Case Study Lincoln Electric: The Lincoln System
Topic: Productivity and Competition
Due Friday, November 15, in class (Bring a physical copy)
Step 1: Watch 2 videos. The first part is 9:33 and the second is 5:48.
Step 2: Answer the questions below in a Word document. You may discuss together, but your work should be your own or will earn a zero.
(1) What makes this company unique? (HINT: Not the product)
(2) What is the three part Lincoln System? (HINT: How are layoffs prevented? What motivates workers?)
(3) How does self-interest figure in to the Lincoln System?
(4) How is the company able to increase productivity?
(5) Describe competition within the company and competition outside the company. (HINT: On the last point, think about international competition)
Company Website: