do. It has to be any publish paper include and molecular thing and no late than couple of years. 

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I need to show the Dr the paprer to proof it before work with it


This is what the Dr looking for in the presentation.

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You are expected to present a molecular biology course related topic using PowerPoint presentation.  You need to choose an updated peer-reviewed paper (published within two years).   There is no substitute for the presentation.  You can pick a topic that interests you or that is relevant to your current research, but you must run it by me first.  You are expected to understand the paper thoroughly and to be able to summarize (1) the rationale and the tested hypothesis, (2) crucial techniques used, (3) the important results and conclusions, (4) the possible future direction(s), and (5) your personal critiques.  The questions from your classmates will be followed right after your presentation, and there will be a peer evaluation process too.  I will provide more information as we get closer to the presentation.


Guidelines for Presentation

The presentation is worth 20 % of the total score.

a) 20 min for presentation –

You should learn how to control and use the time efficiently and properly.

You should have the following items prepared.

a. Title

b. Introduction (background and rationale—“why do they do those experiments?”)

c. Methods and Materials (only describe the essential ones— make it as concise as possible, but should be understandable)

d. Results (if there are many data that you cannot present all within the limited time, you should choose the critical data for the presentation)

e. Discussion (including the conclusion, the possible future direction, and your critiques)


b) After presentation, a period of five min time will be used for the question/answer section (about 2 questions).  Participation of this type of discussion is important and highly encouraged.

There will be a peer-evaluation form too.

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