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I want outline for my research paper ” cause
of tenagers abortion In U.S”

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Cause Effect Outline Template

Name: ____________________________________________________

I. Introduction – Thesis Statement

II. Background of Event/Situation – Important info your audience should know about

the event or situation you have been researching. Often this will be a explanation of

what happened (Who, what, where, when, etc). This should develop the context of

your research topic.
(Note: If you are doing only Causes, each following section will introduce a new cause. If you are doing only

Effects, each following section will introduce each new effect. If you are examining both Causes and Effects,

each Cause should be presented first, then each Effect.

III. First Cause / Effect

A. Explanation of the cause/effect

1. Specific Research Support (Say)

2. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

B. Additional Supporting Idea with explanation

1. Specific Research Support (Say)
2. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

IV. Second Cause / Effect

C. Explanation of the cause/effect

3. Specific Research Support (Say)

4. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

D. Additional Supporting Idea with explanation

3. Specific Research Support (Say)
4. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

V. Third Cause / Effect

E. Explanation of the cause/effect

5. Specific Research Support (Say)

6. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

F. Additional Supporting Idea with explanation

5. Specific Research Support (Say)
6. Your analysis of your research information (Mean, Matter)

ETC. Continue this process if you have more Causes or Effects

VI. Conclusion – Restate Thesis, Summarize Key Causes/Effects, Final comment

VII. Works Cited

VIII. Appendix

A. Survey Questions, Tabulation, Charts

** Source information:

Date: Wed Feb 8, 2012 12:23pm

Document type: Article

Title: “Teen pregnancy, abortion rates at record low, study says”

Authors: By James B. Kelleher, Editing by Cynthia Johnston

Source: “Teen pregnancy, abortion rates at record low, study says.” Feb 8, 2012



** Summary:

Since 1972 until 2008, the rate of pregnancy and abortion among teenagers in the United States decreased significantly, and the rate of contraceptive use increased. In 2008, which is the most recent year that the Guttmacher researchers looked at government statistics on teen-age sex, pregnancies, births and abortion. They found that nearly 750,000 U.S. women under the age of 20 became pregnant in 2008, nearly 98 percent of them between the ages of 15 and 19. In 2008 the rate of teen abortion had decreased since 1972. The researchers and analyzers think the percentage decreased because both male and female teens used contraception. The researchers found that teen who had pregnancies and abortions between the ages of 15to 17 may be affected long-term. This long-term affect could show as a decline in their sexual activity. However, Racial and ethnic disparities are still seen in the African American communities. They found that the abortion rate is still two to four times that of their white peers. In addition, in 2008 they found the birth rates for Hispanic and black teens were more than twice those of the counterpart, and the Hispanic teen abortion rate were twice as high as the rate of white peers and black teen abortion rate were four times higher than the rate of the Caucasian.

** Quotations:

1. The researcher said that the disparities between race affect the teens and make them abort a fetus:

But disparities among racial and ethnic groups continued to persist, with black and Hispanic teens experiencing pregnancy and abortion rates two to four times higher than their white peers, the Guttmacher Institute, the nonprofit sexual health research group that conducted the analysis, said.

2. The percentage of the teens pregnant decreased because teen are more alert, to the use of contraceptives “The teen abortion rate in 2008 dropped to the lowest rate seen since 1972 at 17.8 per 1,000 teen girls and women, the analysis found, and was down 59 percent from 1988 when the abortion rate peaked at 43.5 per 1,000 teen women. The Guttmacher researchers said the decline in teen birthrates was largely attributable to increased contraceptive use by teens of both genders.”

** Paraphrasing:

Original paragraph:

The Guttmacher researchers said the decline in teen birthrates was largely attributable to increased contraceptive use by teens of both genders. Among women aged 15 to 17, about a quarter of the long-term decline in pregnancies, births and abortions could be attributable to reduced sexual activity, the researchers said.

