it is about stage structured model

My Question is By Using Excel program

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Table summarizing vital rate data on cougars. The survival estimates are annual rates. The sex ratio at birth is 1:1 and the proportion of females  producing young in any year was 0.55 (0.45 females have dependent young and do not reproduce ).

stage name



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Kittens Female

Female survival rate

Male survival rate













a-  Construct a deterministic stage  structured  model  and model both males and females. You can use a matrix approach or write the equations directly ; however , make sure you label your parameters , table entries and column headings clearly. Simulate the population for 30 years .

B-  Begin with population vector of 5 kittens and 5 juveniles and 5 adults . What is the stable age distribution for each sex and Lambda  for this population ?

C- is the population declining , stable , increasing ( Please show graphically)

D- Given the modeling results

Does it make sense to allow harvest of this population ?

What age ,sex, or combination would you allow to be harvested?

What parameters would you change to model the harvest?

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