Sales Contracts

Write a short essay, between 400 and 500 words, responding to the discussion question below. You are expected to utilize the textbook and outside resources to provide accurate and substantive answers to the question. Also, be sure to make use of illustrating examples where appropriate.

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On September 1, Jennings, a used-car dealer, wrote a letter to Wheeler in which he stated, “I have a 1955 Thunderbird convertible in mint condition that I will sell you for $13,500 at any time before October 9. [Signed] Peter Jennings.” By September 15, having heard nothing from Wheeler, Jennings sold the Thunderbird to another party. On September 29, Wheeler accepted Jennings’s offer and tendered $13,500. When Jennings told Wheeler he had sold the car to another party, Wheeler claimed Jennings had breached their contract. Is Jennings in breach? Explain.

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