discuss and summarize the definitions and challenges of EDB

In an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, discuss and summarize the definitions and challenges of EDB. Include the following three sections: 1.Create a special education (SPED) team for this course. Include at least one special educator, one regular educator, a parent, and an administrator. What are their areas of expertise? What will they contribute to the team? 2.What are the issues you and your team have with regard to diagnostic concerns relating to definitions of emotional disabilities and challenges of providing services to students with EDB? What changes would you make to resolve these issues? How could the definitions be more distinct? Use the reading assignments as a resource to support your answers. 3.Compare and contrast the reading assignments for this module with the above discussions and summarize the difficulty of categorizing the definitions for, and the challenges of, working with students with EBD.

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