Paraphrased paragraph:

The researcher found that the rate of teen pregnancy decreased because of increase in using the contraceptive on both of male and female teens. In addition, researchers found that teen females who aged between 15-17, may be affect their sexual life on long term, if they faced pregnancy and abortion at a young age



This article talked about the pregnancy and abortion of teenagers, as well as, the percentage of the abortions since 1972 and how it decreased through 2008. It also addresses how race affects these statistics and the differences between the races such as African American, Hispanic…etc. The researchers found the main cause for the decline in abortion was teen awareness to contraception. I was really shocked at that rate of the abortion in 1972. It was nearly 98 percent teens between the ages of 15 and 19. In 2008, the rate decreased to 59 percent. A lot of teens use contraceptives today.

**Source information:

Date: May 27, 2009

Document type: Article

Title: “Why Teens Choose Abortion: How Parental Involvement, Abortion Access, Educational Aspirations Play a Role ”


Linda Lowen

Source: “Why Teens Choose Abortion: How Parental Involvement, Abortion Access, Educational Aspirations Play a Role ” May 27, 2009


Study shows that teens and share similar reasons as to why they abortion and some of the reasons include priorities, finance, preparedness and fear of unknown. Factors that influence choices especially for abortion in teens include parent, society, religion, peer, educational levels, educational levels, socioeconomic status and access to family planning facilities.

Parent’s involvement

There involvement influences the choices the teens make. The various states have different regulation on how to secure abortion. Parents need to know the sexual activeness of their teens in order to ease relations and decisions for the teen.

Education levels

Teens fear changes that come with having a baby especially the fear of negative impacts on their lives. There is fear of education interruption that has ramifications in other aspects in life such as poverty. Pregnant teens tend to compare their condition and that of others who have successfully aborted and succeeded in life and they may want to imitate them. Comparisons show that pregnant teens are disadvantaged since their education is affected since they do not get time to attend to school matters. According to study, only 2 percent of teen moms at age below 18 attain college degree by the age of 30.

Abortion providers

There is little access to abortion services in the U.S. A study by one federation shows that in 2005, about 87 percent of counties in the U.S. do not have abortion facilities. Study shows service seekers travel long distances for abortion services and the laws on parent notifications also limit access to services.

Cultural influence

Fear of discussing pregnancy is a deep-rooted topic and secretive to extend of being an obstacle to potential help to teens. Lack of communication could some times lead to contemplation of abortion due to helplessness. Unguided abortions could sometimes lead to severe consequences including death.

Fear of shame

Teens see abortion as a way of hiding their sexual activities and associated “shame”. Teens are sensitive to peer ridicule and this influences pregnant teens to consider abortion.

Media portrayal of Teen Pregnancy and Abortion

Over the years, the media has changed the old views of the topic with considerable influence toward living normal lives for the pregnant teens. Increased cases of teen pregnancies highlighted by the media have helped shade the taboo notion with many discussing it openly. The positive view of the topic has caused many pregnant teens to choose motherhood and with growing admiration for having babies, teen abortion may reduce to the minimal.


1. The Guttmacher Institute has given similar views about reasons for teen abortion. The institute quote reasons such as: “Not wanting their lives changed by the birth of a baby, not being able to afford a baby and not feeling mature or responsible enough to raise a child”

2. A study by

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

, suggest

“In 2005 87% of counties in the United States had no abortion provider. Estimates of women who obtained abortions in 2005 indicate that 25% traveled at least 50 miles, and 8% traveled more than 100 miles. Eight states were served by fewer than five abortion providers”.


Original paragraph:

According to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, in 2005 87% of counties in the United States had no abortion provider. Estimates of women who obtained abortions in 2005 indicate that 25% traveled at least 50 miles, and 8% traveled more than 100 miles. Eight states were served by fewer than five abortion providers. North Dakota has only one abortion provider.

Paraphrased paragraph

A 2005 study by Planned Parenthood Federation of America suggested that as many as 87 percent of U.S. counties did not have abortion services. Same study says that up to 25 percent of abortion seeker travelled a minimum of 50 miles to seek services while another 8 percent travelled at least 100 miles. North Dakota had one provider while there were fewer than five abortion providers in about eight states.


Teen abortion is still a controversial issue especially with objections by some mainstream religious groups that is ultimately enhancing the trend towards teen mothers. Although it is clear that teen motherhood is a potential distraction to the lives of the child, the stakeholders should try device ways to eliminate obstacles and enable them leave a normal live.

