project plan: project manage.

Scope: You are in the maintenance office of a medium sized repair facility. The senior manager has asked you to come up with a project plan and budget to move your 51-person maintenance facility from hangar 12 to the new and larger hangar 18. Use this

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initial scope statement

with deliverables to complete this assignment.

Phase1 -Team Project SkyWrench Maintenance Hanger Relocation

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Scope: You are in the maintenance office of a medium sized repair facility. The senior

manager has tasked you to come up with a project plan and budget to move your 51-

person maintenance facility from hanger 12 to a new larger hanger 18. These are your


1. Cannot interrupt normal business operations, M-F 8am to 5pm.
2. Cannot consume more than 10% of anyone’s time.
3. Inventory; 25 file cabinets, 3 data servers, 10 employees cubical with desks, 2

conference rooms of furniture, satellite uplink equipment, 400,000 parts inventory

and shelving, 1 heavy crane, 4 forklifts, 90 pieces of stationary equipment that can

be moved with a forklift, and 60 pieces of wheeled equipment.

4. The new office will need phone, new network and premise/physical security.
5. The old office network equipment will stay.
6. You have a $100,000 target budget
7. You have a 10 day window from the time the new building is complete to the time

you must be out of the old building.

Develop the required documents;

1. Scope Statement
2. Project Charter
3. Project Plan

a. Risk Statement
b. Budget Proposal

NOTE: If you need help/guidance, ask your senior manager Bart (Instructor).

Key success factor: communicating your message to the senior manager.

Time required; approximately 3-4 hours


1. Determine your first steps.
2. Create requirement documents
3. Explain why you chose the first steps, in your status report due next week.
4. Determine what is known and what is unknown about the project. Explain why

this might be important to the project.

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