English essay 4 pages MLA form

  write a brief essay about my neighborhood and how it is similar to a story called The barrio by Robert Ramirez 

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4 pages due today 9:55 pm Los Angeles time i will attach a  previous work i did so you can take information about my neighborhood  please  be on time and make it college level including the work cited. 


Motaz Ajeeb

Anna Tripp

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My neighborhood

I grew up in a great place and my parent moved there when I was one year old. That is the place I have called home from the time I was one year old till now when I am twenty years old. The area of residence is called AlMuhammadiyah in the city of Jeddah in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is kind of a suburb because it is located far from the city and near the airport. AlMuhammadiyah is a very safe place to live in. One can walk at the wee hours of the night safely and if someone asks you for a ride home, you will gladly ride them home without any fear. There is a lot of interaction between the members who live in the area. This is because as I walk through the streets I know almost everyone and almost everyone knows me. In my culture neighbors are very important and therefore we take an initiative to visit one another as often as possible. In Arabic culture we are tasked to take care of the older citizens. Respect is of uttermost importance to everyone in the society whether young or old, male or female. During the times when people go to the mosque to worship, the youth who are left behind are not supposed to do anything wrong or mischievous as it will be a sign of disrespect.

There are some aspects of my neighborhood that are quite similar to the book written by Robert Rodriguez called “the Barrio”. The Barrio was located far from the city. (Rodriguez 390) notes that the cities are colder and less oriented. This is a true depiction of the city life and my neighborhood life. The city life is industrious and has a lot to offer but cannot be compared to the life in AlMuhammadiyah. In my neighborhood, there is relatively a lot of peace, warmth, security and interaction that is similar to the Barrio unlike the cities. Rodriguez (392) feels that the cities are meant to be workplaces only and I can relate that to my life. In Los Angeles, there is often less interaction. Neighbors often do not take interest in each other and visit each other on very rare occasions. Respect is hard to come by as everyone is busy minding their businesses and nobody cares about you. This condition cannot make Los Angeles a suitable place to live in as a neighborhood compared to my neighborhood. Life in AlMuhammadiyah is simpler and easier in my neighborhood compared to the city. This is because people are closer to you and you feel more accepted. The city has more amenities than the Barrio. Rodriguez says that he misses the Barrio even though the living conditions were not comparable to that of the city. He notes that the Barrio had poor drainage and roads but this did not make him not miss the Barrio. He further says that, “It is a home but it is more than this.”(Rodriguez 391). I also have similar feelings as I miss my neighborhood. The amenities in AlMuhammadiyah cannot be compared to those in the city but still my heart falls for my neighborhood. As the old adage goes east or west home is best.


Rodriguez, Robert. The Barrio. Pearson 2009:390 print

Rodriguez, Robert. The Barrio. Pearson 2009:391 print

Rodriguez, Robert. The Barrio.Pearson 2009:392print

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