** Source information:

Date: Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2010

Document type: Article

Title: “New Data: Teen Pregnancy, Abortion on the Rise”

Authors: Belinda Luscombe

Source: “New Data: Teen Pregnancy, Abortion on the Rise” Jan. 26, 2010

<,8599,1956645,00.html >


Until 2006, the rates of teen pregnancies have been on the decline for more than a decade and half according to credible sources from Guttmacher and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. According to the reports, most of the pregnancies were among ages 18 and 19. These reports are a source of information for stakeholders in churches, schools and government. The rate of pregnancies has fluctuated over the years since the 1970s. The 1990s records the highest number of teen pregnancies.

Recent increases in teen pregnancies have been more in the minority segment although in the overall, it has been declining. Studies conducted in 2005 show that white teen pregnancy was at 4.4 percent as compared to 12 for black and non-white Hispanic although it was considerable decline for both. Guttmacher report breaks down pregnancy figure for ease of use for stakeholders. The institute champions many options associated with challenges of teen pregnancies besides abstinence.

Abortion trend shows that those more inclined to perform it are whites and Hispanic teenagers. For example, studies by Guttmacher in 1990 shows that about 43.9 percent of pregnant white teenager committed abortion while in 2006, about 29.3 percent terminated their pregnancies. In the same period, the Hispanics experienced 22.9 percent while black teens were 41 percent. Most teens surveyed by Guttmacher cited reasons for abortion as protection of self-esteem, influence from peer pressure, need to continue with education, societal pressure, and lack of guidance and fear of the unknown. The trends started in 2006 are yet to take its levels and stakeholders are keen to see if the trends are likely to continue or change.


1. The Guttmacher Institute is supportive of a broad based approach to teen pregnancy and abortion. Heather Boonstra who is a senior public policy associate at the New York City–based organization says that;

“”A strong body of research shows that these programs do not work,”

2. Guttmacher institute has studied trends among the various races and ethnic groups and in one of its report in says that;

“ in 1990, 43.9% of pregnant white teens terminated their pregnancies.” The report goes ahead to compare the numbers with the other ethnic composition. The report says, “Among Hispanics, the rate dropped from 28.1% to 22.9% in the same period. But among black teens, the rate has not moved much in 15 years — holding steady at about 41%.”

Original paragraph:

“When it comes to abortion, the trend line has been heading downward among whites and Hispanic teens. In 1990, 43.9% of pregnant white teens terminated their pregnancies, according to the Guttmacher report. In 2006, 29.3% did. Among Hispanics, the rate dropped from 28.1% to 22.9% in the same period. But among black teens, the rate has not moved much in 15 years — holding steady at about 41%.”

Paraphrased paragraph

Abortion trends show higher trends among whites and Hispanic teens as compared to black teens. A report by Guttmacher shows that almost half of the pregnant teens at 43.9 percent secured abortions as compared to 41 percent and 22.9 percent among the blacks and Hispanic teens.


The article is quite detailed concerning managing teen pregnancies as a way of approaching the topic. The broad based approach highlighted by the article focuses on the use of information to address issues of diversity. In addition, it looks at ways in which stakeholders can respond through education, information and new innovative methods.

Source Information for Article on the Religious Perspectives of Abortion

Date: January 16, 2013

Document type: Article

Title: Religious Groups’ Official Positions on Abortion

Authors: Pew ResearchCenter



The article, “Religious Group’s Official Positions on Abortion” focuses on the identification of the religious positions of various churches on the controversial issue of abortion. The religious groups covered in the article include U.S.A’s Baptist churches, Buddhism, Catholicism, and Latter-day Saints’ Church of Christ, Episcopal Church, Hinduism, American Evangelical Lutheran Church, Islam, Judaism, United Methodist Church, United Church of Christ, Southern Baptist Convention, National Council of Churches, and Presbyterian Church (U.S.A).

The American Baptist Churches does not condemn abortion but oppose the application of abortion as a way of birth control. Buddhism does not have an official position regarding abortion, but many of them are in support of the argument that the life of an individual begins right at conception. They also believe that it is morally wrong for one to kill. Catholicism, in their stand, opposes any form of abortion. The Latter-day Saints’ Church of Christ opposes abortion but permits the practicing of abortion in special circumstances such as when the life of the mother is in danger. Episcopal Church on their part accepts the right for a woman to undertake abortion only in cases such as the occurrence of fetal abnormalities, cases involving risks to the health of the mother, incest or rape.

