History Post War study Guide – Terms / Definitions, etc – Need in approx 2-3 days MAX!!!

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US History Exam II-Cold War and Post-Cold War


What is NATO? Warsaw Pact?

“Iron Curtain”

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Domino Theory

Containment Policy

*Know Methods

“New World Order”

“Axis of Evil”




Harry Truman

George Kennen

Dwight Eisenhower

Ngo Dinh Diem

Ho Chi Minh

John F Kennedy

Nikita Kruschev

Lyndon Johnson

Richard Nixon

Jimmy Carter

Ronald Reagan

George Bush (Both)

Barak Obama



Causes of Cold War tension

Marshall Plan

Truman Doctrine

Korean War causes/effects

Bay of Pigs

Methods for fighting in Vietnam

Reasons for failure in Vietnam

Cuban Missile Crisis

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Tet Offensive

Tonkin Gulf Incident

Iran-Contra Affair

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan response

Persian Gulf War, Somalia, and Panama as examples of “New World Order”


Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan


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