Using the theory of evolution, discuss your understanding of this theory. How does natural selection explain the development of personality? What emotional responses and social behaviors are derived from natural selection? Develop a treatment te

This is a discussion question which has to be 200 to 250 words. The course is Personality Development which is in Psychology. I would prefer someone who is fimiliar with Psychology to help me with this discussion.

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· Using the theory of evolution, discuss your understanding of this theory. How does natural selection explain the development of personality? What emotional responses and social behaviors are derived from natural selection?

· Develop a treatment technique that you would apply with a client using the genetic and biological theories of personality development. How do you think this would help your clients achieve their treatment goals? After reviewing at least two students’ treatment techniques, how would you be able to implement this technique with your own clients?

· Combine the theory developed by Eysenck with the other theories related to genetic and biological aspects of personality development. What are the benefits of these theories?

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