In Hinduism, abortion is highly condemned unless the mother’s life is in danger. In the case of American Evangelical Lutheran Church, abortion before fetus viability is acceptable while abortion after fetus viability is condemned. The Islam religion, on their part accepts abortion done within four months after conception. However, the abortion done after four months from the time of conception is condemned. The Jewish religion teaches for the sanctioning abortion as a way in which the life of the mother is safeguarded. In general, the article shows that though there might be special considerations among the different religious groups, abortion is generally condemned by religious groups.


1. “elective abortion for personal or social convenience is contrary to the will and the commandments of God” (Pew ResearchCenter, par. 4). From the quotation, it is clear that the abortion that is done based on either social convenience or personal convenience, according to the teachings of the God’s commandments, is not accepted.

2. “abortion prior to viability [of a fetus] should not be prohibited by law or by lack of public funding” (Pew ResearchCenter, par. 6)

This statement of the quotation supports abortion that is carried out before the fetus becomes viable. It thus does not accept any opposition from law.


Original Paragraph

In accordance with its widely publicized anti-abortion teachings, the Catholic Church opposes abortion in all circumstances and often leads the national debate on abortion.

Paraphrased Paragraph

Based on Catholic Church’s teachings on anti-abortion, Catholic Church condemns abortion undertaken under all circumstances.

Response: Based on the general views of the various religious groups, abortion is generally non-permissible. However, there are circumstances in which it is permissible such as the time when the mother’s life is in danger. I also support this argument because abortion done to save the life of a mother is ethically permissible.

Source information for the article that accepts that Abortion is Murder

Date: 1997

Document type: Article

Title: Human Personhood Begins at Conception




In the article, the author has highlighted the arguments that the supporters of abortion employ in trying to show that abortion is not murder. These are the main arguments that are employed to argue and support that the unborn child cannot be considered to be a person. The author then goes ahead to support why such arguments are not true arguments. In the article, the author argues that both the Christians and the non-Christians take different sides regarding abortion. He mentions that there is no clear cut on the issue of abortion because abortion is a very controversial issue. These arguments about abortion, according to the author, are all about the determination on whether or not the life of an individual begins right after conception or not.

According to the pro-abortionists, abortion is not murder because they do not accept that life starts right when conception takes place, an argument that is strongly opposed by the author, who believes that life starts immediately after conception. The article presents seven arguments that are employed to support that abortion is murder.


1. “peace on earth, good will toward men” (KREEFT, par.4). The quotation above is used to imply that abortion is evil and that abortion is murder. This is based on the biblical argument that human beings are created in God’s image and that all human beings are sacred. The above quotation thus calls for the abolition of abortion as it denies the right to live.

2. “Thou shalt not kill” (KREEFT, par.19). This is one of the commandments of God. This quotation seeks to explain that the killing of human beings, deliberately, is an act that is forbidden. Since abortion is a deliberate killing undertaking, it is thus equated to murder thus should not be practiced.


Original paragraph

There are no “potential persons” any more than there are potential apes. All persons are actual, as all apes are actual. Actual apes are potential swimmers, and actual persons are potential philosophers. The being is actual, the functioning is potential. The objection confuses “a potential person” with “a potentially functioning person”-Functionalism again.

Paraphrased paragraph

Just as there are no potential apes, thus are no potential persons. Both the apes and the persons are all actual. Actual apes are considered to be potential swimmers and on the other hand, actual persons are equated to actual philosophers. In both cases, beings are considered to be actual while the functioning of these beings is considered to be potential. The whole controversy in the issue is based on the confusion that exists between functionally functioning persons and potential persons.


Abortion is a very controversial subject. However, I believe that abortion is murder because it ii denies the fetus the life, that according to the bible, begins right after conception.

Works cited

Pew ResearchCenter. Religious Groups’ Official Positions on Abortion. January 16, 2013. November 14, 2013. Retrieved from:

KREEFT, PETER. Human Personhood Begins at Conception. 1997. November 14, 2013. Retrieved from:

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