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Seminar 3 Integrative Paper Directions

Integrative Paper #1: Development of Human Sexuality

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The goal of this paper is to examine factors that influence the development of human sexuality; including biological sex, gender identity and roles, sexual orientation, and the relationships between these terms.
Your paper will include the following sections.

Introduction: Identify the primary topics covered in the paper as well as introduce the application of the concepts to real life examples and observations. Include a brief overview and strong thesis statement for your overall paper.

Literature Review and Application: The main body of your paper will include a review of current research, theories, and models related to the topic using multiple scholarly sources. Based on the review of literature you will select items that relate to your field observations and media examples. Analyze the observations/examples you have found as they pertain to the research, theories, and terms used within human sexuality. Synthesize the pertinent research literature and consider how this information relates the specific topics outlined below.

Conclusion and Summary: Summarize main themes, key points, insights and conclusions resulting from your investigation of the topics for this paper. Tie in content covered throughout paper to your thesis statement included in the introduction.

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(It is recommended you use the bolded “Section” names above as your headings within your own paper to organize the content you present.)
Project Details & Requirements
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
1. Research topics associated with the content area above. Your text will be a great starting point for you and can be used as one of your sources. The text should not be the primary source used. Using the Baker Library as well as other credible, scholarly sources, you will research the factors, terms, theories, models, and approaches associated with the content above.
2. Conduct field observations, find media and experiential examples of cases that relate to the topics covered in the paper. Ensure you clearly note sources of observations so you can describe them and cite sources (media sources will be cited). Examples should be appropriate for a scholarly paper. If real life examples are used, the identity of the people in the example should not be clear to the reader. This includes the use of any personal examples. Examples need to be written in a neutral way, and you will not use the first person (I, me, my) in your writing for this paper.

Suggested field sites for observations: malls, sports bar/restaurants, workplace, college campus, community or church events, or any place where a significant number of people are gathered and interacting.

Films and other media can also provide good sources of case examples related to the topics.

3. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of APA 6th edition.

APA formatted paper with a Title Page, Body of Paper (with headings separating sections), and References

Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt double spaced

1 inch margins

Body of paper should be at least 3 pages

Separate each section with a descriptive heading

Minimum of 3 scholarly references required.

Citations and references will be in APA format. In text citations and end of assignment references must be used to clearly identify the sources of information both within the actual paper as well as in the final reference list



35 Integative Paper #1 – Development of Human Sexuality (80 points)






Significant content missing or has significant factual errors, misconceptions, or misinterpretations. Not enough source support for factual material.

Grading Criteria



Exceeds Expectations/ Superior Work

Meets Expectations/


Needs Work to Meet Full Expectations/ Fair

Not Addressed/

Very Incomplete

Points Earned


Body of Paper Length = 3+ pages



Exceeded minimum length with content to develop paper.


Met or slightly exceeded minimum length. Minor content may have been off topic.


Did not meet minimum length or some content may have been off topic.


Did not meet minimum length or significant length was not on topic.

Spelling, Grammar, & Organization


No errors in spelling or grammar. Well organized.


No or few significant errors in spelling or grammar. Quite well organized.


Multiple errors in spelling or grammar, and/or needs better organization.


Frequent errors in grammar/spelling or poor organization.

APA formatted paper: Title Page, Headings, Font = 12 pt Times New Roman, double spaced, 1 “ margins


All elements of paper formatted per APA and the specifications in the project directions.


Most elements of paper formatted per APA and the specifications in the project directions.


Some elements of paper formatted per APA and the specifications in the project directions.


Few elements of paper formatted per APA and the specifications in the project directions.

APA Citations & References


In text citations and references properly placed and formatted.


In text citations and references mostly formatted and placed correctly.


Lacks in text citations, improper placement. Lacks references. OR Needs improvement in overall formatting.


No references/citations or severe lack of citations. Not APA format. Lack of all citing/referencing can result in a 0 on assignment.

3+ References Used


More than 3 scholarly, credible resources used in addition to or in lieu of the text to develop content areas below.


3 scholarly resources used to develop content areas below. One of these sources is text.


3 sources used, but not all are clearly scholarly, credible resources.


Did not use 3 or more sources to complete assignment.


Introduction & Conclusion



Developed introduction (thesis statement & established paper topics). Conclusion wraps up paper & has evidence of critical thinking.


Good introduction that established most topics. Conclusion wraps up paper well.


Partially developed introduction and/or conclusion. Needed more detail and development.


Significant content missing or is missing an introduction or conclusion.

Examine factors leading to the development of human sexuality; including biological sex, gender identity and roles, sexual orientation, and the relationships between these terms.



Comprehensive examination of factors leading to development of human sexuality as indicated in directions. Fully supported with source information. Includes a review of information and student’s own discussion to demonstrate integration/application of concepts.


Examination of factors leading to development of human sexuality as indicated in directions. Has some support from sources and/or has some student discussion and examples to demonstrate comprehension and application of concepts.


Partial examination of factors leading to development of human sexuality as indicated in directions. Demonstrates partial understanding of concepts. May have basic response from sources to address each part, but no additional discussion. OR Has student discussion, but lacks sufficient source support.


Significant content missing or has significant factual errors, misconceptions, or misinterpretations. Not enough source support for factual material.

Review of current research, theories, and models related to the topics using multiple scholarly sources.



Full review of current research, psychological theories and models related to topics from multiple scholarly sources. Fully supported with source information.


Full review of current research, psychological theories and models related to topics from multiple scholarly sources. Has some support from sources.


Partial review of current research, psychological theories and models related to topics from multiple scholarly sources. Demonstrates partial understanding of concepts. May have basic response from sources to address area.


Significant content missing or has significant factual errors, misconceptions, or misinterpretations. Not enough source support for factual material.

Apply content to field observations and media examples. Analyze field observations and media examples as they pertain to the research, theories, and terms used within human sexuality.


Comprehensive application of content from literature to field and media examples. Fully supported with source information. Includes a review of information and student’s own discussion to demonstrate integration/application of concepts.


Application of content from literature to field and media examples Has some support from sources and/or has some student discussion and examples to demonstrate comprehension and application of concepts.


Partial application of content from literature to field and media examples. Demonstrates partial understanding of concepts. May have basic response from sources to address each part, but no additional discussion. OR Has student discussion, but lacks sufficient source support.

Total Points


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