125 Word Essay on the Cultural Custom (Dance) for Spain and Mexico

Select two countries where Spanish is the predominant language.  (Spain and Mexico

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Research the cultural custom of dance

of these two countries.


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Write an 125 word paper on the cultural customs in your selected countries.  In this can the cultural custom I selected was dance and it is for the countries of Spain and Mexico.


Include the following:


  • Illustrate any similarities and differences in the cultures of each country
  • Find examples of at least two words or phrases that are used differently in each culture.  Provide a brief explanation of the words or phrases and how they are used in each country.

This assignment is due on Saturday (March 16, 2013).


Please, if you have any questions are if you are not able to do it, send me a message.


Of course, this paper is to be written in English…


Thank you.

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