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For better Or ls「 Orse,drugs— ranging士 rom legal drugs such as vlta1nins,cold-rehef

medicine,and the nicotine in cigarettes to i11egal drugs such as Inar玎 uana and

methamphehmines— are common in cOntemporary∞ oety.B∝ ause patter“ of
drug use or avOidance are Often estabhshed in co11ege,⒒ is a good idea to learn lvhat

yOu can do now,before negati、 ℃pa伉erns of use,and in some cases,查 buse,take hold.

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Despite the clear evidence of its dangers,smoll【 j1ng remains a signi丘 cant health

problem,Smoking causes lung damage and increases the risks of deve1oping can-

ce巧 emph,/sema,and a ho哎 Of other diseases,

、Vhy dO people smoke,lvhen the Ⅳidencc is so clear abOutits risks?They start

tO smoke for a ψarieb/ofreasons,smokng峦 sometimes说 ewed as a knd ofir1itia-

tiOn into adulthood,。 sign of grOwing up,In other oases,teenagers see smOking as


a、严iew prOmoted by m()、 ries and tele飞 厂ision.

The prOblem is that,nO1natter lvhat reason persuades a person to try out a

few cigare仗 es,smo]l(j1ng can q“ ckly become a habit,because a m(a∷jor hgre山 ent of

tobaccO-ˉ nicOtine~is an addict⒒e drug.An addict⒒ e drug produCes a biological

or psychOl。 gical dependence.The absence ofthe drug leads to a craving for itthat

may be nearly irresistibk.

SmOking is one ofthe hardest addicu。 ns to break.AnlOng the suggestions for

quitting are the fo11o、


) RemaiⅡ smoke-free one day at a dme。 Don’tthink欲 )Out notsmokingtOmOr-

roV叽 or neXtlveek,Or fOr the rest ofl,「 〈[)ur hfe.Instead,think ofnots1noking for

the rest ofthe d、~You can飞vOrry abouttomorrow.,.tomorro马

> 、△su缸Ⅱze the consequences of smokng。 、△suahze blacltened,rotting lungs

丘Ⅱed with smoke.Then think aboutthe fresh,pink lungsthat you’ ll have after

you、e stopped smoking.

>Exerose。 The allΨ urpOse antⅡ ote,exerose,wⅢ make阝 Ⅺ feel better phys⒈

cally and take your mind offsmo虹 ng.

> Use nicotine patches or nicotine gum。

The Patch” and nicotine gun1can

provⅡe enOugh nkotineto sat心 fy your craving for the drug,while permitting

you to stop smohn⒏ Phy⒍oa“ can dso sometim∞ pre∞r山e drugs th扯 help
reduce the craving for nicotine,

>h忒 d peopIe when they’resmokng.It℃ nearly impossible tO弼 oid tlle Llrge
to smOke bThen others are lighting up.Ifγ ⒑uie trying to quit,stay alvay from

people whO are smOking.

>Enlist the sOoaIsupport offamⅡy and friends。 Te11others that you’ re tr”ng

to quit,and accept their encouragement and praise。

> Reward yo【 1rsd巴 Every few daγ 丐,give yourself sO1ne kind of ronforce1nent for

spending a periOd Ofthne smoke-free.Go tO a rnovie;buy a CD,Think about

howyoucanaffordthesemoreea⒍ l,/⒍ nce卩u aren1buyhgc圪 arettes盯Vmore·

) Ioin a quit-smokng program。 ⅣΙany coⅡ ege heakh services hOld periOdic

programs to help students lvho lvant to stOp smOking,By enro11ing in one,

yOu’ llreceive the support ofothers whO are in the same bOat as you are,

> Keep tryIng。 Ifafter quitung y° u start smoking again,just consider that lapse

as part Jthe process of quitthg.Mal△ y people q匝t several times be幻 re they

manage to quitfor good.

CHAPTER FOURTEEN Stress,HeoⅡ h,and We|lness 咖 ·mhhe,c。m/p°we1

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-Jns KBuΙ lI1oIIoaIB sI sasndu⒓ oθ 8aΠ oD uO PunoJ θq Ol玉







Co11ege Drinking Experiences
Examine your oⅥ

`n fee”ngs about alCohol use by ansvvering these questions,

1,VVhy do you think people use alcohol?

2,VVhat do you think the minimum age to lega”y drink alCohol should be,and why?

3. Do you knoⅥ
`people who drink onIy to get drunk?

Have you ever suspected any ofyourfriends or acquaintances of being alcoho”Cs?

VVhy?Did you d0anything aboutit?

E仟orts to alter one’ s states of ConsCiousness through the use of alcohoI or other drugs

are found in alrnost every culture.Why do y0u think this is the Case?

responsibilⅡ es thε It dru莎 prc’vⅡeis1ikely to make it even harder to l狄 er de狃

those responsibⅡ ities— wThich are止 going to gO away.

Not all illeg破 drugs are the sarne,and they produce widel,r varying effects and

consequenCes(see Tab1e14.2on page386),Butthey a11share a commOn resuk∶

reduction in awareness of and engagement、 vith byhatis happening around you。

People oRen fa11into drug use w⒒ hOut rnuch thought.But doing so is still a

chOice。 Preaching and slOgans are not going to help you to In蔽 a sensible decisiOn.

YoLl need to employ every αⅡ∞lthinkng sl【 i11you can to determhe exacdy what

卩 u诫血一and dOrt诫sh_t。 introduce into your bod≯
Gi⒕ somethOughtto why

escape is attract⒒e and consider seel(ing counsehng instead。 Allo马v yourse1fto cOn-

sⅡer tl△e lon陟 md short4erm effec“ ofdrug use_both the physical effec“ as well

as the pOtential eJf∶J{it::cts on your own aspirauons and dreams.Think abOut the legal

consequenCes of drug use∶ A drug convictiOn Can lead to expulsion fron1co11ege

and refusal by Inany employers to hire yOu.Furthermore,random drug tests are

increasingl,ra urt of corpor扯 e li炙 ,and your曲 Ⅱity to qudify for and keep a jOb

may be placed at risk ifyou use drugs_even only occasonal艹

Drugs that produce addicuon,such as cocaine and her0in,present a further

set of problems.The lives Of peOple with drug addictions become centered on the

drug,They enter into a pattern of akernating highs-ˉ lvhen on the drug一 and lo、

During their lows,much of their thinkng is centered On obtaining the drug and

looking forlvard to their next high.

Drug addictiOn and abuse is nOt cOn丘 ned to i11egal drugs,An increasing nuIn-

ber of people use over-the-counter drugs for the high they produce,For example,

cold and cough medkatons containing dextromethorphan(DXMl are amongthe


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CHAPTER FOURTEEN stress,HeaⅡ h,and Wellness

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